There are 0 new confirmed cases in Wuhan, 0 new suspected cases in Wuhan, and 0 cases of suspected cases in Wuhan.Three 0 Wuhan, glittering.On March 19, Ye Qing was unable to hide his excitement and wrote in his Wuhan diary: Wuhan ushered in three 0 0.The Wuhan Defense Battle is destined to be loaded into China and the history of Wuhan.

Ye Qing, 58, has served as Deputy Director of the Hubei Provincial Bureau of Statistics since 2003. He is also a professor at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, deputy director of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the Democratic Promotion Association, and a member of the Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial Political Consultative Conference.Ye Qing claims to be a famous outside party person from the Hubei official field. At the beginning of his office, he proposed a bus reform. As a deputy office cadre, he took the lead in leaving his own life.Care, the bone gas of intellectuals is more important than subsidies.

On January 23, Ye Qing started to write a diary of Wuhan's anti -epidemic. Every day, she was posted to the Internet every day to record important events and major changes in the anti -epidemic process.He believes that if the city is closed for five days, the situation may be much better; if the city and the seal community and the supermarket are carried out at the same time, the fire Shenshan, Leishan Mountain Hospital and Jianfang Calcium Hospital will be carried out at the same time, and the situation of resistance will be much better.Essence

Seeing the specific problems, Ye Qing did not delay the moment. During the epidemic, he submitted 25 proposals as members of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, including the proposal to collect school hotels as a new type of pneumonia treatment center, civil servants wearing N95 masks, recruitment volunteer supplementsRed Cross and Charity Federation and so on.He said: It is a life -saving thing and cannot spend the night.

Ye Qing believes that the two months of resistance, the people of Wuhan gradually recognized the true colors of the virus, and also recognized the true colors of bureaucracy. Bulletinism would kill people like the new crown virus.In Wuhan's resistance, the people forced bureaucracy to a dead end step by step, and gave vivid lessons to party and government cadres across the country.

Today, the Wuhan epidemic is basically stable. As an official of an economist, Ye Qing calls for resurgence to resume production.He believes that if you do n’t work late, people are forced to stay at home to eat mountains and air. In the long run, the damage may be larger than the new coronal virus.

If the early sealing city is carried out with the seal community and the supermarket, the situation will be much better.

Caixin Reporter: When did you hear new crown pneumonia?

Ye Qing: On December 31, 2019, the Wuhan Health and Health Committee circulated on the Internet found internal notifications of unknown pneumonia. I knew this, but the information released by the early official experts was preventable and controlled.I didn't think of it seriously.At the end of the year, from mid -December to mid -January, it was my busiest time that I attended many meetings. On January 19, I was still attending the meeting without wearing a mask.Under the judgment of people who will not be passed on, Wuhan is busy preparing to meet the Spring Festival. The life is very comfortable. Some netizens remind people of Wuhan: You Wuhan is already an epidemic area.Wuhan people said very chic: Not that serious, experts said that they would not pass on.We were mislead by experts and were paralyzed.

Caixin Reporter: As a member of the CPPCC of Hubei Province, you participated in the two sessions of Hubei Province from January 11th to January 15th. Will he discuss the new crown virus at the meeting?

Ye Qing: The official meeting of the CPPCC did not discuss the new crown virus. The meeting had the theme of pre -determined. At that time, I felt that this matter was not worth mentioning.But a scene that I was very impressed. On January 15th, the CPPCC closed ceremony. A member of the Hong Kong and Commercial Political Consultative Conference in the front row wore a N95 mask. In fact, Hong Kong had warning on January 4.I think he should be the only member wearing a mask on the venue. He may be a little embarrassed. When the camera swept him, he took off the mask, swept the camera, and he put on the mask again.I felt strange at the time, and the people around us laughed and felt that he was a little fussy.Now it seems that he is foresight.

Caixin Reporter: When did you feel that the epidemic of new crown pneumonia has become serious?

