/> The North Korean Labor Party held a meeting on May 24 this year, hosted by North Korean leader Kim Jong -un (middle).(Reuters)

(Morning Post) The spokesman of the North Korean United Front Department condemned the attitude of the North Korean to attract anti -North Korea from South Korea to North Korea from South Korea to North Korea, and said that the DPRK decided to close the North -Korea Liaison Office located in the Kaicheng Industrial Park.

China News Agency quoted the North Korean Society report that the spokesman of the North Korean Unified Front Department spoke on Friday (June 5), saying that the indulgence behavior of the Korean side would only intensify the hostility and tension that no one wants to see.The spokesman emphasized that the DPRK will look directly at the current situation and accompany to the end in the vicious circle of confrontation. This is the determination of the DPRK.The spokesman at the same time warned that the Korean side should deeply reflect the severity and devastating consequences of the situation, and do what he should do.

A spokesman said that the first deputy minister of the Central Committee of the North Korean Workers' Party, Kim He and Zheng, have taken key measures to completely eliminate the provocations of the Korean side and separate and abandon all the contact space with the Korean side.The first step of the DPRK is to close the North Korea -Korea Liaison Office located in the Kaicheng Industrial Park, and other corresponding measures will be taken since then.

The North Korean labor party agency reported on the 4th report on the 4th that Kim issued a conversation with the same day, strongly condemning the North North Group to spread anti -North Korea leaflets, and emphasized that if the Korean side does not take corresponding measures, it will face the demolition of the Kaicheng Industrial Park and close the North Korea and South Korea Liaison Office.2. Lift a series of consequences such as agreement on implementing the consensus of the military field in Banmen Store.

The Yonhap News Agency reported that from the content of this conversation, it was speculated that the sister Kim Jong -un's sister Kim Jong -un is currently responsible for Korean affairs.This is also the first time that the North Korea has spoken in the name of a united front spokesman since Kim Jong -un's administration.