Byte belmonary founder and global CEO Zhang Yiming's archives in California, USA on March 4.(Reuters) The founder and CEO Zhang Yiming issued an internal letter on August 3, saying that he did not agree with the decision to sell Tiktok's North American business, but the final solution has not yet been determined.

According to the First Financial Report, Zhang Yiming wrote in the internal letter: We do not agree (the sale of Tiktok North American business) decision, because we have always adhered to the security of user data security, platform neutrality and transparency.But considering the current environment, we must face the decision of CFIUS (US Foreign Investment Commission) and the administrative order of the US President, and at the same time do not give up to explore any possibilities.

The letter wrote that we tried preliminary discussions with a technology company on cooperation plans to form a plan to ensure that TIKTOK continued to serve American users.

Analysis in the First Financial Text, the so -called technology company probably refers to the US Microsoft, and Microsoft posted a news on the official website on August 2 that it would restart the discussion of the acquisition of Tiktok's North American business, saying that the acquisition of TIKTOK North America business matters and byte beating related negotiations were the most most related to the most negotiated negotiations.The party was completed on September 15.During this time, Microsoft will continue to talk to all parties including the US government and Trump.

Zhang Yiming said in the internal letter that in the past year, we have been actively cooperating with CFIUS to investigate our acquisition of the project at the end of 2017.Although we have repeatedly emphasized that we are a private enterprise and are willing to adopt more technical solutions to eliminate concerns, CFIUS still determines that byte beating must sell Tiktok's US business.

Byte -by -to -line 2017 completed the acquisition of the overseas music short video platform The total transaction price was nearly 1 billion US dollars (S $ 1.376 billion). Then the byte beating its music short video community Douyin and Musical.lyFor mergers, the two parties will maintain brand independence, but cooperate in various aspects such as technology and products.

Zhang Yiming said that the company has encountered many challenges in the past few months.Under the current circumstances, Tiktok's US business is facing the possibility of being forced to be sold by CFIUS, or Tiktok products are banned in the United States for administrative orders.

The internal letter wrote: The current geopolitical and public opinion environment is becoming more and more complicated. We have a lot of external pressure faced in some markets. The teams participating in the response have been rotating day and night in the past few weeks, working overtime, and striving for the best results.

Zhang Yiming said that the byte beating has not fully decided the final solution, and the outside world's attention and rumors of Tiktok may last for a while.However, he is full of confidence in Tiktok's future and believes that the company can win more trust.Byte beating to be a trusted global company has never changed. British Media: Tiktok will establish headquarters in London

British media reported that Tiktok's holder byte beating companies will establish Tiktok headquarters in London.

According to the British Sun, the founder of byte beating is about to announce the establishment of an office in London in the near future.The British government has approved the investment of byte beating.The transaction may move the founder Zhang Yiming and the head of Tiktok product Zhu Jun to London.

It is reported that British Prime Minister Johnson may have a dispute with US President Trump because of allowing byte beating.

U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo revealed on the 2nd that Trump will soon take action to Chinese software companies that provide data directly to the Chinese government and bring risks to US national security.

Microsoft announced on Sunday that it will continue to negotiate on the acquisition of TIKTOK and say it is planned to complete the negotiations by September 15.