Ye Qing: Like the people across the country, I also saw that Academician Zhong Nanshan said on TV on the evening of January 20th that he would definitely be rumored, saying that there were 14 medical staff in Wuhan infected.He also told: If unnecessary, don't go to Wuhan recently.At this time, I knew that things were serious, but I didn't have particularly panic yet, because people around me had not infected with new crown pneumonia.I wore a mask when I walked outside at noon on January 21, but did not wear a mask in the office.At that time, I still felt that wearing a mask was a bit weird.Until the evening of January 22, the Wuhan Municipal Government issued a notice and decided to implement control measures to wear masks in public places.This is an important time node.In the next few days, there were many videos of people in Wuhan Hospital on the Internet. The video of the medical staff out of control and crying, and the Wuhan people began to feel scary.

Caixin Reporter: The moment you were in the city of Wuhan on January 23, what are you doing?

Ye Qing: I got up on the morning of January 23, and Wuhan people knew the news of the traffic city at 10 am.Since 1949, there has never been a record of closing the city in Chinese history. Even during the SARS in 2003, Beijing City has not been closed.Some netizens said that the last seal of Wuhan was in the Wuchang Uprising in 1911.On the streets of Wuhan, you can obviously feel the panic.At 10 am on January 23, the railway station and airport in Wuhan were sealed, but the high -speed intersection was not completely closed. Many people wanted to rush to escape from Wuhan. The map showed that the exit of the highway was red.At more than 3 pm on January 23, all the entrances and exits of the Hubei Expressway were closed, and the passage from Han was closed.

I originally planned to leave Wuhan on New Year's Eve to Xianning to celebrate the New Year.I did n’t have a special panic. Since I stayed, I watched it quietly. I started to write the Wuhan epidemic diary and record a major node incident in Wuhan's epidemic. Pointing out the outstanding problems in Wuhan's anti -epidemic.Pass.

Caixin Reporter: What do you think of the early in Wuhan resistance?

Ye Qing: The question before January 20th needs to be investigated in depth. I will not say it for the time being.I think Fengcheng is very necessary, but it is too late. If you have been closed for five days, there will be a lot of people, and the situation will be much better.

After the city was closed, the biggest problem was that the city was not carried out simultaneously with the seal community and the supermarket.The sealing community was really strictly controlled until February 17.Prior to this, a large number of personnel flowed to cross infections.

The closed supermarket of Wuhan is also a concentrated infection place.The people have no experience in sealing the city, and they happen to be the New Year.A circle of friends in Wuhan is popular: the first batch of infection was before the year (Spring Festival), the second batch of infection was the squeezing hospital, the third batch of infection was the crowding supermarket, and the fourth batch of infected group purchases were group purchases.I gave eight suggestions to the supermarket, and I made a suggestion once in the supermarket.

On January 27th I went to the Zhongbai Supermarket near the community. The situation in the supermarket was very bad. Uyengwuyang was all people. Everyone was too close to keep a safe distance at all.After returning home, I immediately wrote a proposal on strengthening the management of supermarkets as a member of the CPPCC. It is recommended that five suggestions such as online dishes, minimizing sales, and reducing queue in line.

Early discovery, early isolation, early collection, we were verified by we with more than 2,000 lives for 30 days, more than 2,000 lives.If Wuhan is in a sealing area and a supermarket at the same time, it will be much better in building a square cabin hospital at the same time when the fire Shenshan and Lei Shenshan Hospital are built at the same time.

Caixin Reporter: I heard that you used the status of the CPPCC members to write a lot of proposals.

Ye Qing: Many things were busy and disorderly in the early stage. I looked in a hurry and kept writing the proposal: I saw that the medical staff lay on the floor of the hospital to rest, so I mentioned the suggestion of adding folding beds in the donation items; seeing the suspected infection of infection;People and infected people are not isolated. I mentioned that the school hotel was required to be the treatment center of the school as a new type of pneumonia; seeing the low work efficiency of the Red Cross and a large amount of rescue supplies in the backlog of the warehouse, I mentioned that the recruitment volunteer enriched the Red Cross and Charity Federation.; Seeing some Wuhan people in the field suffer from crowds, I also mentioned that taking care of Wuhan people outside also helped Wuhan; seeing the shortage of the n95 mask of the first -tier medical staff, I mentioned the suggestions of civil servants who did not wear the N95 mask.As of March 19, I submitted a total of 25 proposals.Some are particularly urgent. When I see the problem, I immediately write the proposal and hand it over to the CPPCC platform. It is a life -saving thing and cannot spend the night.Some are at the macro level. For example, it is necessary to strengthen the efforts of economic development, environmental protection, and health guarantee, and the director of the Health and Health Commission for more than half a year training. This is an experience lesson we have to absorb this epidemic.The happiest thing is that the comrades of the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive sent text messages, telling me that some suggestions were adopted.

