The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the website of the website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on April 26. In order to implement the requirements of the 19th Central Discipline Inspection Commission's four plenary sessions on adherence to the formalism and bureaucracy of high degree of political rectification, and effectively promoting the Central Committee of the Communist Party of ChinaThe general problem issued by the General Office on continuously solving the formalism that plagues the grassroots level is not a notice for the successful establishment of a well -off society to provide a strong style of ensuring a strong style of style (hereinafter referred to as notice) requiring to take effect and further consolidate the effectiveness of the construction of the style.Typical questions are notified as follows.

Chen Yuanfei, deputy mayor of Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, Fu Songbin, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Harbin Medical University, and Vice President Fusongbin, etc.Since April 2020, Harbin has a clustered epidemic in Harbin's infection of past new crown pneumonia infection and cross -infection caused by cross -infections due to family and hospitalization, which has led to a rebound in the Harbin outbreak, causing serious consequences and adverse effects, and fully exposed related functions.Department and party members and leading cadres and public officials have insufficient awareness of the importance and severe understanding of the prevention and control of the epidemic. They have not effectively fulfilled the responsibility of the leadership, subject responsibility, supervisor responsibilities, job responsibilities, and the prevention and control measures of the epidemic.There are vulnerabilities in anti -rebound.Chen Yuanfei, as the deputy mayor of Harbin City and the headquarters of the headquarters of the leading group of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, lacks enough understanding of the importance and severe situation of the epidemic prevention and control.The responsibility of the main leadership is subject to the discipline of government affairs.As the member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Harbin Medical University, Vice President, and the deputy leader of the leading group of the new crown pneumonia, the school leader in the leading group of the new crown pneumonia.Responsibility was punished by warning and administrative records within the party.The other 16 relevant responsible persons are due to insufficient organizational management, poor implementation of territorial management responsibilities, do not strictly in accordance with the prevention and control of prevention and control technology, inadequate education and supervision of medical staff, and regulations for violations of the diagnosis and control during the prevention and control of the epidemic.Affected by the corresponding party discipline and government affairs.

Li Lanhong, members of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Housing and Urban -Rural Development Department of Gansu Province Li Lanhong, etc., in deploying and implementing rural dilapidated house reconstruction work, they have floated style and separated from practical problems.In 2018, the Gansu Provincial Department of Housing and Urban -Rural Development deployed the mortar rate in the special operation in the renovation of poverty alleviation rural dilapidated houses. In more than 2 months, only this work has been issued 4 times to change the work requirements, table content and time limit of time, so that the time limit for reporting, ordering time limit, ordering time, ordering the time limit, ordering the time limit, orderingThe grassroots are at a loss and aggravate the burden of the grassroots.In June 2018, without in -depth investigations and did not fully solicit the grass -roots opinions, copied the practice of copying other places, and the implementation rules for the management of rural dilapidated house reconstruction file management in Gansu Province were copied.Grass -roots staff understanding difficulties and difficulty implementation has led to spending more money in dangerous houses, slow advancement, and poor effects. The cadres and the masses are strongly reflected.The Provincial Department of Housing and Construction on the work deployment of rural dilapidated houses was changed.As the deputy director of the village construction office, Li Lanhong has important leadership responsibilities and is punished by warning within the party.He Jianqiang, director of the Village and Towns of the Provincial Housing and Construction Department, was responsible for direct responsibility and was punished by warning within the party.

Mei Liqing, former deputy director of the ecological environment and water bureau of Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, Mei Liqing and others lost their duty in the implementation of ecological and environmental protection.In April 2019, the Jiangbei New District Environmental Supervision Brigade found that an enterprise had sewage mixture overflowing to the factory when cleaning up chemical raw materials and asked the enterprise to transfer chemical raw materials.Flusted into the river to cause pollution.From 2014 to 2019, the supervisory brigade carried out daily supervision and inspection of a certain technology company more than 30 times, of which there were problems with the outdoor stacked yard and other places. Although the inspectors made supervision suggestions on the spotIn -depth inspections of stacking materials bring potential environmental safety hazards.As the leader of the supervisory brigade, Mei Liqing is responsible for the main leadership in this regard, and at the same time, the main leadership responsibility for the non -processing capacity of illegal approval and non -processing capacity to deal with the problem of wastewater pollution is dealt with.Level surveyor.Other relevant responsible persons are dealt with accordingly.

