On March 17, Ambassador Cui Tiankai accepted an interview with Axios and HBO's joint programs to answer questions from reporters Jonathan Middot; Swan's question on the new crown pneumonia's epidemic, media relations, Xinjiang -related issues, and Sino -US relations.According to the official website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, the full text of the interview is as follows:

Swan: Mr. Ambassador, we thank you very much for your interview.Before we talk about the epidemic, I want to ask you about a few attractive news.

Ambassador Cui: Okay.

Swan: On Monday night, President Trump first called the new crown virus as a Chinese virus.What do you think?

Ambassador Cui: I am not a White House spokesman, but the World Health Organization has rules in the naming of the disease. It is to avoid stigma and not give human illnesses, and the impression of specific geographical locations, crowds and even animals.I hope everyone can comply with the rules of WHO.

Swan: U.S. President did not comply with this rule. What information do you want to pass him?He will see our interviews.

Ambassador Cui: My information is very clear. I hope the WHO rules will be obeyed.

Swan: Mr. Ambassador, the Chinese government announced on Tuesday that it will expel the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post. They will leave China within 10 days.Mr. Ambassador, what does the independent media make the Chinese government afraid?

Ambassador Cui: Let me tell you the right fact first.First of all, it is not to expel these people, just to terminate their journalist cards.Second, not everyone in these media involves it, and some of them will stay in China to continue working.But the most important thing is that China ’s actions have responded to the US government’ s implementation of measures for Chinese reporters.In a sense, we have to do so.

Swan: However, according to our understanding, it is not the Chinese government's criticism of the Chinese government's response to the Chinese Communist Party's response to the epidemic due to the Wall Street Journal, and then the US government demands that the Chinese government has to restrict the number of reporters in the United States.Intersection

Ambassador Cui: No.In fact, the Wall Street Journal has published an article on the use of insulting language in the Chinese nation, causing great indignation of the Chinese people, so the Chinese government must respond.Then the US government took action on Chinese reporters in the United States, and expelled these Chinese journalists who were only working on professional (reporting) work and never violated US law.We can only respond according to the principle of peer.

Swan: I read the Wall Street Journal column article. I think there is no illegal content in the article, just criticizing the government.

Ambassador Cui: If you understand Chinese history, you will know that the article is a great insult to the entire Chinese nation.Many Americans do not agree with the title and language of that article, and even feel angry.

Swan: Mr. Ambassador, I believe that people will have different opinions, but the question is, because it is a good idea to expel reporter?

Ambassador Cui: Maybe the question that should be asked first is that writing such an article is a good idea?

Swan: Mr. Ambassador, in the face of public health crisis, it is important to carry out dialogue based on facts.You said in an interview with national programs on February 9 that the spread of viruses from the US military laboratory is very dangerous.Mr. Ambassador, do you know who is spreading these crazy conspiracy theories?

Ambassador Cui: I think this starts in the United States.You read that I was interviewed for the whole people, and we talked about someone to spread madly of remarks here.

Swan: Yes, you said at the time: Some people say that these viruses are from the US military laboratory instead of China. How can we believe in similar crazy remarks?You responded to hellip; hellip;

Ambassador Cui: This is my consistent position.I thought so at the time, and I still think so now.For this question, of course, we will eventually find the answer to unveil the source of the virus, but this is a job that scientists need to do, not to be speculated by diplomats or reporters, because such speculation is not good for anyone, andVery harmful.Why not let our scientists complete their professional work and finally tell us the answer?

Swan: Mr. Ambassador, I am glad to listen to you.Because in fact, Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for your Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is in the conspiracy theory of spreading viruses from the American laboratory.Does he have relevant evidence?

Ambassador Cui: Maybe you can ask him.

Swan: Did you ask him?You are an ambassador.

Ambassador Cui: I represent the Chinese head of state and the Chinese government here, not a specific individual.

Swan: Did he speak on behalf of the Chinese government?Is it Zhao Lijian or do you speak on behalf of the Chinese government?

Ambassador Cui: I am a representative of China in the United States.

Swan: Okay.So we should not listen literally.Although he is a spokesman, we should not think his words represent the Chinese government.

Ambassador Cui: You can interpret the words of others.I can't tell you the point of all people.

Swan: This is not a question of how to interpret it, he said that.But what you mean is clear.We continue to interview.Mr. Ambassador, you know that the epidemic spreads very quickly in the early days, and it is very important to control the epidemic in the early days.The University of Southampton has found that if China can intervene in the epidemic three weeks early, the number of infections will be reduced by 95%.Many people say that because of the three weeks of the epidemic, the Communist Party officials not only hurt the Chinese, but also endangers the people from all over the world.I want to ask you, will the Communist Party apologize for early concealment (epidemic)?

