Press: Recently, the writer's Fang Fang's sealing diary was published overseas.In this regard, the writer Fang Fang was interviewed by the scholar Scholar to speak in the form of a dialogue to introduce the English and German version of the connection, authorization, translation and publishing process of the diary; respond to doubts of the contract, and the title of the cover of the controversy.And copywriting.Regarding why the diary was published overseas, Fang Fang said: The book should be published in August, and it is only pre -sale.Domestic publishers are still working hard, hoping to strive to grab the publication abroad.

Fang Fang emphasized that my book will only help the country. Her diary wrote in detail the various measures after Hubei coaches, and how the epidemic was controlled. If these people read my diary, Will clearly see the experience of success in China's resistance.She believes that negative songs can't stand on their feet.

(On March 6, the Guanggu Hospital of Tongji Hospital in Wuhan, medical staff helped each other wearable protection equipment and prepared to enter the isolation ward. Figure/Caixin reporter Ding Gang)

(Interviewer: Li Mei, Sun Xuqian, Li Zhenyu, hereinafter referred to as the scholar.)

The publishing of the diary is natural

Scholars: Recently, the news about your epidemic diary will have attracted widespread concern. Does this have achieved your formal authorization, and can you briefly introduce the relevant communication process?The English, German version of the cover of the Amazon website, the cover of the German version, and profile, have you asked your opinions before?

Fang Fang: I got my authorization.But not as some people on the Internet said, it was an appointment in advance.The schedule is Cheng Yongxin, the editor -in -chief of the magazine.And because I was in a bad mood, I didn't agree.Later, I thought, I felt that I could record it, so Sina Weibo began to record on the first day of the first day.This process has been written in the first article.Those who criticize me must have not read my record at all.And I didn't call a diary at first.I didn't even plan to remember every day, for example, I didn't remember it.Later, due to various reasons, Banfeng Weibo and the left -left attack made me have an idea I had to remember. This mood was a bit like Ifen's Lao Tzu saying everywhere.Just remember it every day.Because I wrote a diary, I did not oppose it.

My translation of Mr. Bai Ruiwen was originally translating my novels. He also had Weibo and paid attention to me.Maybe I saw my record on Weibo, so I contacted me and asked me if I could translate this first.I checked it, and he asked me for my time on February 17.At that time, the situation in Wuhan was still not very good, so I did not agree.My original words were that I had no idea for the time being, and he expressed his understanding.

But at the end of February, many publishers came to contact me, and there were also overseas. I think Mr. Bai Ruiwen was translating my book. His Chinese level is very high, and I still know him.So he immediately stated that he was willing to translate and contacted the agent.At the beginning of March, I could authorize the global copyright to the agent for the saving trouble.This is the natural process.My book is called Wuhan diary mdash; mdash; seal the city?Records, because I didn't know how many days I would be closed at the time, and I didn't write a number.

The English cover sought my opinion, but because I didn't understand English, I never thought that the title would be changed.And Mr. Bai Ruiwen also ignored the small characters (some people said it was a neutral word).Later, Mr. Bai Ruiwen also apologized to me, and then immediately asked all publishers to respect my original title.Of course, I have never seen the cover of German.Devin Translation is Mr. Akman. Like Mr. Bai Ruenwen, he is a very friendly person to China.The current seller may have the problem of remarks in promotions.I have no foreign language reading ability.But these can be corrected in time.At present, it has been negotiated. It is required that these texts must be translated first, and then I confirm it.Both cover has changed.

When I agreed to publish this book, I told Mr. Bai Ruiwen that I would donate all the manuscripts of this book to help some people who should help.Mr. Bai said he would also donate a part. After he told the agent about my thoughts, the agent also said that she would also donate some to help Wuhan.These words are said at the end of February or early March.Don't imagine people as bad people.Don't think that publishing abroad is a traitor.This idea is naive.

Scholars: Have you tried a diary in China?When you decide to be published overseas, have you considered a possible controversy?

Fang Fang: It should have been published first in China.When the domestic publishing house was looking for me at first, I also had no mood to do it.But later the epidemic relieved, I agreed.This time is also about the end of February.At the same time, I told the publisher that I hope you will pay a higher manuscript, and I will donate these money to the survivors of the medical staff.If there are many, you can donate some people who need it, and I will not leave a penny myself.These records with publishing houses should be still there.And I also discussed with other friends how to do this.

Published overseas, Chinese writers are normal. Every Chinese writer is willing to have more people to read.So I didn't think it's bad.This process is also a natural process.The book is published in August, and this time is also normal.Because the sixty diary is only more than 130,000 words, it is not long.The content is seen by everyone.I don't think there will be controversy.The publication process abroad and domestic publication are not the same. What I don't know is that there is a pre -sale process abroad.This is not in the country.Because there are mostly printed books in China, there are various publicity.The advance quantity of this pre -sale caused many people suspicion.Of course, there are also some people who deliberately brought everyone to the ditch. For example, they sue to foreigners to send Chinese ammunition and the like. Such extreme sayings actually believe in so many people.

By the way, there were more than a dozen publishing houses in China who wanted to publish this book, but because of the extreme left (I wantThey were scolded by themselves), and all domestic publishers dare not produce at present.My publisher is still working hard in the country, hoping to strive to grab the publication abroad.They are very dedicated and I am very moved.