The former member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the office of Tianta Street, Hexi District, Tianjin City, and others were not responsible for the problem of combating crime and removing evils.In February 2018, Tianjin Hexi District deployed the street offices of various street offices to carry out the clue work of black and evil. Peng Taiang and others did not organize field investigations in accordance with the requirements of the work plan.Relying on community reporting situations and simple oral inquiries to deal with the investigation.The masses have repeatedly reported that Fan Mou, the person in charge of the local Golden Crown Club, hired more than 20 social personnel to obstruct law enforcement and the Tianta Street Comprehensive Law Enforcement Brigade as the Golden Crown Hall to act as a protective umbrella.The clue of evil questions is reported.In March 2019, Fan Mou was identified as a member of the criminal gang of evil forces and filed a public prosecution.As a leader in charge, Peng Gang was not in place in the work of anti -crime and eliminating evil. He was missed in clue investigation in the area and was punished by government warnings.Other relevant responsible persons are dealt with accordingly.

The former party secretary and chairman of the Shenzhen West Bus Co., Ltd., Leng Kui, and others of Guangdong Province, Leng Kui, etc.In May 2018, Leng Kui violated the relevant regulations on the supervision and management of state -owned assets of the enterprise. In the case of knowing that the superior authorities held opposition, signed and agreed to stamp the official seal on the equity change document, and let the company's legal representative Sun Fuling cooperate withApply for business change registration.Leng Kui violated the prescribed procedures, random decisions, random shooting, and chaos. He did not ask for instructions beforehand, and did not report afterwards. He weakened the control of state -owned capital to the company and made state -owned assets face supervision loopholes and major risks.Leng Kui also had a violation of the rules of the discussion. Individuals decided to decide other major matters, and were revoked by the party's duties and government affairs withdrawal.Sun Fuling also had a violation of the provisions of the bidding laws and regulations and was severely warned by the party.

Chen Yue, a member of the party group of Cen Gong County, Guizhou Province, Chen Yue, the former deputy county chief, and director of the Ecological Immigration Bureau, did not perform his duties and falsify.Chen Yue was responsible for the relocation work of poverty alleviation, and promoted the poor construction of the project. As of July 2019, there were only 584 immigrant housing with the county's check -in conditions, which was 740 different from the number of tasks.24.24%and 26.17%of the total plan; in June of the same year, when the relevant data of poverty alleviation and relocation of the poverty alleviation was reported, there was still a large gap between Chen Yueming's actual progress and work standards.EssenceChen Yue's work was lazy and falsified. He had negatively affected the poverty alleviation work in Cen Gong County. He was severely warned by the party and was removed from the position of deputy county chief and the director of the Ecological Immigration Bureau.

Zhang Hongxue, former member of the General Party Branch and Deputy Director of Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Dingbian County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, has learned special and special rights.On August 13, 2019, Zhang Hongxue participated in the awards party in Dingbian County Employee Singing Competition. When he entered the party at the party, he was stopped because he did not have a pass.Find me to sign the contract, play officials, and give up the personnel of the duty personnel, and take pictures of the duty staff with their mobile phones.Zhang Hongxue's improper words and deeds have a bad impact in society.Zhang Hongxue was severely warned by the party and was transferred away from the human social system and ordered the 18th Discipline Inspection Commission of Dingbian County to resign.

The former party secretary and director of the Industrial and Information Technology Bureau of Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, Zeng Shiming, did not fail to affect the resumption of work and re -production.In February 2020, Zeng Shiming served as the director of the Office of the Industrial Enterprise of the Prevention and Control Command of the County Extraction Headquarters, and was responsible for coordinating and coordinating the work of the county.Zeng Shiming did not pressIn order to supervise the actual work of the responsible units to carry out the actual situation, it has not been able to fully grasp the problems existing in the re -production of various enterprises and solve it. As a result, 19 of the 28 enterprises that intend to resume production in the countyNo resumption of work as required.After that, the county government held a re -production and re -production dispatch meeting again, which clearly required 10 key industrial enterprises to resume work before February 12. After the meeting, Shiming did not arrange to convey the requirements of the meeting one by one to the intended to resume production enterprises.I do not know that the meeting requested and failed to resume work on schedule.Zeng Shiming's poor style and poor advancement caused the county's industrial enterprises to resume work and re -production work, causing serious adverse effects. At the same time, there were other problems of incorrect performance of duties.Director of the director.

The National Commission for Discipline Inspection pointed out that the above 8 problems are typical performances of current formalism and bureaucracy.Some of these party members and cadres have implemented the major decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the requirements of superiors and the requirements of superiors.Copy inaction, make a decision -making of the head of the head, deceive and conceal the false actions; some officials have serious ideas, play with privileges, and are full of officials, and they are full of officials., Unwilling to be responsible, fatigue, dragging, perfunctory cope, floating style, and even paralysis of thoughts and poor performance, causing the epidemic to rebound and cause serious negative impact.The reason for the reason is that the ideals and beliefs and the sense of purpose are still not firm. The essence of entrepreneurship and responsibility of the officer is still unsuccessful.These issues have different forms of performance in different regions and different fields. The majority of party members and cadres must learn from the case and take the initiative to check the inspection.