Liu Yong, the former deputy secretary -general of the People's Government of Huangshan City, was expelled from the party and the public office because of the huge amount of bribes and a huge amount.

According to the WeChat public account of Anhui Discipline Inspection and Supervision, a few days ago, with the approval of the Anhui Provincial Supervision Committee and the Huangshan Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Huangshan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Huangshan Municipal Supervision Committee conducted discipline review on the issue of the former deputy secretary -general of the Huangshan Municipal People's Government Liu Yong.And supervision investigation.

After investigation, Liu Yong violated political discipline, sang confession with others, confronts organizational censorship; violated the spirit and integrity discipline of the eight central regulations, engaged in profit -making activities in violation of relevant regulations, obtained large returns in violation of regulations, received gifts and gifts for management service objects, acceptance of acceptance, accepting acceptance, acceptanceTourism arranged by management service objects; violating organizational discipline, concealing non -personal matters, when organizing talks, it is better to explain the problem in realizing the organization; use the convenience of the position to seek benefits for others, illegally accept others' property illegally, and the amount is special with a special amount.Great, suspected of bribery crimes.

The survey also pointed out that Liu Yong was a leading cadre of party members, and his ideals and beliefs were lost, the mission of departing from his original intention, the awareness of the law and discipline was weak, the ideological decline, the economy was greedy., Do not stop, bad nature, serious plot.In accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China, the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, etc., was studied and reported to the Standing Committee of the Huangshan Municipal Committee of the CPC Huangshan Municipal Party Committee for approval by the Standing Committee of the CPC Discipline Inspection Commission.Settlement; collection of disciplinary illegal income; transfer of suspected criminal issues to the procuratorate to review and prosecute in accordance with the law.