The Chinese Ministry of Justice issued a notice on demanding special cleanup on the day before yesterday (18th), criticizing Bao Yuming, an independent non -executive director who was involved in the sexual assault women's case before the ZTE case, concealed the identity of U.S. nationality in the company and concealed the image and reputation of the lawyer team.Essence

The China Legal Daily Journalist Jiangsu Reporter Station reposted the notice from the Ministry of Justice of China at WeChat yesterday, asking the judicial administrative organs at all levels to conduct a special cleanup of the behavior of the full -time lawyers and their acts that they still practice after losing their Chinese nationality. In September this year,Completed the special cleanup work before the 25th.

The Chinese Ministry of Justice said: Some lawyers do business -oriented enterprises and serve as corporate managers. They do not use their main energy for lawyers' service business; some lawyers still practice after losing their Chinese nationality.

The notice then mentioned that Bao Yuming, who served as a lawyer at the Beijing Ted Law Firm, has worked in an enterprise for a long time. After obtaining the US nationality in 2006, he was still practicing as a full -time lawyer. After the media report, he had a bad social impact.

Bao Yuming was revealed by the Chinese media for four years, and he was qualified for lawyers between China and the United States.

Chinese colleges and universities and scientific research institutions who engage in legal education and research work, and meet the requirements of the relevant regulations of the Chinese Lawyers Law, can apply for part -time lawyers to practice with the consent of the unit where they are located.

China does not recognize dual nationality.The legal worker Ji Yanhong wrote in the Beijing News in April that the relevant laws also clearly stipulate that only the citizens of the People's Republic of China can practice as a Chinese lawyer.