British Frog King Piddi: Swimming must be a clean exercise.(Reuters)

The British Frog King Pidi, who refreshed the men's 100 -meter breaststroke world record countless times, believes that the ban is the right decision. He also said that Sun Yang's behavior is like a fool.Australian star Holdon told the Australian TV channel: I only want swimming to be a clean movement, which does not involve individuals or countries; his suspension will not change my position.

The Chinese Swimming General Sun Yang was banned by the International Sports Arbitration Tribunal the day before, and the British Frog King Adam Middot; Pidi and Australian swimmer Middot; Hndon agreed with this verdict.

Pirdy, who refreshed the men's 100 -meter breaststroke world record countless times, said: I am satisfied with this judgment because the suspension is the right decision.

I believe that the International Sports Tribunal and the World Anti -Doping Agency will adhere to the values of this sport, and resolutely believe that swimming must be lsquo; clean sports rsquo;.As athletes, I am responsible for loyalty to myself, loyalty to my movement, loyalty to the country, and conveying positive information to the next generation of athletes.

The 25 -year -old Piddi said to the World of Swimming Magazine that such a result was very good, and it said that Sun Yang's behavior was like a fool.

You do not respect this sport, do not respect yourself, and even disrespect your country.

The 28 -year -old Sun Yang won three gold medals in the 2012 London Olympics and the 2016 Rio Olympics. He refused to conduct out -of -the -game stimulants on September 4, 2018 and broke his blood sample bottle.International Swimming determined at the beginning of last year that the test staff and procedures had problems, so Sun Yang was punished.The world's anti -doping agency was dissatisfied with the judgment and submitted the case to the International Sports Arbitration Tribunal.

Before the results of the International Sports Arbitration Tribunal announced, Pidi expressed his views on Sun Yang's case to reporters.He said: My position on this matter is that I have never seen any violent resistance and was sentenced to no guilt.This (Sun Yang was convicted) is the ending of this incident.

Holden hopes that swimming is a clean exercise

Holden, who refused to receive a prize with Sun Yang in July last year, told the Australian TV Channel VII Channel: I just want to swim as a clean movement.Change my position.

After hearing the sentence, Sun Yang said that he would fight to the end and appeal to the Supreme Court of Switzerland.If his appeal fails, the sports career may end.

Sun Yang: The urinary officer admits that he is a construction worker

Sun Yang updated his personal Weibo many times yesterday, and also uploaded three pictures, saying that one of the uriners acknowledged that he was a construction worker and had not received any stimulant testing training.

However, a report released by the International Sports Arbitration Tribunal shows that the arbitration team agrees that Sun Yang violated Article 2.5 of the Regulations on the Regulations on the Control of the International Swiments (stimulant control at any stage).They also confirmed that those responsible for testing Sun Yang met the international standards for testing and investigation of the world's anti -doping agencies. Therefore, Sun Yang did not destruct the sample without justified reasons, which has also become the key to Sun Yang's defeat.

According to the regulations, the two parties of the prosecution and defense are not convinced of the international sports arbitral tribunal, and can appeal to the Switzerland Supreme Court within 30 days.However, there are very few examples of the court's revocation of the International Sports Arbitratory Tribunal, and the rate of turning the case is extremely low. Sun Yang's forbidden competition seems to be a foregone conclusion.