After the former Secretary of the Central Political and Legal Committee Zhou Yongkang and the former deputy minister of the Ministry of National Security Ma Jian were investigated, the Political and Legal Committee of the CPC Central Committee held a mobilization meeting called the National Political and Law Team Education Education and Rectification of the Pilot Team.The rectification work began a new round of anti -corruption operations.

According to the Beijing Youth Daily, the above meeting revealed several key information.First, from July to October, this work will be carried out.Second, the national political and legal team education and rectification pilot office has been established. The director is Chen Yixin, Secretary -General of the Central Political and Legal Committee.Third, starting from 2021, the education and rectification of the political and legal team will be spread out step by step in the national political and legal system; the rectification task will be completed by the first quarter of 2022.

The meeting determined a total of five city -level and four counties of political and legal units. The two prisons were used as pilot units to carry out pilot work from July to October this year.Pilot tasks include Harbin City and Hulan District, Heilongjiang Province, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province and Yunlong District, Henan Province Sanmenxia City and Lingbao City, Sichuan Province, Yibin City and Yixian County, Procuratorate, Public Security, Judicial Administrative Organ, ShaanxiThe national security organs of Baoji City and Hulan Prison and Songbin Prison in Heilongjiang Province.

In January of this year, Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, emphasized that the education and rectification of the political and legal teams was conducted in depth, and strived to build a political and legal team of a party and the people's trustworthy, reliable, and assured.The Central Political and Legal Work Conference held in Beijing from January 17th to 18th this year mentioned that the political and legal team education should be rectified as a traction to build a political and legal army that believes in, reliable, and reliable.

In April of this year, Yin Jianye, member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, said that he was holding the gate of Qingzheng integrity and knocking on the bell of self -alertness., Resolutely walk around the river, just do not wet shoes.

In recent years, with the continuous increase in anti -corruption, many senior officials in China's political and legal system have been investigated, such as Zhou Yongkang and Ma Jian.

There are other people who have been defeated.In the public security system, Li Dongsheng, Meng Hongwei, and Sun Lijun of the Ministry of Public Security were investigated.In the procuratorial system, Chen Xu, the former Attorney General of the Shanghai Municipal People's Procuratorate, and Yang Keqin, the former Attorney General of the Jilin Provincial People's Procuratorate.In the court system, the former vice president of the Supreme People's Court, Xing Xiaoming, Xu Qianfei, the former dean of the High Court of Jiangsu Province, Zhang Jian, the former dean of the High Court of Anhui Province, and Zhao Shijie, the former dean of the High Court of Yunnan Province, were also investigated.

In addition to collecting money, the harm of the political and legal tigers also interfere with justice and intervene in cases.For example, Xi Xiaoming, the former deputy dean of the Supreme Court of over 100 million yuan, was accused of helping others in case handling; Zhao Shijie, former dean of the Yunnan High Court, who was checked by the party for one year, was cheating in the process of appealing in the recreation of Sun Xiaoguo.The advice and requesting judges' referees caused Sun Xiaoguo to be sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Chen Yixin emphasized at the meeting yesterday that educational rectification should be carried out in the political and legal system to come to a self -revolution with bone scraping and poisoning, insist on the blade inward, completely cut off the tumor, remove the horses of the group, and ensure that the political and legal teams are absolutely loyal, absolutely pure, absolutely reliable.Essence