On March 10th, the website of the Ningxia Discipline Inspection Commission of Discipline Inspection. Recently, with the approval of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Party Committee, the Autonomous Region Discipline Inspection Commission of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Twelfth Autonomous Region, the former Standing Committee of the Guyuan Municipal Party Committee, and Ma Zhihong, the former secretary of the Xiji County Party Committee, seriously violated discipline and law.A review and investigation was conducted.

After investigation, Ma Zhihong violated political discipline, confrontable organizational review; violated organizational discipline, did not report personal matters in accordance with regulations, and used the convenience of his position to seek benefits and receive property for others in the selection and appointment of cadres; violated the discipline of integrity, received gifts;Discipline; violate national laws and regulations, suspected bribery crimes. As a leading cadre and public officials of party members, Ma Zhihong is lost in ideals and beliefs, weak discipline, abandoning the party's original mission, disappointing the training of organization, not loyal to the party, not honest, willing to be two -sided person, seriously violated the party's discipline and the discipline and of the party.National laws and regulations, suspected of accepting bribery, have a huge amount, and do not converge and stop after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The circumstances are serious and the nature is bad.In accordance with the relevant regulations of the Communist Party of China Disciplinary Disciplinary Regulations, the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, discussed with the consent of the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Autonomous Region, the consent of the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Region, and the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and reported to the CPC Central Committee for approval to give Ma Zhihong expelled from the party.Terminate the representative of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the qualifications of the 12th Party Congress of the Autonomous Region; seize his disciplinary income; the Autonomous Regulatory Commission will be expelled from Ma Zhihong to the public office and transfer it to the procuratorial organs of suspected crime.Transfer with the case. It is confirmed to Ma Zhihong's decision to be held to hold a plenary meeting of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region.

Before being investigated, Ma Zhihong was a member of the 12th Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Party Committee.Article 42 of the Party Constitution stipulates that members of the local committees and alternate members of the party's local committees to the party's duties, the party inspection or expel of the party must be reviewed by the Standing Committee of the Disciplinary Inspection Commission of the higher -level disciplinary inspection committee.The inspection committee is approved by the committee of the party at the same level. On December 11, Ma Zhihong (deputy department level), the former Standing Committee of the Guyuan Municipal Party Committee and the former secretary of the Xiji County Party Committee, was suspected of accepting bribery.More than 70 party members and cadres of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Autonomous Region and the Department of Industry and Information Technology were heard by the case. During the trial, the public prosecution agency accused: from 2008 to 2018, the defendant Ma Zhihong used the position of the position of the position of the Liyuan County Party Committee, the county chief, the member of the Standing Committee of the Guyuan Municipal Party Committee, the deputy mayor, and the secretary of the Xiji County Party Committee.Dialing and other aspects seek benefits for others, and have illegally accepted the total value of RMB 11.32.72 million illegally in illegally accepting other people's property, US dollar, and house.

The two parties of the prosecution agency accused the facts of the public prosecutor's evidence, qualifications and debates in court.In the final statement, Ma Zhihong deeply regretted and pleaded guilty of his crimes.At the same time as the role of trial function and severe punishment of duty crimes, this public trial, through targeted organized court trials and on -site statements, firmly establish a sense of integrity and self -discipline for the majority of party members and cadres, build a solid defense line of corruption and defense, starting upTo a good warning education role. As the secretary of the poor county party committee, Ma Zhihong has illegally received a total of more than 1,132 yuan in 85 times illegally accepting other people's property. Eventually, he was trapped by the sanctions of party discipline and state law.Ma Zhihong used to learn from the case and build the opposite typical example of the rotten and defense -defense ideological line of clean government warning education activities. Ma Zhihong was the Deputy Secretary -General of the Wuzhong Municipal Party Committee and the director of the Policy Research Office, the Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee, the County Mayor, and the Secretary of the County Party Committee of Guyuan City, Deputy Mayor of Guyuan Municipal People's Government, Secretary of the Puyuan County Party Committee, Standing Committee Member of Guyuan Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Xiji County Party Committee, etc.Society. In 2015, he was awarded the title of Secretary of the National Party Committee National Party Committee. Ma Zhihong Resume Ma Zhihong, male, Hui, born in April 1964, Wu Zhongren, Ningxia, joined the work in July 1983, joined the Communist Party of China in December 1985, and a graduate degree of the Central Party School. 1980.09 -1983.07 Guyuan Agricultural School Agricultural Studies