Zhou Zuyi, deputy minister of the Ministry of Wearie and Director of the Central Committee, announced the decision of the central government.Li's articles and Shu Xiaoqin made a statement.

Data diagram

Earlier, Shu Xiaoqin served as Deputy Secretary -General of the State Council, a member of the party group of the State Council, director of the National Letters and Calls Bureau, and secretary of the party group.Li Xiaoqin, who replaced Shu Xiaoqin, was previously the director of the Political Department of the Ministry of National Security, a member of the party committee, and secretary of the party committee of the organ.

Zhou Ziyi pointed out that the adjustment of comrades in the National Letters and Calls Bureau this time fully reflects the high attention of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core.Global comrades must effectively strengthen their sense of political responsibility, unify their thoughts and actions to the central government's decisions, and fulfill their duties to ensure that the leadership team transitions smoothly, and various tasks are promoted in an orderly manner.

Li's article said that resolutely support the central government's decision, resolutely obey the organization arrangements, and adjust this position as a new starting point for the people's service and the party's cause, adhere to the party's leadership of the people's letters and visits, and continuously improve the ability to perform their duties.Strive to promote the people's letters and visits to a new level, and live up to the organization's heavy trust and expectations.

Shu Xiaoqin said that he resolutely supported the central government's decision and hoped that the petition work under the leadership of the party group of the new bureaus can better assume the responsibility of solving difficulties and worries the party.

On the afternoon of the 10th, Li's article hosted the expansion meeting of the Party Group of the National Letters and Calls Bureau, and the topic conveyed the decision of the Study Central Committee.Everyone unanimously stated that it resolutely support the central government's decision to talk about politics, take care of the overall situation, and abide by discipline. As always, promote the implementation of various tasks.

According to the public resume, Li's article was born in January 1963. He graduated from the Department of Political and Law, Ningxia University. He was a teacher of middle school., Former Deputy Secretary -General of the Autonomous Region Party Committee.

In 2003, Li's articles began to serve as a place. He served as Deputy Secretary of the Yinchuan Municipal Party Committee.

In June 2012, Li Wenwen, who was the main government, was promoted to the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, and was transferred to the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Autonomous Region in 2015.

In April 2016, Su Hongzhang ranged up at the Standing Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. Two months later, Li's article was transferred to Liaoning by Ningxia to make up the vacancy left by Su Hongzhang.

In December 2018, Li's article entered Beijing and was newly appointed as the director of the Political Department of the Ministry of National Security, a member of the party committee, and secretary of the party committee of the government.

Shu Xiaoqin was born in September 1956 and was from Jing'an, Jiangxi.He joined the party in April 1977 and joined the work in July 1977. He has a graduate degree of the Central Party School, a bachelor's degree in law, and deputy chief police supervisor.

She has been in Jiangxi for a long time. In December 2001, she served as member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and later served as the director of the Provincial Public Security Department.

In April 2013, Shu Xiaoqin served as Deputy Secretary -General of the State Council, a member of the party group of the State Council, director of the State letters and visits bureau, and secretary of the party group.She is also the first female director of the National Letters and Calls Bureau.

Shu Xiaoqin was a member of the 16th, 17th, and 18th Central Committee, and made up for the central committee at the seventh plenary session of the 18th session.

According to the official website of the National Letters and Calls Bureau, the bureau is responsible for handling domestic people, foreign people, legal persons and other organizations to call the Party Central Committee, the State Council, and the leaders through the letters and visits channels.Important suggestions, etc. are made;

Li's article resume

Male, Han nationality, born in December 1962, Ningxia Zhongwei.He joined the Communist Party of China in December 1984 and joined the work in July 1983. He has a graduate degree, a bachelor's degree in education, and deputy police supervisor.

He has served as Deputy Director of the Office of the Ningxia Autonomous Region Committee of the Communist Youth League; the deputy director and secretary of the Secretary of the General Office of the Party Committee of Ningxia Autonomous Region, deputy director of the General Office of the Party Committee, Deputy Secretary -General of the Party Committee of Ningxia Autonomous Region, director of the inspection department, and director of the policy research office;Deputy Secretary of the Yinchuan Municipal Party Committee (at level), Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Yinchuan Economic and Technological Development Zone and Director of the Management Committee; Director of the Department of Justice of Ningxia Autonomous Region and Secretary of the Party Committee; Secretary of the Shizuishan Municipal Party Committee of Ningxia Autonomous Region, Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress;Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress.