On the morning of June 15th, the official website of the Shandong Provincial Government issued a group of personnel appointment and removal notice, deciding to appoint Yan Yanchun as the director of the news office of the Shandong Provincial People's Government, eliminating the post of director of the news office of the Shandong Provincial People's Government of the Shandong Provincial People's Government.

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Du Yanchun has long served at the State Council News Office and served as deputy director and spokesman of the State Administration of News.During the severe epidemic in Wuhan, she went to Wuhan to host a press conference.

According to the information of the official website of the National New Office in March 2018, Gao Yanchun was born in Shandong in 1973.Bachelor of English Department of Shandong Normal University, Double Bachelor of Foreign Affairs Department of Foreign Affairs, Master of English Language and Literature.Former Deputy Director of the Investigation Division of the Journalism Bureau of the State Council, director of the Journalism Department, and a secret of the China Embassy in the United States in the United States.He has been to study in Oxford University in the United Kingdom for one year.

In February 2016, as the deputy director of the National News Bureau of the State Council of the State Council, Dai Yanchun presided over the policy blowing meeting of the State Council.In March of that year, after the closing of the two sessions across the country, the State Council Information Office interpreted the revision of the government's work report, and answered reporters to ask the reporter to chair.

In November 2016, the China Press spokesman forum was held.At the forum, many reporters proposed: Can the establishment of a release fault tolerance mechanism on the establishment of a press release?

Du Yanchun said that the State Council's News Office has always been paying attention to the growth of the spokesman, and related documents have proposed to establish a fault tolerance mechanism, but the formation of the mechanism is not achieved overnight.The fault -tolerant mechanism involves all aspects, such as the spokesman in charge of leaders, colleagues, and the understanding and support of the media and society.Just as the spokesman system is accompanied by the simultaneous development of economic and social development, the establishment of the fault tolerance mechanism has also developed with the development of the spokesman system.

In December 2016, the National New Office released a list of Central State Organs and local spokespersons in 2017. The Deputy Director of the Central Propaganda Department of the Central Propaganda Department, the Deputy Director of the Foreign News Bureau, was one of the spokespersons of the Central Propaganda Department (National New Office).In the past few years, Du Yanchun has also been a press spokesman.

During the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the News Center of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China held collective interviews many times, and Du Yanchun served as the head and host of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

In 2018, on the 40th anniversary of the reform and development, 31 provinces' party and government leaders and national ministries and commissions were entered into the State New Office for press releases. Du Yanchun also repeatedly presided over.

At the end of 2018, Yan Yanchun said that this reflects the great importance of the Party Central Committee for the release of the press release, and it also reflects the attention of the leaders of various local governments and departments to this work.From the perspective of our hopes to promote China's openness and transparency, more openness in China, and more interaction with reporters, the increase in the number of press conferences is also inevitable.

We will further work harder in the number of conferences next year, and promote more departments to publish authoritative information to the Publishing Hall of the State Office more frequently. We also hope that reporters, especially foreign media, will be moreMore interactive exchanges allow them to have more opportunities to understand a real China and continue to deepen the understanding between China and the world.Said Yanchun said.

On January 22 this year, the National New Office held a press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic for the first time.

At the end of the press conference, Yan Yanchun said that the media of today's press conference was highly concerned. Before the end, I wanted to say a few more words.

She said that we will adhere to the principle of openness and transparency, timely release the latest epidemic and prevention and control progress, and respond to public concerns as soon as possible.Today's press conference is the last press conference before the Spring Festival of the State Council.I also want to take this opportunity to say a hard work to the majority of medical staff in the front line, saying to the people of the people, including Wuhan, we are always together.I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year and happiness.

On February 15th, Jiao Yanchun appeared in Wuhan.

On the same day, the National New Affairs Office of the press conference moved to Wuhan. On the front line of the epidemic prevention and control, I introduced the relevant situation of the prevention and control and medical treatment of epidemics in Hubei.This is the first time that the State Council News Office has held a press conference outside Beijing in recent years.

Hubei and Wuhan are the top priority of the epidemic prevention and control, and they are the decisive place to win the prevention and control of the epidemic.Du Yanchun said that today's news office of the State Council opened the press conference to Wuhan, Hubei, and wanted to introduce the front line of the epidemic prevention and control with hundreds of journalists who were stationed in the front line.

For more than a month, the National New Office held a number of press conferences in Wuhan, all hosted by Ju Yanchun.

On April 17, the National New Office held a press conference to introduce the operation of the national economy in the first quarter of 2020.

She said that the first quarter of 2020 was a special quarter, because this was a quarter of our severe challenges facing the severe challenge of the new crown pneumonia, and it was also a quarter of our overall planning for the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development.

I just returned from Wuhan. In terms of epidemic prevention and control, we have faced a very difficult stage, but after this epidemic, China has the confidence, confidence and strength to defeat any difficulties and challenges.Our economic development is indeed facing many challenges. I hope that when we look at China's economic development, we can look at it with a comprehensive, dialectical and long -term perspective, because China's economy has conditions and capabilities, and is confident to be in danger to win development and win development.The initiative.After the press conference, if you have any concerns about China's economic development, we are also welcome to ask us. We are willing to provide you with better information services.

Wei Changmin, the director of the news office of the Shandong Provincial Government, was born in October 1965.

On February 25 this year, the Organization Department of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee issued a public announcement before he was in office. He is currently the director of the Provincial Government's Press Office (deputy department) Wei Changmin, and he is intended to serve as the deputy deputy department level leadership position of the provincial department (unit).