Caixin Reporter: In your opinion, when is the turning point against the new crown epidemic?

Ye Qing: I think that from the city of Wuhan, the anti -epidemic can be divided into two stages: it is fear before February 8th, and hope after February 8th.This node was Chen Yixin, who was the deputy secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and the secretary of the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee on February 8th, went to Wuhan to supervise the war and served as the deputy leader of the Central Guidance Team.Chen Yixin knows the situation in Wuhan very well. He is a practical faction with ideas. After he arrived in Wuhan, he overall layout. The anti -epidemic play system was clear.Stabilize people's hearts.On February 13, the new provincial party committee secretary and the municipal party committee secretary was in place, and the execution power was greatly strengthened.Investigate the situation of clearing zero, accepting beds, and other people, and the situation in Wuhan's anti -epidemic is basically stable.

Wuhan resistance is inseparable from the support of the people across the country.The country has mobilized more than 40,000 medical staff support. People across the country donated medical protection supplies, vegetables and other living materials to Wuhan. It should be said that the anti -epidemic in the second half of Wuhan showed the country's strong mobilization capabilities and reflected the unity of the people across the country.Spirit, support Wuhan out of the epidemic as soon as possible.Compared with foreign anti -disease, we can deeply understand the advantages of our country's strong mobilization capabilities.The Wuhan Defense Battle is destined to be loaded into China and the history of Wuhan.

Bulletin can be killed like the new crown virus

Caixin Reporter: After this new crown resistance, what do you think of the government has improved?

Ye Qing: In the Wuhan diary on the 50th day, I wrote: The new crown pneumonia and bureaucracy are the right choice.Bulletin may be able to bear it in normal times, but in the face of the epidemic, bureaucracy is harmful to people's life, and tolerance is unbearable.Bulletinism is very stubborn, but in Wuhan was torn away, the people fully see that bureaucracy is also a virus, and bureaucracy will kill people like the new crown virus.This time, the people forced bureaucracy to the dead ends step by step. It was also a great lesson for party and government cadres. No one dared to defend bureaucracy.

In the early days, problems occurred, and various departments would also have words to justify.The eight people were commanded, and the public security department explained; the prison had taken the incident, and the prison management department argued that the sentence was released and was sent away according to law.But the people are dissatisfied and aroused public opinion.After the new leader came to power, he checked when he had a problem. He immediately apologized and immediately corrected it.For example, in Qingshan District's garbage truck transportation incident, the people reported at five in the afternoon, handled cadres in the evening, and announced the investigation and investigation of the deputy head of the deputy district in the middle of the night.Going to a party school is more effective.

After two months of resistance, the people of Wuhan recognized the true face of the virus and recognized the true colors of bureaucracy. The citizens hated bureaucratic and formalism.No one dares to escape from bureaucracy, which is a warning to party and government cadres across the country.I believe that this battle has changed not only Wuhan citizens, but also party and government cadres.If the people -oriented concepts and actions are based on the end of December 2019, people should not be checked, and those who should check should not be checked.

This time, the new crown epidemic, the children of the post -80s and post -90s played the main force. These young people rushed on the front line, and their performance was very amazing.Some people used to say that they were the collapse of generations. They proved that they had been responsible for their actions, which was gratifying.