There is no tension between me and the country

Scholars: Some people recognize your diary as the value of individual memory, but it is believed that when this node is published overseas, it may be used by people with ulterior motives overseas. It is a lack of overall view of the overall situation, and even a conspiracy theory.How do you respond to the above views?

Fang Fang: As mentioned earlier, the book should be published in August and is now translating.And I have not fully submitted it myself.What do you think of such a book?Since he is unique, since he deliberately used it, he couldn't publish a book, would he use any book, would he use it?Is it because someone uses us to publish a book?When did the Chinese are so afraid of foreigners?As for conspiracy, I can only say that these authors are more suitable for writing novels.

Not all things are conspiracy. I have said earlier that this is a very natural process.People like me, foreign languages are not, and when I get older, come to me to do conspiracy. It is better to find a stronger one, right?The translation of Mr. Bai Ruiwen has always been friendly to China. He translated the works of Wang Anyi, Yu Hua, Ye Zhaoyan and others.It happened that he was translating my work. We paid attention to Weibo, and because of work needs, we also paid attention to WeChat. It was convenient to connect, and WeChat records were still there.Time is clear, whether there is a conspiracy at a glance.

Scholars: As a writer, when facing the internal tension between the country, society, and individuals, what do you think should be dealt with?

Fang Fang: Since I wrote a diary, waves have been attacked one after another, youWhat do you think of strange thoughts?Is it the way to attack me?This wave is nothing more than a kidnapping of the country's interests to me.And they have successfully abducted the country or department.And I have no tension with the country, and my book will only help the country.Because I wrote in detail the various measures after Hubei changed coaches in detail.It was written that the epidemic was strongly controlled.I wrote a square -cabin hospital, a sinking cadre, and also wrote how medical staff, volunteers, and builders worked hard, and how the nine million citizens of Wuhan insisted.

If these people read my diary, they will clearly see the experience of success in China's resistance.In my diary, it is by no means the so -called negative things in China, sell tragic things, and so on.Their disconnection made those who did not read my work and did not read it at all.In fact, I have countless Chinese anti -epidemic experience.Isn't it just a good way to promote this book abroad?

This society should be tolerant of a gentle diary

Scholars: Of course, many readers support your diary and publish overseas, but think that some expressions in the diary can be further revised and improved, and it is recommended to add some notes.Do you have this plan?

Fang Fang: There must be some subtle amendments.What I want to tell you is that so many people say that I am a rumor. In fact, there are no rumors. They are all real. Everyone can check everything.There are two errors that need to be revised. One is that the wind has turned the roof of the Lei Shenshan Hospital a few pieces. I wrote it as the Huoshan Mountain Hospital.Approval of experts.But neither of the core content of these two places.I also mentioned these in the interview with reporters.As for the photos and nurses, the former has said twice, and the expression is very clear. I don't want to repeat it again.The latter also explained the next day that this is wrong, but it is not a rumor.Some notes are naturally needed.The so -called improvement is about the details and the correction of text.Others still maintain the original.Because since the diary is called, it is the state of the diary.

Scholars: In response to your diary, you often cross the border to personal attacks and personal information leakage.Has this caused a practical trouble for your life. How do you plan to deal with it?

Fang Fang: Did I control this?This is what web management should manage.Cyber management people indulge these cyber violence is their inaction.Those who attacked me exposed my address, made rumors to me, and picked up several generations of my family. Why did no one care about these?Our technology is developed to the point where it can be accurately shielded, but for such large -scale and long cyber violence, almost two months of abuse and rumors, why is it unattended?I'm afraid it's too light to say that it is not too light?Today, I also saw someone who came to Wuhan to kill me.I have no way to deal with it.However, I really want to know who they are and who they support their backstage, and support them so much, and why are they only in China that can be arrogant on the Internet like this.

Scholars: Discussing the diary, all parties talk about themselves, and public opinion has a clear division.How do you think you can bridge this crack and build the basic consensus of society?

Fang Fang: But do you think, as me, just because of being blocked in the epidemic area, he wrote a record of 60 epidemic areas because of the draft?That's it.Such a gentle record cannot be tolerant, and it must cause hate from so many people, which will make countless people feel scared.Have you ever thought, why do so many people support me?Because the scale of my speech is the scale of remarks that people will have.

Now social media is sometimes similar to the Cultural Revolution.The production of this crack is actually dug out by someone. Their meaning interpretation and enlarging their words, and the rumors of fake photos say that this is the photo I saw, etc.Made.Blind this crack, you need to learn common sense.As long as there is common sense, these cracks have no possibility at all.

Scholars: Starting from April 8, Wuhan began to lift the ban. What are the new changes and planning arrangements for your life?What do you have to expect to recover the city?

Fang Fang: I have been writing a foreword for this Wuhan diary.The content to be expressed in this preface is: the virus is the enemy of all humanity.Both the East or the West have been suffered by the virus and each have their own problems.Our early slackness and the arrogance of the anti -epidemic experience in the West have shown their own negligence, which led to the loss of life of countless people, destroying the lives of countless people, and being destroyed by the entire human society.Overall, humans are too arrogant and human.Humans despise the energy of the virus.This lesson is all -human.

Original WeChat account: Ideological Portal