Does the new crown virus originated from the South Seafood Market in China?Is China sharing virus data in a timely manner?Why can't Chinese epidemiologists see people in the early days?Recently, in an interview with the American Science (Science), Gao Fu, a member of the State Health and Health Commission and director of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, responded to the aforementioned controversy, and pointed out that the biggest mistake in the United States and Europe's prevention and control process is that people are people.No mask.

Gaofu, 59, is studying the envelope virus. How can they enter cells and move between species. In 2013, they were elected academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.He graduated from the Veterinary University of Shanxi Agricultural University undergraduate. He then obtained a doctorate in biochemistry at Oxford University at Oxford University. He also worked as a postdoctoral and researcher at Oxford University and Harvard University to study immunology and virus.

After the new crown epidemic was outbreak, Gao Fu and the China Center for Disease Control and Disease Control and Prevention had been trapped in the vortex of public opinion.On January 29, the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention published a retrospective study on the New England Medical Journal (Nejm) website, showing the epidemic disease of 425 infected people. Because the data and the official notification were inconsistent, the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention was once suffered.People who are explained by people know without reporting.After the essay storm, Gao Fuxian rarely showed up on the domestic media.In this interview, scientifically used various channels such as SMS, voice mail, and telephone, and published it on March 27.

This article is a big mistake to not wear a mask to prevent the new coronal virus. The top Chinese scientist said (not wearing masks to protsst Coronavirus is a lsquo; Big Mistake, RSQUO; Top Chinese Scientist Says), Gao Blessing) Thinking, the early stageTherefore, it is impossible to judge people to pass on people because there is no detailed epidemiological data.He explained that from the beginning, humans were facing a very crazy and hidden virus.The same is true in Italy, other parts of Europe, and the United States. From the beginning, scientists think: Well, this is just a virus.(Q: It WASNRSQUO; T Until 20 January that Chinese Scientis Office Said there was clear evidence of Human-TO-Human Transmission. Logists in China Had So Much Diffical Seeing that It was Occurring?

A: Detailed EpIDEMIOLOGical Data WEERE Not available Yet. And We We Facing A Very Crazy and Concept Virus from the Very Bery Beginning. Sewhere in Europe, and the united states: from the very beginning scientis, everybody through:Well, iTRSQUO; s Just a virus.)

In January 2020, the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention's first separation of the new coronary virus was determined that the virus was the pathogen that caused the pneumonia epidemic that caused Wuhan.The earliest progress was not disclosed by Chinese scientists.On January 8, the Wall Street Journal released a news that Chinese researchers discovered a new coronary virus.A few hours later, Xu Jianguo, the leader of the expert group and the academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, was initially evaluated by the pathogen test results.

Why not Chinese scientists take the lead in reporting the emergence of new coronary viruses?This is a good guess from the Wall Street Journal. Gao Fu did not respond positively, but it was said that the Wall Street Journal published an article with official sharing of virus information for only a few hours, not more than one day.(Q: China Was Also Criticized for Not Sharing the Viral Sequence Immediaately. dignrsquo; TOME from Chinese Government scientist. Why not?

A: That was a very good guess from the well, strees. Who was innted about the sequence, and I think the time between the Article AND the OFFICICIA l sharing of the sequence was maybe a few home.s more than a day.)

On January 9th, in a report on the official website of science, a number of scientists appealed that they hoped to learn more about the information about this pneumonia epidemiology and pathology as soon as possible, and check the exact source of animal infection.On the morning of January 11th, Edward Holmes, a evolutionary biologist at the University of Sydney, represents Zhang Yongzhen, part -time professor at the Public Health Clinical Center of Shanghai (Affiliated to Fudan University) Public Health Clinical Center on behalf of Shanghai (Affiliated to Fudan University).EssenceThe earliest measurement time for this sequence was January 5th, and immediately reported it to the NCBI Genbank database. In order to ensure accuracy, amendments were followed in follow -up.The database is a public comprehensive sequence database established and maintained by the National Biotechnology Information Center (NCBI). Researchers can find known gene sequences to analyze from it.

On the evening of January 11, the National Health and Health Commission announced that China would share information with the WHO to share new coronary virus gene sequence information.The next day, the other five virus genome sequences from different patients were released by the National Health and Health Commission's leadership group to share the influenza virus database GISAID in the world.

In the statement of January 12, the WHO stated that the gene sequence was received, and the quality of the undergoing investigation and the response measures implemented in Wuhan and the promise of regular sharing information were relieved.

At present, there are about 200 new crown virus sequences in the world.

Gao Fuyu denied that the early virus data was announced in a timely manner, and said that we had shared information with scientific colleagues in time, but this involved public health, and we must wait for the policy makers to publicize publicly.He mentioned that he did not want to cause panic, and no one could predict that this virus would cause great popularity.

When it comes to whether the South China seafood market in Wuhan is the original source of the virus. Gao Fu believes that there are two possibilities, that is, the market may be the original origin or the place where the virus spreads.He said that he is trying to understand the origin of the virus, but there is no conclusive one nowIt is reported that the epidemic occurred in November.The medical journal Liuye knife published a post in January to disclose the first 41 cases of the treatment of the treatment of Jin Yintan Hospital. The research chart shows that three of the top four infected people do not have the history of exposure to the South China Seafood market.The market gets a question mark.

In addition, Gao Fu shared the progress of China's research field: China is applying monkeys and genetically modified mice animal models to testing and evaluating drugs and vaccines. Studies have been effectiveEssence

At present, the overseas new crown epidemic is still ongoing.Based on the experience of preliminary prevention and control, Gao Fu reminded that staying away from social networking is the basic strategy to control any infectious disease (especially respiratory tract infections).First of all, use non -drug strategies, no specific inhibitors or drugs, and no vaccine; second, all cases must be ensured; third, close contact must be isolated, China spend a lot of time to find all close contacts, and ensure that it is ensured thatIsolation; fourth, suspend public gatherings; fifth, restrict traffic.