Under strict investigation, another Qigong master fell into the altar.

In response to the 54 -day diet of men's diet, Tieli officially released information showing that on July 17, Tieli City Prosecutors approved the arrest of the suspect Liu Shanglin on the crime of suspected of using superstition to cause death.In addition, 16 responsible persons including Chen Moufa, director of Tieli Civil Affairs Bureau, were held accountable.

The pictures of this article are from Zhongqing Comment on WeChat public account

According to previous relevant reports, Liu Shanglin, the qigong master of the Sun Moon Gorge of Tieli City (referred to as Kangyang), suggested that 70 days of diet can cure the disease of the 26 -year -old man, Li Mou, but Li Mou was diet.Died 54 days later.

Since then, a series of follow -up reports of the media found that Liu Shanglin still has many pseudo -science behaviors, such as inventing stopping food therapy, implanting hand action in yoga and fitness.EssencePeople were surprised to find that from the launch of qigong class in the 1980s and 1990s, to the transformation professor in recent years, Liu Shanglin flickered the method of flickering and impact.

From this, we have to notice the accidental nature of his falling altar: if there is no young man's news about the death of the diet at the elderly recreational center, will Liu Shanglin's business map be revealed?Will his pseudo -scientific sciences in healthy coats continue to attract more students?In other words, why did Master Liu Shanglin be dealt with by law until this day?

I have to admit that the reason why Liu Shanglin can succeed is indeed good at drilling camps.For example, he clarifies the trend of the times and knows how to iterate: when the qigong is popular, he turns from the staff of the forestry bureau to the qigong master; after the qigong class is banned, he picked up the teeth of each family and pieced together into his own own.Theory continues to teach people to stop eating, meditating and chanting in the name of forest yoga.

At the same time, he also knows the way of propaganda and uses various social titles to add aura to himself.Coupled with the relative closedness of the Kangyang Center, participating students can easily fall into collective unconsciousness. They are brainwashed by all kinds of wonderful theories, and even the elderly who are sick will no longer take the medicine or not to do it. They do not listen to their family members.

However, the problem is that Liu Shanglin's mana is not without flaws. As long as the relevant local departments are strictly supervised, the so -called fake foam such as the so -called forest yoga and pause can be pierced.According to reports, in the dietary death of young men, the recreational centers involved in the Civil Affairs Bureau were the pension institutions during the filing of the Civil Affairs Bureau.Then, the reason why it can start a class in the business scope for a long time and successfully pass the routine and assault inspections of relevant departments, whether it is the latter's loss, or the intention to let go after knowing the truth, obviously needs further investigation.

Moreover, although the Kangyang Center puts on the coat of health, it is confusing, but in view of its long opening time and large scale, the relevant departments can hardly notice its existence.According to the Beijing News, by 2016, the scale of Sun Moon Gorge has further expanded.The information of Tianyancha shows that the company's registered capital has expanded from 6.6 million to 66 million yuan.As of the end of June this year, more than 2,000 students have been verified by the forest yoga class, and the tuition fees per person for a total of more than 4 million yuan per person.

It can be seen that Liu Shanglin does not do not detect small business at all, but to flicker in a system and scale.As long as you pay attention to it, it is not difficult to discover the fact that its superstition is true. Similar to the brain bleeding published on the official website, dancing hands and dancing after the medicine.The relevant regulatory is considered a clue for daily surveys.In short, in the case of Liu Shanglin's operation so many clues, it was not discovered and dealt with until recently, which is obviously worthy of reflection.

The so -called qigong master's flicker undoubtedly has many social hazards: light is that the trainees are paid in the IQ tax, causing unnecessary property losses.Relevant departments also need to clarify their responsibilities and strictly supervise. Through this incident, strict accountability, check the lack of missing, and do not let Liu Shanglin's flow drill the empty.

(Original entitled Qigong Master Liu Shanglin was arrested: Who gave him so much?)