01 Viewpoint

There are no signs of decline in the epidemic in the United States. So far, more than 300,000 cases have been diagnosed, and nearly 10,000 people have died.In New York State, the worst epidemic, Governor Komo vomited bitter water at a press conference every day, referring to the serious lack of personal protection equipment, and it is difficult to find a ventilator machine. Even with the remaining 49 states, you have to bid online on the Internet.The price of ventilators in mainland China to $ 25,000, and even the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) scrambled to buy one, which was very chaotic.In the end, the Beijing government donated 1,000 ventilator to New York State, which was enough to gratitude to Dade.After all, the strongest superpower on the surface, the United States, which is the United States, which is over the world, is so fell?

As early as January, the outbreak of the Chinese epidemic broke out. When there was a case in the United States for the first time in the United States, some local public opinion had long pointed out that the US production chain rely on China.At that time, drug shortage in the United States had appeared. Because most American patients were produced in China. When the mainland's sealed cities and towns were fully discontinued, drug supply also appeared in the United States, and many long -term patients were called bitter.This has also caused many conservative politicians to worry about Guoan. It is believed that once Sino -US relations have deteriorated, Beijing's Da can threaten the United States on the grounds that drugs are not exported.Therefore, before the outbreak of the U.S., the outbreak of the epidemic will withdraw the chain of American companies out of China after the end of the epidemic.After the U.S. epidemic deteriorated rapidly, material shortcomings appeared in the superpowers of the dignitaries, and it also had to make American public opinion feel the pain that rely on foreign cutting.It is also estimated that after this major epidemic, the Trump administration may force the US companies to move the factory away from China, which will have far far -reaching influence on the Sino -US and even global economy than the trade war.

American Materials Wilderness

Many Americans have also agreed with President Trump since taking office.Trump has criticized the trade policy of new liberalism in Washington in the past few decades, which only benefits American multinational companies and China, and in turn harms the interests of the US government and workers. Even if this argument may gradually get the United States,People support, but the wrist of real -time strain and the treatment of the epidemic is a disaster.Originally, the tragic sealing city in Wuhan should be alert to the Western government, the media, and the people as early as possible.But as early as the United States appeared in the United States as early as January, Trump has always attempted to downplay the incident, and the Ho Shi News Channel of the Republican Party also pointed out that this was deliberately speculated as the Democratic Party and Liberal media.The preparation of the test box and personal protection equipment is extremely insufficient.Until the U.S. epidemic was out of control, Washington had taken action, and it had long been missed, and the situation was greatly backward.

In addition, Trump has not played its national leadership at the beginning, so that the state governments have their own politics.Originally, the state government had a larger self -reliance on different policies of the regional epidemic bank as the federal system.machine.Trump also often scolds the Governor of Democratic Party in the air, caught in a sense of unusual tongue, and hindered the progress of resistance. This is also a personal personality that Trump himself is good at fighting without cooperation.The federal government did not play the responsibility of the central government's unified dispatch of materials. Instead, the 50 states each became market competitors for snap -up materials, and even the Federal Emergency Management Department joined as a member.group.Even the potential election of the potential election, the opponent of the opponent, also called on Trump to appoint the supply commander to fully coordinate and unified medical supplies.

Each state competes to buy

Originally, if the federal government could start with the supply chain to solve the problem of insufficient supply of medical supplies, the chaos that states scrambled to snap up can be solved.In early March, Trump claimed that the United States had entered a state of wartime. It was rumored that it would use the national defense production law to order the production of medical supplies to produce medical supplies.Until the end of the month, Washington's negotiations with GM (GM) broke down, and Trump used the National Defense Production Law to order it to produce ventilator.However, in the case of a large number of materials in a large amount of materials, it is like a salary of water. Trump once put pressure on 3M, preventing him from exporting the N95 mask to Canada and Latin America, and dangers the diplomatic storm.Wait until April 2nd, Trump Fangle ordered the three major companies: 3M, General Electric, and Midunli to produce N95 masks at full speed.Compared with the Taiwan government, the mask was exported as early as January and the mask factories were requisitioned. By now, they can export global exports.

The backward situation of Washington's material procurement and supply has also been helpless to face the economy.The number of people applying for unemployment relief in the United States has soared 6.6 million to 11 million at the end of last month, which is likely to break the record of 15.3 million lost industrial population in 2008.Some experts said that the U.S. unemployment rate may reach 30%, which is higher than 25%of the Great Depression in the 1930s.In this regard, the Federal Reserve was pumped in Wall Street several times at the time of the stock market in the early days of the stock market, and it also adopted unlimited quantitative easing. However, there were fewer assistance measures for the general public.When Denmark, the Netherlands, and British governments continued to pay as high as 90 % of employee spending during the epidemic, the United States Republican Democratic Democratic parties have experienced many arguments, and only reached one or 200 US dollars.For some people, it is only barely cope with the rent of one month. The economic crisis that encountered in this century is nothing at all.

Originally, Trump came to power with economic nationalism and adopting a tough trade policy in China. It was the voters identified their challenges and overturned the confrontation of Huayin in the past forty years.The government policy is preferred by Americans.However, it is also its way of confrontation to make it unwilling to cooperate with opponents, causing the scene where it is politically or even accusing each other during the response of the epidemic.The image of the United States is greatly damaged internationally, and it is also due to Trump's personal personality.In order to ensure the supply of medical supplies, the use of national defense production laws, and helping American labor families backward, it also made Americans full of food.To deal with the epidemic first to eat a sting, and the economic crisis coming immediately, will Trump act in time and timely action to save Li Min in the fire and fire?