Some members of the CPPCC and I have called for a 2020 Wuhan Anti -Epidemia theme Memorial Park. For generations of remembers to remember the new crown epidemic, remember that thousands of million people who contribute to the anti -epidemic situation are the common memory of our nation.It is less than lessons and wealth.I suggest that the first statue of the commemorative park should be Dr. Li Wenliang. He is an ordinary doctor, but he is very great. He dares to tell the truth. We should remember the spirit of Dr. Li Wenliang's dare to speak.

Caixin Reporter: What experience do you think are worthy of our learning lessons?

Ye Qing: From a macro perspective, I think it is necessary to strengthen the three aspects of economic development, environmental protection, and health protection.In the past 20 years, almost every time we encounter a big disaster, we will have a new understanding.Economic development, environmental protection, and health protection have become the main context of governing the country in the past 20 years.Before the outbreak of SARS in 2003, we emphasized economic growth, which led to GDP supremacy, destroying the ecology, and the SARS public health incident.Since then, we have begun to emphasize the harmony and unity of nature and nature, and later included ecological protection into the important part of governing the country and governing the country.In 2020, the new crown epidemic raged in Wuhan. This epidemic reflected the lack of health protection capabilities in Wuhan and even the country.Therefore, China's next development should have three major focus: economic development, environmental protection, and health guarantee. Never happen 17 years ago, and the scars have forgotten the pain.

At the specific operation level, a deputy governor or deputy mayor manager must be arranged at the provincial and municipal level.We have the deputy provinces (cities) that specialize in finance, but there are no deputy provinces (cities) that specialize in public health. Now the deputy province (city) head (city) of science, education, culture and health, only one of them.Health must arrange a specialized administrative deputy office to manage it. This head of health provinces (cities) should be the first degree of graduate from a regular medical school. He has experienced in medical institutions.Power, hear the order directly in the center of the central government.The director of the Health and Health Commission at all levels must also be played by professionals to let people who know health control health and health.As Ren Zhengfei said, let the people heard the sound of artillery call the fire to make the people who can hear the cannon command the battle.Otherwise, the director of the Health Commission will repeat the tragedy that I don't know.

Caixin Reporter: As an current official, your Wuhan diary is very sharp and under pressure?

Ye Qing: My reputation in the officialdom of Hubei is the party who loves to stab. I am a member of the Democratic Promotion Association. In May 2003, I entered the government as the Democratic Party and served as the Deputy Director of the Hubei Provincial Bureau of Statistics.This official position has fallen from the sky. Since there is this opportunity, I have to make suggestions.At the beginning of taking office, I proposed the reform of the bus. As a deputy department -level cadre, I took the lead in revolutionizing my life, firing my driver, the book of the public car reform, and the subsidy was canceled. The bone air of intellectuals was more important than subsidies.Since then, the provincial leaders have known that I am a stabbing party.Some people say that your career is basically frozen. I said that this is just right. I can make suggestions and concentrate on the development.In 17 years, I did not move in the position of the deputy director of the Hubei Provincial Bureau of Statistics, but I can say that it is the most recommended deputy department official.

I have always had the habit of writing a diary. I just met Wuhan Fengcheng and I was locked at home. I wrote the Wuhan anti -epidemic diary, good news related to the epidemic, bad news, I recorded it, and when I had opinionsEssenceIn the early days, I wrote in the diary. If Wuhan was closed for five days in the early five days, many people would die.When a person in charge of our unit was unhappy, he called me and said: Don't write this. In many cases, we don't know. You have a bad impact.I ignored him.Then our director called me and said that according to the provincial unified caliber requirements, do not write things casually.I went back directly to him. At this time, I was not only deputy director of the Provincial Bureau of Statistics, but also outside party members.I am 80 % of you as government officials, but I want to keep 20 % of personal freedom. If you do n’t want to say it, it is for my democratic party.The purpose of being an official is to speak for the people. If you think I have lost the face of the unit, then I would rather be unliked and continue to write this diary. This is a record of history and an explanation of history.

I can encounter such a major thing in a person's life, which is very helpful for people's thinking. Thinking of everyone who died, I decided to be more daring in the future and tell more truth.

Caixin Reporter: What do you think of the Fang Fang diary, what is the difference between your diary and Fang Fang diary?