Ambassador Cui: I think this statement is distorted.You said that the virus grew rapidly within a few weeks, which was right.But if you study the facts seriously, you will find that at the beginning, people know very little about this new virus, and no one really knows it.You can't think that a new virus should be warned by a few people's fever.People must carefully understand what the real situation is.Therefore, I think this is not a process of covering the truth, but a process of discovering this new type of virus. To confirm the type of virus, understand it more, understand its spreading pathway and how to deal with it.In fact, within a few weeks, China notified all the situations learned to the World Health Organization, including the gene sequence of the virus.We reminded the WHO and other countries that in about two or three weeks, Wuhan City took measures to seal the city.It was on January 23.It has been 55 days until now.With our resolute and firm efforts, the number of cases in China is declining sharply, and the number of people who are hospitalized are rising significantly.Maybe everyone should ask, what should be done and not done in these 55 days.Because according to medical professionals, the so -called incubation period of the virus is generally about 14 days.So in the past 55 days, what has been done and what should be done without doing, maybe this is the question that should be asked.

Swan: As you said, I think the first three weeks are critical.I want to ask you some specific facts, because you mentioned the facts just now.Research from the University of Toronto found that when China began to review the content of the new coronal virus in social media, the shielded keywords include rumors.Why do Chinese sides review information about the virus?

Ambassador Cui: The effort we do is not your so -called review of the content of media reporting. Our efforts and work focus first is to screen for everyone's body temperature to ensure that the virus will not spread quickly. At the same timeThe quantity, so that we can take measures to cure patients.So our efforts actually have nothing to do with the media, but how to deal with those who are infected with virus.Don't you think this is more important?

Swan: I think both are important.Notifying the information to the public is very important.When Dr. Wuhan, including Dr. Li Wenliang, issued a warning and sharing laboratory report information, they did not listen, and the Chinese Communist Party and the police detained them for interrogation.Li Wenliang had to issue a statement saying that he was scattered in false remarks.

Ambassador Cui: What you say is still distorting the facts.I tell you two things.First of all, Dr. Li was discussing with colleagues and doctors. It was not a warning to the public. Because he was also confused at the time and was alert, he consulted his doctor to travel.I don’t know what to do, this post is posted on their doctorsThe information of the circle of friends came out, and of course it caused people to worry.Secondly, the central government is now investigating the issue of Dr. Li Wenliang's Dr. Li Wenliang. Why do we conclude that we do not wait for the results of the investigation?

Swan: I just don't understand why a doctor shared the laboratory report, discussed with colleagues, the information was leaked, and the information was very useful for the public, but he was summoned by the police and had to recover him back.What did you say before?

Ambassador Cui: This is not the case, let me tell you.I couldn't do anything about the situation in Wuhan at that time.But in general, no matter what level of governments, how can it be decided based on some leaked information?It is necessary to ensure that the content announced publicly has a solid facts and scientific foundation.

Swan: I don't mean to use this as the basis for decision -making.I just want to say why Dr. Li was punished for sharing information?This is where I don't understand.

Ambassador Cui: As I said just now, the whole thing is under investigation.Why not wait for the investigation to end first?

Swan: On January 15, Li Qun, director of the Health Emergency Center of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said in an interview with CCTV that after careful screening and careful judgment, our latest conclusion was that (the virus) risk was low.How do you pay attention to this?Mr. Ambassador, I can't understand how many thousand people have lost their lives because of this conclusion.

Ambassador Cui: I am not a doctor, I can't explain all technical issues to you.I don't know what this Mr. Li said.

Swan: He said in an interview with CCTV.

Ambassador Cui: I can't watch all TV shows.As I said before, I also want to remind you again that this is a process of discovering the virus.

Swan: But as early as December 27, doctors reminded people that Dr. Zhao Jianping, an expert in the Department of Lung, Tongji Hospital of Wuhan, reminded Wuhan Disease Control Center that this virus may be rumored.The question is, after two weeks, why is the Chinese authorities still told the public virus that is unlikely to be rumored?

Ambassador Cui: We learned that this virus would immediately remind the public after he was rumored.However, before the conclusion, there must be evidence, which must be based on science.You and I are not a doctor. I don't think we have the ability to discuss all technical issues. Doing so may be misleading to the audience, if that's that is very troublesome.

Swan: I'm just quoting what the doctor said.

Ambassador Cui: Even doctors have not been fully reached.This depends on who you quote.

