(Dong Chen and students together. Picture/Tsinghua University Medical College Official Website)

Reporter/Li Xiangyi

Since May, some people have posted anonymously on an anonymous post on Pubpeer, a foreign academic exchange online platform, and questioned that there were more than 20 papers such as Dong Chen, the dean of the Chinese Academy of Medical College and the academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and other problems.As of press time, the Pubpeer website can retrieve the above -mentioned question abnormalities, and the author's signature includes 24 papers including Dong Chen.

In these papers, some experimental images have appeared repeatedly in different projects, but the marking values are different; the two experimental images are extremely similar; the histogram of different indicators is completely consistent.All 24 papers in China News Weekly are all communications authors or joint communication authors.

Regarding the above -mentioned questions, Dong Chen responded to China News Weekly on June 27 that some people on Pubpeer had some questions about the minority exhibitions of our articles. We treated them carefully and carefully, and was investigating and verifying the original data.According to a preliminary understanding, it can exclude intentional academic fraud, and the scientific conclusions without any papers have changed.Some questions are because the questioner is not familiar with the research content.However, there are very few unintentional errors in the situation, and we are working with magazines to modify it.Due to the long span, there are many students and doctors involved, and the survey continues.

Dong Chen emphasized that basically excluding malicious fraud, the exhibition is not manpicable, and fraud is not established.

Dong Chen said later that some of the reused pictures were actually the same experiment.One of the papers is wrong, and technical errors have appeared, and they have been discussed with magazines to modify.He has responded to some articles on the Pubpeer website, and it is estimated that it will be launched on the evening of the 27th.

These questioned papers were published from 2003 to 2019, and most of them were published during Dongchen's Dharnson Tumor Center at the University of Texas, and some papers were published during the period of Dong Chen during the University of Washington and Tsinghua University.of.Articles are more common in journals such as the IMMUNITY immunology magazine biochemistry magazine experimental medical magazine, as well as the natural-immunology published in the natural publishing group.Two other papers were included in natural magazines in 2007 and 2019.

Some of the papers questioned this time were published in high -level journals.In addition to the top international journals, the impact factors of Immunity, Nature-Immunology, and Experimental Medicine Magazine in 2018 were as high as 21.522, 23.53, and 10.892, respectively.

In February 2019, the list of the new editorial committee of Immunity was officially announced.Dong Chen, dean of the School of Medicine of Tsinghua University and Director of Immunization, became the editor -in -chief of the journal.At that time, with Dong Chen, he became the editor -in -chief. In November, the president of Nankai University, who had been questioned in November last year.

According to the official website of the Tsinghua University School of Medicine, Dong Chen graduated from Wuhan University in 1989. He obtained a PhD in 1996 from the University of Alabama Birmingham. From 1997 to 2000, he worked for postdoctoral work at the Department of Immunology of Yale University.He used to be a lifelong lecturer professor at the MD Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas, director of inflammation and oncology center.He is currently the director of the dean of the School of Medicine of Tsinghua University, the director of the Institute of Immunology, and the director of the key laboratory of the immunology research of the chronic disease in Beijing.On November 22 last year, the Chinese Academy of Sciences issued an announcement on the announcement of the 2019 Academician of the Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dong Chen was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Dong Chen has published more than 240 papers, with a total number of references of more than 26,000 times. From 2014 to 2019, he was rated as a global highly cited scientist for six consecutive years.At the same time, he is also Frontiers in Immunology Middot; T Cell Biology, Chinese science Middot; Deputy editor -in -chief of Life Science and Faseb Journal, editor -in -chief of IMMUNITY, Cell Research and other journals.