Ye Qing: I divide the Wuhan epidemic diary into seven: local doctors' diary, foreign doctor diary, nurse diary, patient diary, reporter's diary, square diary, my diary, and my diary.Everyone takes what needs, and there is no need to force the same thing to form a common memory of the new crown epidemic from different angles.

The Fang Fang diary has attracted the most attention. Supporters believe that she reflects the voice of an ordinary Wuhan person, and the opponent believes that the diary is too sad.I think as long as it is real, there is no problem.My DayIt is memorable from the perspective of financial and economic analysis, analysis of the Wuhan epidemic, collecting data for analysis, and suggestions that I am good at.

Regarding the real record of the new crown epidemic, I think that the relevant departments should be cautious to delete posts. Do n’t want to delete posts. There may be correct content in the post. Do n’t delete it as long as you do n’t violate the basic principles.

Repeated work and re -production are imminent

Caixin Reporter: On March 19, Hubei New diagnosis patients and new suspected patients were clear. How do you think the current work focus should be adjusted?

Ye Qing: I am engaged in economic background. Because of the epidemic, the entire Hubei economy stopped for two months, and I was also anxious.Nowadays, the situation of resistance is basically stable, and under the premise of ensuring safety, the resumption of work and re -production is imminent.According to the announcement of the press conference, as of March 17, there were 7,629 industrial enterprises with a scale of more than 7,629 (sales of more than 20 million yuan) in the province re -production and re -production, with a re -work rate of 49.3%.With the general control of the Wuhan epidemic, people have been forced to stay at home for two months. There is no job, no source of income. If you do not repeat work, sit in the mountains and air, from the long run, the damage may be greater than the new crown virus.

Caixin Reporter: What are the problems in the re -production and resumption of enterprises?

Ye Qing: There are four main problems.The first lack of workers, a large number of workers can't come.On March 19, six Sichuan workers went to a furniture factory in Hong'an County, Huanggang. This is the first batch of migrant workers from the province after the outbreak of the epidemic. This is a good sign.In addition, Hubei is also a province of labor export. For provincial workers all year round, about 6 million migrant workers. On March 19, the Hubei Provincial Party Secretary Ying Yong went to Jingzhou to inspect and specialized at nearly 600 Hubei workers at the high -speed rail station to send off at the Pearl River Delta.Lu Yisheng, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress, was present to welcome workers in Guangdong.At present, in addition to Wuhan, 16 cities and prefectures in the province have passed the point -to -point and one -stop organization to transport about 120,000 foreign workers.We noticed that some places discriminated against Hubei laborers and set up level obstacles, which should be stopped.

The second problem is the lack of raw materials.Transportation is blocked, and how raw materials are transported in is a difficult problem, and traffic needs to be restored.At present, in addition to the departure channel and the level of the Hubei passage, the levels in Wuhan and the provincial card customs in Wuhan have been withdrawn. The raw materials have been resumed in Hubei Province. With the improvement of the situation of resistance, traffic will be fully restored.

The third question is the poor funds.The Hubei Provincial Development and Reform Commission and two banks set up special funds with a total financing of 200 billion yuan to increase their efforts to support key enterprises such as cars, phosphorus fertilizer, electronics, and optical fiber communications.For small and medium -sized enterprises, you can apply for financing loans online, and many banks provide background support.

The fourth problem is sales difficulties.Various measures are adopted to encourage consumption. Jiangsu issues consumer coupons. I think the most important thing is to encourage employment. Employment salary can drive consumption.Some citizens have not received their salary for several months, where is the consumption power.

Caixin Reporter: Due to the stopping of the economy, a large number of small and medium -sized enterprises are facing survival dilemma. How will the government help small and medium -sized enterprises?