Swan: Doctors must have a consensus on the virus.The doctor said hell; hellip;

Ambassador Cui: This has been confirmed now.That's why we do everything possible to help people.

Swan: Mr. Ambassador, what we discuss is to make the public get information.I have to ask you some missing reporters.What is the citizen reporter Chen Qiu?At that time, he was making early videos of Wuhan's response after the epidemic and some local chaos.

Ambassador Cui: I have never heard of this person.

Swan: Really?On February 9th, you were also asked about his situation in an interview with the whole people.

Ambassador Cui: No, I was not asked a specific reporter.

Swan: You were asked at the time.Middle Middot; Burenan mentioned him.

Ambassador Cui: I didn't know this person before, and now I don't know.

Swan: One month has passed, don't you want to know who he is?

Ambassador Cui: We have a population of 1.4 billion. How can I understand everything of everyone?

Swan: I don't let you understand.I mean that international media such as the New York Times have made reports about him.His family and friends want to know where he is.Haven't you ever inquired about his whereabouts because of curiosity?

Ambassador Cui: My responsibility is to deal with Sino -US relations.As for domestic affairs, domestic people are dealing with related issues.Our judicial department is responsible for dealing with these issues (what you said).Shouldn't you perform his duties?We do what we should do.

Swan: After the interview, you did not understand his situation.

Ambassador Cui: Why do I have to know what the domestic judicial department is doing?We should respect the judicial procedures.

Swan: So you don't know what happened to Fang Bin and Li Zehua?They are two other citizen reporters who have also disappeared when they were engaged in reporting in Wuhan.

Ambassador Cui: To be honest, I wonder if these are facts.

Swan: Why do you doubt?You don't know who they are. The New York Times and the Guardian and other international media have been reporting the matter.

Ambassador Cui: Why do I believe everything in the New York Times?Not all Americans believe in all the reports of the newspaper. Why do I believe it?

Swan: I think my question is, why don't you want to know?They are Chinese citizens, and their family and friends say they are missing.I don't understand why you don't want to know the truth.If you say that the New York Times report is not a fact, it is a very serious problem for your country.Don't you want to know?

Ambassador Cui: I don't think this is a serious problem.We should all respect the judicial procedures of their respective countries, rather than trying to intervene.

Swan: Okay.Mr. Ambassador, my next question is, as you know, the risks of spreading viruses where the crowd gather is very risky.What measures did the Chinese authorities take in Xinjiang to ensure that hundreds of thousands of Muslims in the concentration camp can safely spend this new crown pneumonia epidemic?

Ambassador Cui: Sorry, I have to correct your words from time to time.First of all, Xinjiang has no concentration camp.There were some vocational training centers there, not concentrated camps, but campus.All the students of the Education Center have graduated and found a new job.Fortunately, Xinjiang is one of the provinces with a small number of new crown pneumonia.Therefore, the sanitary situation may be better than many other provinces.

Swan: So, can you guarantee the world?You know that many people in the United Nations and around the world are concerned about the Uighurs and Kazakh people in these concentrated camps.Can you assure them that no Muslims have been forced to enter these concentration camp without being charged?

Ambassador Cui: Every country and region have those who violate the law or are affected by terrorism. There are the United States and China.Such people must be dealt with according to law, but this is not equal aimed at any specific ethnic group.Anyone who attempts to launch terrorist attacks on innocent people should be punished by law.For anyone who is affected by terrorism, we should try to prevent them from further becoming victims of terrorism.

Swan: Of course, Mr. Ambassador.No one wants hellip; hellip;

Ambassador Cui: This approach is not aimed at specific ethnic groups, and everyone is equal before the law.

Swan: The question is, Mr. Ambassador, no one opposes what you said, that is, put terrorists into prison.EssenceEssence

Ambassador Cui: That's it.

Swan: But these people are estimated that about 1 million Muslims have not been charged with crimes, but they have been put into concentration camps.

Ambassador Cui: How do you get the number of 1 million?

Swan: It wasn't what I got, it was the United Nations.

Ambassador Cui: No, not the United Nations, I don't think this number is from the United Nations.

Swan: From the United Nations group, those experts who study satellite images, independent journalists, observers, etc., you know.

Ambassador Cui: Let me tell you that in the past few years, many foreign diplomats, journalists, and people from Muslim countries have visited Xinjiang, and they can tell you the truth.Why not listen to what these people have been to the local people?

Swan: I have listened to the news team of the US Broadcasting Corporation. This is a visit to someone. Some concentration camps cannot go, and they cannot go to the post and door.But my problem is that since you say that this is a vocational skills education and training center, the terrorists should not be sent to these places.

