Recently, it is reported that the former CCTV host Xiao Cui (Cui YY, hereinafter referred to as Cui Mou) was on the leap of Zhong Nanshan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the leader of the high -level expert group of the National Health and Health Commission.In the short video, it was found that Zhong Nanshan named the Yili brand and questioned it to advertise for Yili milk illegal.

On May 12, Dabai Finance observed to confirm the news to Cui through relevant channels. He said that he did have a voice recently. He believes that it is illegal to make advertisements as news.Carefully designed ads such as brands and other parties.

In this regard, the lawyer believes that the advertising law is indeed prohibited from publishing advertisements by news reports.In this incident, the short video after editing was advertising. The key is that the media did not explicitly show that this was an advertisement when publishing the video, which misled consumers, which caused Cui to question later.

Barbuya on Zhongnan Mountain?Cui Mou's response

The source of the incident is a short video emitted by the news media.It is understood that on April 10, some media official Weibo issued a short video, the summary talked about the health of Academician Zhong Nanshan: lsquo; I drink milk from an early age, and now drink two bottles a day.Less, but milk is still drinking, because its nutrition is very comprehensive.RSQUO; and circled Zhong Nanshan Super Dialogue.

In the video, it is the picture of Zhong Nanshan's speech, and a period of his voice: I drink milk from a small child, and now I have to drink two bottles a day, because its nutrition is very comprehensive hellip; hellip; I happen to meet at night, so leave a lsquo;Mu Xi rsquo; I just used this to the stomach.Believe in Yili is because of high quality.In the video, I also played the picture of Zhong Nanshan chatting while drinking Yili's milk.

Recently, it is reported that Cui has recently spoke and questioned the brand name in the news video. He believed that he was dressed as the news as a news.

On May 12, Dabai Finance observed to verify from Cui, and Cui responded through relevant channels that he had indeed spoke before.He said that when he saw the above -mentioned video of Zhong Nanshan released by the media at the time, he felt very inappropriate.The advertising method clearly stipulates that it is forbidden to use the style of news to advertise, which means that an advertisement cannot be dressed as a news.The video is named specific brands, which is suspected of advertising and violated the advertising method.

In order to confirm this guess, Cui also found a big V on Weibo.According to his understanding, in those days, many large V received a list of reposting the video and reposted it once. According to the size of the big V, it can receive compensation ranging from 1,000 to 3,000 yuan.Because of this, this news is overwhelming in those days.

After confirming these details from the big V aspect, Cui believes that this is not only an advertisement, but a carefully planned illegal advertisement.

Lawyer: The media did not explicitly show it as an advertisement

Dabai Finance observed to try to contact the Zhong Nanshan team, but it was still unsuccessful.

Dabai Finance observed that on April 9, the Beijing News issued a news entitled Yili Group to donate 5 million yuan to Academician Zhong Nanshan's team for scientific research.It is mentioned that at the donation ceremony, Academician Zhong Nanshan affirmed the Aili's anti -epidemic operation.lsquo; I have two glasses of milk every day. The nutrition of milk is important to people's health. During the epidemic, it also plays a great role in recovery of patients.RSQUO; Phoenix Network Finance, Xinhuanet and other media have also reported similar reports on this incident.

After searching for related content on the video website, Dabai Finance observed that a video of 18 minutes and 30 seconds about the incident (the title of the health longevity of Academician Zhong Nanshan: two cups of Yili milk every day), from 9 minutes, 15 seconds to 9 minutes44 seconds, and 16 minutes, 43 seconds to 17 minutes 20 seconds appeared on the content of the video.

Is it really suspected of violating the advertising law in this incident?A lawyer who did not want to be named to Dabai Finance stated that the name of the brand in the news program may be advertisements or only news.For the final judgment, it depends on the motivation: Do individuals or media and brand companies have a convergence of before or after?I tend to think that individuals say his right, but the media can edit it.

In this incident, because of its interests, the situation is likely to be advertising. Zhong Nanshan himself clearly promotes Yili milk in his own name, which has nothing to do with news.

The lawyer believes that the advertising law does require advertising in disguise in the form of news reports.And this editing video is advertising, and the media can also be broadcast.The key point is that in our country, the news media still has some credibility. It uses the credibility of the media to endorse the brand, but it is unknown that this is an advertisement, which is seriously misleading consumers.

In this case, you can report to the advertising law enforcement agency.But at present, there should be only administrative responsibilities and no civil liability.The lawyer said.