Wuhan female writer Fang Fang's Fengcheng Diary is about to launch an English version, which has caused a stir on the China Internet.(the Internet)

● Crown disease 19 epidemic

The recent game of the theory of responsibility for epidemic situation in China and the United States has intensified the theory of epidemic responsibility, and the sound of American political elites requires Chinese compensation. Chinese netizens with nationalist emotions have also launched a strong attack on the writer Fang Fang, accusing her of being an assistant for the United States, or even evenDescribe her with the traitors and traitors.

Yang Danxu Beijing Special Commissioner

After the Chinese writer records the diary of Wuhan Fengcheng, the diary of Wuhan has resonated with huge resonance in the Chinese Internet, and translated it into officially published in English.The news immediately detonated the dispute, and the attitude of the netizen's other party flipped rapidly, and even questioned that she pursued the transcendent of Chinese anti -China forces to send ammunition.

On January 23 this year, China announced the blockade of the epicenter of Wuhan.From January 25th to March 25th, the Fang Fang, who was in the siege, recorded the Wuhan epidemic in the form of a personal diary every day and her observation of Wuhan's life and social hotspots.

The official website of Amazon, Harper Collins and book sales platforms in Harper Colin, shows that Fangfang's diary is translated into English, assembled as Wuhan diary, and will be published on August 18 this year.Both platforms have begun to pre -sale the book, and Amazon will also push the electronic version of Wuhan Diary on June 30.

Wang Fang, a 65 -year -old Fang Fang, is a Chinese contemporary female writer and chairman of the Hubei Writers Association.

She published a total of 60 diaries during the Fengcheng in Wuhan, among which there are many criticism and reflection on Wuhan's response to the epidemic.In the case where the overall public opinion control is relatively tight, the official has not fully blocked all the transmission space of the side diary.Mainstream media such as China News Agency and China News Weekly have also interviewed each other.

However, the controversy around Fang Fang's diary has always existed.Some people praise her to provide a precious window for the outside world to understand the Wuhan epidemic in a plain language and dare to speak; others also blame Fang Fang to intentionally or unintentionally strengthen the false narrative, and records the lack of authentic hearing.

When the Wuhan epidemic was the most dangerous, the former's voice was even more loud, but after the Fang Fang diary was quickly translated into English to publish in English, the attitude of Chinese public opinion reversed significantly.

Hu Xijin, the editor -in -chief of the official media Global Times, posted a post the day before yesterday that the big scene of the Chinese people's understanding of the epidemic has been largely reset by the deep fall of Europe and the United States in the epidemic, which will affect the attitude of many people's diary.

Hu Xijin: It will definitely be captured by international politics

He believes that the response of the Fang Fang diary in China has the scenes and logic at that time. However, this diary now gets the United States and the West to spread, which will not be a general documentary literary exchange. It will definitely be captured by international politics.Essence

In the near future, China and the United States have intensified the game of epidemic responsibility, and the sound of US political elites require Chinese compensation. Chinese netizens with nationalist emotions have also launched strong attacks, accusing her of being assisted for the United States, and even using the country to seek honor and honoring the country.Traitor describes her.

President of the Weibo Account Rabbit posted the day before yesterday that the book would be entered into the international anti -Chinese public opinion as an important material and became part of the LSquo; RSQUO;

In this regard, Ren Jianming, a professor at the School of Public Management of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that Fangfang's diary will not become legal evidence for the international community to account for China, but international public opinion will make it difficult to make China.

He said: In the past, some countries had prejudiced to China and had serious mistakes in prevention and control. Therefore, in this case, did they have more complicated political considerations to publish (diary) in this case?

Ren Jianming also believes that the Fang Fang diary describes the Wuhan at that time in the way of grounding, which is a supplement to the official media reports, but the personal micro perspective is like a blind man touching the image, which is difficult to objectively, rational, and middle -path reflecting the whole picture.

Fang Fang: The power of the extreme left is really powerful

Under the pressure of strong public opinion, the day before yesterday, after reposting a video related video of Wuhan epidemic, I wrote: The power of the extremely left is powerful and powerful!hellip; hellip; this formation looks like the Cultural Revolution I experienced when I was a kid.

She reposted a reader for a message yesterday and responded: Thank you for this reader.How important a person has common sense!

The reader wrote: I believe that a powerful country will not collapse because of the publication of a book, and a confident government will not blame the writer for no reason because of a book.The living conditions of the people in 2020 and later depend on the way of the country and the governments of various countries, not a small square diary.