(Ningbo Comprehensive News) Gui Minhai, the owner of the Causeway Bay Bookstore in Hong Kong (known as Guiminhai) because of illegal illegal provision of intelligence, was sentenced to 10 years in prison in Ningbo the day before yesterday, deprived of political rights for five years.

The official website of the Ningbo Court introduced that the Ningbo People's Procuratorate filed a public prosecution to the Ningbo Intermediate People's Court in January this year, accusing Gui Minhai's crime of illegal intelligence overseas.The Ningbo Intermediate People's Court subsequently opened trial and was convicted of Guimin Sea on February 24.Gui Minhai expressed the confession service without appeal.

According to the announcement, Gui Minhai, who joined Swedish nationality in 1996, applied for recovery Chinese nationality in accordance with the law in 2018.

China does not recognize dual nationality. According to Chinese law, foreigners must abandon their foreign nationality once they obtain Chinese nationality.This means that the Swedish government does not have the right to fight for Gui Minhai.

The Causeway Bay Bookstore is famous for selling Chinese politics and secret books.From October to December 2015, shareholders and staff of bookstores, including Gui Minhai, have been disappeared in Thailand, mainland and Hong Kong, which has aroused public attention.

According to reports, he then appeared in an uninteresting place in China in January 2016, and acknowledged that he was involved in a fatal car accident and smuggling illegal book and periodical cases in 2003, and voluntarily returned to China to investigate his prison.He was released in October 2017 after his sentence, but just three months later, he was arrested again when he traveled to Beijing with two Swedish diplomats.

The Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency later disclosed that according to the public security organs, Gui Minhai carried a number of intelligence materials involving state secrets at the time.Although Sweden later called on China to release Guimin Sea, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized to act according to law.Guiminhai, who was detained in the Ningbo Detention Center in early 2018, told the Chinese media that he hopes to live a peaceful life in China. If they (the Swedish government) continue to use my business, I may consider giving up the Swedish nationalityEssence