The Chinese Red Cross went to the Iranian expert group yesterday (10th).Gao Fu, the director of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who had been caught in the vortex of public opinion before, was also one of the experts participating in the on -site connection in China.

According to Global Network, Chen Zhu, president of the Chinese Red Cross, revealed at a video conference on the 10th that the foreign affairs group of the State Council has established a volunteer expert group of the Chinese Red Cross.Gaofu, Ning Guang, Dean of Ruijin Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, and the chief researcher of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as the leader of the four academicians of Kobayashi.

During the video conference, the Chinese Red Cross went to Iran's expert team to lead Zhou Xiaohang that Iran is currently facing problems such as insufficient medical protection assets, rising prices of masks, and shortage of protective clothing.And there is a phenomenon of repetition.The Chinese expert group plans to report the situation to the Chinese Embassy and ask for assistance from the country.

Zhou Xiaohang also mentioned that the local health department and hospitals of Iran suggested that Chinese experts provide some papers on Chinese clinical experience and treatment plans for reference, such as plasma therapy and traditional Chinese medicine treatment plan for rehabilitation patients.

Chen Zhu said at the video conference site that the current domestic diagnostic reagent production capacity is sufficient. The cargo aircraft that provides material assistance to Iran can start from Shanghai on March 12.If Iran feels necessary, you can arrange the Iranian expert group and the Chinese expert group to have a high -level in -depth dialogue in order to better convey the medical experience in communication.

Earlier, on February 29, some Chinese aid medical supplies have arrived in Iran's capital Tehran with a team of 5 people with the team of Volunteer Experts of the Chinese Red Cross.

Chen Zhu said: China ’s many experiences in fighting new coronary viruses are proven to be effective. China hopes to work with Iran to bring Iran’ s confidence to defeat the epidemic. Controlling the Iranian epidemic will be vital to the entire Middle East region.,

Gao Fu said in the video conference on the day that it will organize domestic experts to sort out the papers that have published clinical experience, and translate the abstract into Persian as soon as possible to provide it to the experts in front.Translate for Iranian reference.He also mentioned that on the premise of meeting domestic needs, he will provide as many testings to Iran as possible.

As a member of the expert group who went to Han in the early days of Wuhan's epidemic, Gao Fu had been questioned as a loss of publishing papers in international publications. It was also reported that it was investigated. Since then, the rumor has been confirmed to be a rumor.Gao Fu made a simple response in mid -February, saying that he could not quarrel on the Internet, but instead devoted himself to the work of fighting the epidemic.

Gao Fu recently appeared in public reports of the media. It was a video exchange meeting of China and the National Health and Health Commission organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Health and Health Commission.