The epidemic spreads quickly in some countries, and an increase of 10,000 cases a day is a big problem.At the International Experience Sharing Conference on the New Crown Epidemium on April 2, when talking about the biggest challenge of the next epidemic, Zhong Nanshan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that as the epidemic spreads rapidly in the world, if some countries cannot control the outbreak of the epidemic, they will give it to the outbreak of the outbreak of the epidemic situation, and they will give it to the outbreak of the outbreak.The world brings disasters, and no country can be in trouble. This is what I am most worried about.

Too many patients will bring a huge burden on the medical system. Without beds, medical facilities and professionals, they will eventually form a worse vicious circle.Zhong Nanshan believes that based on China's experience, it is definitely the best way to keep social distances in key areas, maintaining social distance, and wearing masks, which can prevent the virus from further spreading.

Zhong Nanshan also said that the Italian and German epidemic was close to its peak.

Zhong Nanshan also reminded to pay attention to asymptomatic infections.Asymptomatic infections are also contagious, and they should pay more attention to two asymptomatic infections: close contact with diagnostic personnel and personnel from key epidemic areas.

In terms of toxicity, Zhong Nanshan introduced that through the test results of the throat and nasal swabs, in the early stage of the onset, the virus load was very high. There were more upper respiratory tracts, and early infectious were stronger. After a week, it decreased significantly.

Experience of Chinese anti -epidemic

The theme shared by Zhong Nanshan is the Chinese experience that fights against the new crown pneumonia, and reviews the basic context of China's resistance.On January 20, 2020, he posted the infection of the new crowders and medical staff to the media.Zhong Nanshan said that at that time, the government was facing two choices. Whether it adopted a suppression strategy or relieving strategy, and suppressing will definitely hit the economy. However, will the general relief be effective because the new crown is highly contagious?

The Chinese government finally chose to suppress strategies and take positive measures for intervention.Isolation; real -time quantitative PCR detection, which are close contactors and asymptomatic contacts.

Zhong Nanshan summarized. Since January 23, it takes about two weeks. The confirmed cases have reached the peak. Two weeks have begun to decline, and the surrounding area is basically controlled.

In the view of Li Lanjuan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, because the new crown is a newly issued infectious disease, the first challenge is how to control the epidemic, restrict the spread of the virus, discover and control the source of infection, and cut off the pathway. This requires detection and isolation treatment.At first, Wuhan had many difficulties in testing and treatment. With a large number of medical rescue forces and the construction of square cabin hospitals, the source of infectious sources was controlled, and a large number of new cases were reduced.At the beginning of Wuhan, the mortality rate was also very high. After the ventilator, oxygen, artificial liver, etc., the illness and death were quickly reduced.

Controversy of wearing a mask

Whether wearing a mask can be effectively protected, there has always been controversy (\. Some think that wearing a mask can only prevent patients from infect others. This is why some countries think that wearing masks is discriminated against, because wearing masks means that patients are patients. Zhong NanshanI think the facts are not like this.

Zhong Nanshan said that the key to the prevention and control of new crown pneumonia is to keep distance and wear masks.Wearing a mask is more important to protect yourself from infection.

How to wear a mask?Some people think that wearing a mask has no effect and cannot prevent the virus, except N95.Zhong Nanshan said that most Chinese people think that they should wear masks so that they can effectively prevent droplet transmission. Wearing a mask can cut off this main communication path.

Recently, Czech, Austria and other countries have no longer followed the guidelines of WHO and have begun to encourage the public to wear masks in public places.The United States is also considering changing policies, but worrying that this will make the mask supply more tense and hope to give priority to ensuring medical staff.\

How to control the epidemic in South Korea without the city

Professor Soonman Kwon, a professor at the School of Public Health of the National University of Korea, introduced South Korea's earlier experience in controlling the spread of the epidemic.Different from the sealing measures taken by China, the stores are open and the airport is still operating.

South Korea's strategy is to act early.It should not be worried that excessive response, excessive reaction is better than reaction.At the end of January, there were less than ten cases in South Korea. At that time, the government had taken action to prepare testing reagents, issue production permits, earned production earlier, and also conducted large -scale testing.Soonman Kwon said that at the time we were not sure if this approach was certain.

After a large number of tests, confirmed cases surged.Soonman Kwon believes that this is conducive to allowing more people to enter the hospital for treatment. The government also made it clear that if it is mild, enter the hotel and other isolation, and there are medical staff for treatment.

Soonman Kwon also introduced that in terms of tracking, South Korea has adopted a very radical and effective method. After discovering cases, he directly interfere with patients, check mobile phones, GPS, etc., and various video surveillance.Come on.Thanks to the effective and aggressive tracking, it can curb the epidemic.South Korea did not choose to seal the city, but it cost a lot to track.Fengcheng has the benefits of Fengcheng, but the economic cost of Fengcheng will be very high.

South Korea has also conducted extensive social mobilization, such as wearing masks, washing hands, conservative distances, etc.Soonman Kwon said that in South Korea, if you walk on the street without a mask, many people will point you to let you wear a mask.