Ambassador Cui: No.These centers are targeted at people who may be affected by terrorism.Most of them are not real criminals or real terrorists.Therefore, we provide them with training to let them learn laws and majorsSkills, etc., so as to have better work prospects.This is what happened to most people.

Swan: Many people who have not been charged with crimes but are forced to enter are claimed to be imprisoned, detained, beaten, and deprived of food.Kazakhs Karat Middot; Samalham said to the National Public Broadcasting Station in the United States that he was tortured and had to wear iron clothes.Can you help them do this?

Ambassador Cui: Frankly speaking, if you continue to list these prejudice and prejudice materials, the communication between us will not play any beneficial role.

Swan: Why is it useless?Mr. Ambassador, this is the mainstream news report of public radio stations in the United States. I am not reading any news.

Ambassador Cui: Why don't you go to see what the facts are, and do n’t hear what people who really have been to those places?Why do you insist on these prejudices and prejudices?I do not understand.

Swan: Mr. Ambassador, I did not make up.I am quoting what the people who came out of the concentration camp said to the media, which was published publicly.This is what I can do, these guided visits ...

Ambassador Cui: I try to tell you the facts, but you refuse to listen.

Swan: No, I'm listening.Therefore, do you say that everyone who comes out of the concentration camp and tells these experiences is lying, because there are dozens of such people.

Ambassador Cui: I am not talking about this.I mean, many people, diplomats, and reporters in many Muslim countries have been there. Why not listen to them?

Swan: Isn't anyone among them visited these places with Chinese government officials?

Ambassador Cui: How can they exclude Chinese existence on Chinese territory?

Swan: It is not to exclude China.If you want to visit some facilities in the United States, you may not necessarily be taken care of by the United States.

Ambassador Cui: But we still have to abide by US law.You see, we must comply with local rules and regulations.And you know that the security situation in Xinjiang a few years ago was very severe. We must ensure the safety when foreign visitors, but in other aspects are open.They can see anything they want to see.They will tell you what they see.

Swan: In Xinjiang, can I go anywhere without Chinese government personnel?

Ambassador Cui: I think you must respect local laws and regulations, local culture, and people's feelings.Whether it is you, or a foreign journalist or a diplomat, it is a visitor or a guest. At least you should learn to respect the owner and learn to take care of the owner's feelings more.Isn't this normal?If I go to your house, but don't care about your feelings, is this normal?

Swan: I am not disrespectful.I just pointed to you what the Uighurs talked to the mainstream media at the concentrated camp.I did not quote the information that could not be influenced.I am trying to let you respond to this topic.Can we talk about satellite images?There are many such satellite images. I have seen the images in the Guardian report. These satellite pictures show that since 2016, dozens of mosques and religious places in Xinjiang have been destroyed.Are these satellite images I see?

Ambassador Cui: If you go to Xinjiang yourself, you will find that there are more per capita mosques in Xinjiang than some other places in the world including some Muslim countries.

Swan: However, when satellite images show these places, such as Ima's Asim, Jahari Middot; Sadik, etc., all of them were destroyed.You can see these in the image clearly.Why destroy them?

Ambassador Cui: I don't think they have been destroyed.

Swan: This is how satellite images are displayed.

Ambassador Cui: I told you the truth.The number of mosques in Xinjiang is even more than some Muslim countries.Maybe some of the mosques are renovating and maintenance.I went to Xinjiang last year and saw a lot of my own eyes. I also visited one of the teaching and training centers.

Swan: Have you ever been to these mosque mentioned above?

Ambassador Cui: I have been to many famous mosques in Xinjiang.

Swan: But when you see this kind of report about dozens of mosques, have you visited any of them to understand what happened?

Ambassador Cui: I didn't see anything destroyed.

Swan: Okay.I really just try to point you a report and satellite images, I hope you respond.Mr. Ambassador, the last related question: Is it willing to let international human rights observers enter Xinjiang inspections without improving supervision?

Ambassador Cui: The Chinese delegation in the United Nations is communicating with the United Nations Human Rights Specialty Office, and China is doing its best to arrange relevant visits by the Special Office.However, the problem is that some relevant personnel have visited the premise for this, and set up political prerequisites unreasonablely, which interfered in the relationship between China and the Gao Specialty and did not meet the interests of the United Nations.But we are working with the United Nations to clear all possible, unreasonable and unnecessary obstacles that exist, and promote the visit as soon as possible.

Swan: Can you understand why everyone is concerned about this?For example, if someone is locked into these facilities, their children become orphans. You can understand that everyone is worried about Xinjiang's situation.

