Wang Jingxian, who has been approved by the official giant greedy and has long served in the Heilongjiang Mori System for a long time, was recently sentenced to life imprisonment.

The first -instance crime of bribery and corruption of Zheng Ensheng's units published by China Referee Document Network revealed part of Wang Jingxian's part of the bribery facts: The former director of the State -owned Forest Administration of Linkou, Heilongjiang Province, Zheng Ensheng used more than 2,700 million public funds to buy a set of Wang Jingxian in Beijing in Beijing.Real estate.

I think the location is very suitable, and the square is not large. This house is more than 240 square meters, and the price is also suitable.Zheng Ensheng's confession stated that the property here is near Wang Jingxian's son. It is not very conspicuous and has little impact on Wang Jingxian.At that time, Wang Jing first said that he wanted to borrow a house, but he had never meant to get money, so Zheng Ensheng took the initiative to use the unit's wood sales to buy a house.

The first trial judgment shows that Zheng Ensheng used his position to deceive the public funds of 18 million yuan as his own.Zheng Ensheng has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for crime of corruption and bribery.

The typical typical of the small official is greedy and the mountains eat mountains

Public information shows that Wang Jingxian, male, Han nationality, born in March 1962, Heilongjiang Haolin, joined the work in January 1978, joined the Communist Party of China in November 1988, graduated from the Central Party School of Economic Management, has a college degree, and senior engineer.

He has served as Deputy Secretary and Director of the Party Committee and Director of the Chaihe Forestry Bureau of Heilongjiang Province, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Mudanjiang Forestry Management Bureau, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Forestry Management Bureau of the General Administration of Forestry Resources, and the General Administration of MoriGroup Corporation) Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Director (General Manager), etc. In April 2018, he was transferred to the party secretary and chairman of the Provincial Trade Association, and was investigated in September of the same year.

In September 2019, the Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection issued Wang Jingxian's double notice.It is mentioned that Wang Jing is unable to discipline, abuse his power, and avoid supervision. During his tenure in the Chaihe Forestry Bureau, the establishment of a small vanta in violation of the rules and the amount of public funds are particularly huge, which is a typical example of the small official greed.Building and wooden operations seek benefits for others and receive huge amounts of funds.

On July 3, 2020, the official website of the Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection was released. A few days ago, the Provincial Court of Agricultural Reclamation Intermediate Court sentenced the former party secretary of the Provincial Council and President Wang Jingxian, bribery, and the first trial of the unit's bribery case.The life imprisonment, deprived of political rights for life, and confiscated all personal property; he was sentenced to fourteen years in prison for bribery and confiscated a personal property of RMB 3 million;, Decided to implement life imprisonment, deprive political rights for life, and confiscate all personal property.

Wang Jingxian stated that he obeyed the judgment and did not appeal.The judgment has come into effect.

The surging news noticed that in the case of Wang Jingxian, the fact that Zheng Esheng, his former subordinates, used public funds to purchase a house.

Public information shows that Zheng Ensheng, male, born in 1962, Han nationality, university culture, former director of the Forest Management Bureau of Linkou, Heilongjiang Province, was investigated in November 2018.

The People's Court of Gagdaki District, Daxing'an Ridge, Heilongjiang Province found out that: from the end of 2016 to the beginning of 2017, the defendant Zheng Esheng took care of the unit's project construction, production and operation in order to obtain the director of the unit of Heilongjiang Mori.Kewa Moumou Chen Moumou from the Linkou Forestry Bureau (Note: The predecessor of the State -owned Forestry Administration of Linkou) wood sales out accounts and grain subsidy funds were repeatedly proposed in a total of 27.025 million yuan to remit to a real estate company in Beijing to Wang Jingxian Wang JingxianThe name of the relative is to buy a house in Beijing.

Use more than 27 million public funds to buy a house for leaders

In response to the fact that Wang Jingxian bought a house, the first trial judgment also disclosed more details.

According to Zheng Ensheng's confession, in early December 2016, Wang Jingxian called and then went to Beijing to help his son to see the house. At that time, the house was located near the State Forestry Administration, and Wang Jingxian's son worked at the State Forestry Bureau.

I think the location is very suitable, and the square is not large. This house is more than 240 square meters, and the price is also suitable.Zheng Ensheng said that he reported to Wang Jingxian that the house was in a good position, it was close to the children's unit, and it was not very conspicuous, and he had little impact on Wang Jingxian.Wang Jing first recognized it and said that he would buy a house to buy a house, but he never meant to get money.So Zheng Esheng took the initiative to use the wood sales of the Linkou Forestry Bureau to buy this property. Wang Jing first said that it would be more expenses and projects for the bureau.

The judgment shows that after Zheng Ensheng arranges the subordinates to calculate the cost of wood from the fourth quarter of 2016 to the first quarter of 2017, under the premise of ensuring the plate, the profit is calculated well, depending on how much wood can be sold, and the last can be calculated about 2000 remaining 2000 remaining.About 10,000.He arranged for the Financial Section Chen Moumou to send 14 million miles to a real estate company in Beijing, and then took out more than 1,300 million yuan from grain subsidies to the aforementioned real estate company.

Zheng Ensheng also confessed that Wang Jingxian was the director and director of the Provincial General Administration of Technology and the director of the Resources Bureau. It was his direct leadership.Wang Jingxian gave some convenience in this regard, so that the Linkou Forestry Bureau accumulated some money, which helps his purchase of houses for the development of the Linkou Forestry Bureau.

In addition to the use of public funds to bribe, Zheng Esheng also used his post to corrupt tens of millions.

According to the judgment, in December 2016, Cheng Moumou, a real estate development company manager of Mudanjiang, found Zheng Ensheng and proposed to buy wood at the Linkou Forestry Bureau.After Zheng Ensheng agreed, he instructed the provider to violate the regulations to open a 3 million yuan wood -paying receipt for Cheng Moumou. Zheng Ensheng told Cheng Moumou not to pay the money.For the time being, Cheng Moumou is kept as Zheng Ensheng's personal use after retiring.

In February 2018, in order to cope with the Mudanjiang Discipline Inspection Commission's investigation of the Forest Forestry Bureau's grain subsidies, the unit accounting for the unit account for an account for 18.51 million yuan in the unit's account in the name of the Linkou Forestry Bureau in the name of land contract income.The 18.51 million yuan was borrowed somewhere somewhere in Cheng.In September 2018, the Forestry Forestry Bureau successively charged more than 2 million yuan in land contracting fees for farmers. Zheng Esheng instructed the financial department to pay 18 million yuan from them to Cheng Moumou, of which 3 million yuan was used to pay the end of Cheng Moumou's project.The remaining 15 million yuan Zheng Esheng allowed Cheng to keep his personal custody for personal retirement.

The People's Court of Gagdaki District, the Daxinganling area, believes that the defendant Zheng Ensheng deceived 18 million yuan in public funds as his own, and the amount was particularly huge, and his behavior had constituted a crime of corruption.In addition, as the legal representative of the Forestry Forestry Bureau, he seek bribes to the state staff for uniform interests, and should bear criminal responsibility for this.

In June 2019, the court made a first -instance judgment: the defendant Zheng Ensheng crime crime of corruption, sentenced to 11 years in prison, punished one million yuan, crime offending the unit for bribery, sentenced to two years in prison, and fined 200,000 yuanThe number of crimes and punishment was sentenced to twelve years in prison and a fine of 1.2 million yuan.