Ye Qing: There is a survey that the capital flow of small and medium -sized enterprises can support 2.176 months, and exceeding this time, the capital chain is broken.Hubei economy stopped for two months, and a large number of small, medium and micro enterprises couldn't support it anymore.In order to help them restore their vitality, the Hubei Provincial Government has introduced 30 policies, which summarize to include four aspects: the first is to reduce corporate costs.Including the rent and exemption of the rent of the main house of the market, the small and medium -sized enterprises that rent the state -owned asset -based business houses are free of 3 months of rent, and the rent is reduced by half of the 6 -month rent; for the leased private houses, the negotiation will be properly reduced.There is also the cost of reducing the cost of electric water for electricity. Before June 30, the price of industrial water and gas consumption of small and medium -sized enterprises is reduced by 10%at the base price;The use of gas, water, etc., and the implementation of the arrears of policies will be implemented. The enterprises will be exempted from late fees within 3 months after the epidemic.

Second, financial credit bailout.Each financial institution shall not blindly draw loans, disconnect loans, or press loans to ensure that enterprises do not affect resumption of labor due to funding issues.For various types of companies that have affected the epidemic and temporarily encountered difficulties, the loan expired since January 25, 2020 shall be implemented for temporary extension of the principal and interest arrangement.; Continue to carry out special actions for the first loan of small and micro enterprises for the first loan and the financing docking activities of 100,000 enterprises, and strive to reduce the comprehensive financing cost of Puhui small and micro enterprises in 2020.Directly issue low -interest loans to support individual industrial and commercial households; strengthen financing guarantee support, government financing guarantee re -guarantee agencies exempt relevant guarantees and re -guarantee fees for related enterprises for service epidemic prevention and control.The rate is reduced to less than 1%, and then the guarantee fee is reduced by half.

Third, cost reduction and tax reduction.From March 1st to May 31st, 2020, it is exempted from the province's small -scale taxpayers with a value -added tax of 3%levy; if the taxpayer fails to pay taxes on time due to the impact of the epidemic, it may be extended by the tax authority and the payment can be extended to pay.The longest does not exceed 3 months; due to the impact of the epidemic affected, the taxpayer pays the urban land use tax and real estate tax in 2020, and it can be reduced or exempted by the tax authority to be reduced or exempted according to law;The losses of large difficult industries in 2020 have been extended from 5 years to 8 years.

Fourth, reduce the cost of employment.From February to June 2020, it is exempted from the payment of pensions, unemployment, and work injury insurance insurance units in various types of insurance enterprises in the province.Enterprises that have serious difficulties in the epidemic affecting production and operations can apply for social insurance premiums with a slow payment of less than 6 months.Stranging funds; starting on March 1, small and medium -sized enterprises can pay housing provident funds for 6 consecutive months in accordance with 3%standards. Before June 30, enterprises can apply for slowly paying housing provident funds.Employees' personal withdrawal and application for housing provident fund loans.

It is believed that under a series of favorable policies of the government, it can help small and medium -sized enterprises out of trouble.

Caixin reporter: How much does you estimate that the new crown epidemic has on China's economic impact?

Ye Qing: Economists estimate that the loss of the new crown epidemic on the Chinese economy will be 5 trillion-hundred trillion yuan.The biggest loss is tourism. It was a peak tourist season during the Spring Festival, but people could not come out. The loss of tourist attractions was about 1 trillion yuan. The catering industry was also greatly impacted, losing a loss of about 700 billion-800 billion yuan.A recent statistics, the total retail sales of social consumer goods from January to February 2020 decreased by 20.5%. This is understandable. Everyone is located at home, and consumption decline is normal.

However, the elasticity and toughness of the Chinese economy are very large. As various industries gradually resume work and re -production, it is estimated that the Chinese economy will gradually return to normal in May.

We can compare the SARS 17 years ago. The biggest influence of SARS is the second quarter. In the first quarter of that year, GDP increased by 11%, fell to 9%in the second quarter, and returned to 10%in the third quarter.We are confident that the new crown epidemic affects the first quarter, and economic growth will go up in the second quarter.

In addition, the Chinese economy is also facing an advantage. China is the first to get out of the new crown epidemic. Other countries in the world are still fighting the new crown epidemic.The production capacity has been greatly stimulated. One day can produce 100 million masks, which can provide medical protection supplies in the world.This has a promotion of China's economic development, and China's health industry will have greatly developed.