Ambassador Cui: I think when there were thousands of violence attacks in Xinjiang a few years ago, and the innocent people were killed and hurt, people should be worried and should indeed worry.Now there have been no terrorist attacks in Xinjiang for more than 3 years, and people should feel relaxed and happy.

Swan: Some people can't find their family, they say that the family is still in the concentration camp, they are very unhappy, Very worried.

Ambassador Cui: As I just said, these teaching and training centers have completed the task, all the students have graduated, and they have embarked on a new job.

Swan: If I go now, will I find someone going to the building?

Ambassador Cui: I hope you can have the opportunity to go to Xinjiang.

Swan: I really want to go.

Ambassador Cui: Then you apply.

Swan: I will.My colleague was not allowed, I would like to try it.I also want to ask questions about the next development of the virus.What does China want to do in the next few weeks or months?In fact, we don't know how long the global epidemic prevention needs.

Ambassador Cui: Do you mean what China is going to do, or do you do for the international community?

Swan: I mean these two aspects.

Ambassador Cui: I think that for the Chinese side, we must ensure that the number of cases will not increase. This is important. It must truly clear and ensure that the people's health and safety are fully protected.Of course, we should also accelerate the research and development of drugs and vaccines to provide better tools for response to viruses in the future.

At the same time, we are willing to cooperate with other countries.We have been working closely with the World Health Organization.Just a few days ago, we held video conferences with WHO and other countries to coordinate the efforts of resistance.We also provide assistance to neighboring countries and Italy.We are willing to work with the international community, because this is a global challenge, and the prevention and control of the epidemic must be successful globally, otherwise no country is safe.We have full understanding of this and we will do our best to help other countries.

Of course, at the beginning of the outbreak of the epidemic, many countries reached out to us, and the American people, enterprises, some groups and experts also reached out to us.Expert delegation, we are grateful to them.

Swan: What do you think of the current US -China relations?

Ambassador Cui: I think we are at a key node.Our mdash; mdash; I said that we refer to the correct choice for the future development of bilateral relations and descendants (well -being) for the future development of bilateral relations.

Swan: Can you talk about it in detail?The key node refers to the node between what and what?

Ambassador Cui: In fact, Sino -US cooperation is the only correct choice.Only when both parties work together to promote Sino -US relations based on coordination, cooperation, and stability, can the people of the two countries have a better future.We resolutely oppose the practice of trying to provoke the confrontation between the two countries, launch the new Cold War, and the so -called economic decoupling of the so -called economic decoupling.

Swan: Please allow me to say that you did not do so today, but your colleagues and officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China are doing this. He lies saying that the virus comes from the US military laboratory.Communist Party of China.

Ambassador Cui: I don't understand why you pointed your fingers to the Communist Party of China.Do you know that many of the medical staff who are fighting against the front line and treating patients are members of the Communist Party of China?I don't know if you know this fact.(What you just mentioned) Dr. Li Wenliang is also a member of the Communist Party of China. Do you know?

Swan: Of course, I know.

Ambassador Cui: Maybe you should show more respect, because the Communist Party of China and the people maintain flesh and blood.If you attack the Communist Party of China, the vast majority of Chinese people will think you are attacking them!

Swan: Ambassador, I assure you that I did not attack the Communist Party of China. Let me refer to the Chinese government below.The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman made those remarks, and it was exactly what you said.

Ambassador Cui: You have to look at all the facts.China is not the initiator of mutual accusations.

Swan: That's good.

Ambassador Cui: Those who initiate mutual accusations are in Washington.This is the fact.

Swan: Do you have anything to say about the US government officials and the American people who are watching the interview?The two governments of the two countries have been publicized.What you want to say at this important moment.

Ambassador Cui: First of all, I want to thank the American people who support and help the fight against China, including enterprises, institutions and ordinary people.Secondly, I also want to tell them that we are on the same boat.We are facing global public health challenges, even more than that.We must combat the anti -virus side by side, restore the normal operation of the economy, reshape people's confidence in the world economy, and cultivate the ability to deal with other similar crisis.We have common interests, and we must build a better future together.This is what I want to say to the American people and the government most.let us start doing something.

Swan: I express my personal condolences to the pain of the Chinese people because of the epidemic.The situation is bad, we hope that the situation in the world can get better.

Ambassador Cui: I am also very concerned about the development of the U.S. epidemic situation. I am worried about the increasing number of cases of diagnosis.The United States has strong medical capabilities and technologies. I hope you can make full use of these strong items to prevent and control the epidemic in a timely manner and reduce the mortality as much as possible.

Swan: Thank you very much for taking the time to receive our interview.

Ambassador: Thank you for interviewing me.

Swan: Thank you.(End)