Ministry of Justice: Five prison criminals in the country are infected with the epidemic, and no criminal dies

At 15:00 on February 21, the State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism held a press conference to introduce the prevention and control of the epidemic in accordance with the law and maintain social stability.

Asked about the epidemic system in the prison system in the three provinces, He Ping, the head of the Prison Administration of the Ministry of Justice, said that I answered your question heavily with guilty mood.

As of 24:00 on February 20, there were five prisons in Hubei, Zhejiang, and Shandong across the country.There are currently five prisons without severe cases.Among them, 230 cases of Women's Prison in Hubei were diagnosed, and 41 cases were diagnosed and suspected of 9 cases.There is a suspected example of Hubei Provincial Minors Discipline.200 cases were confirmed in Rencheng Prison in Shandong, and 10 were suspected.34 cases of Shilifeng Prison in Zhejiang Province were diagnosed.

He said that the above are input -type cases.There is no case of prison infected with criminals infected with new crown pneumonia.

He Ping said, next:

The first is a comprehensive and thorough investigation.Comprehensively investigate the life trajectory of the employees of the police officers, and strictly prevent the original infectious diseases and infectious diseases to the regulatory venue.

The second is to implement fully closed management.Implement the physical temperature testing and health inquiry system, and implement isolation observation for personnel of fever symptoms and close contacts.

The third is to implement medical treatment in a timely manner. For cases of diagnosis of prisons, in accordance with the principles of centralized patients, centralized experts, centralized resources, and centralized treatment, they areolate treatment in accordance with the same methods as other patients to ensure that they are admitted for the first time.Strengthen the psychological guidance of criminals, organize criminals to call family phone calls and live video meetings.

The fourth is to carry out actual inspections.The Ministry of Justice sent 28 supervision teams to lead the leaders of the department and go to the hell system to conduct inspections.

Fifth, strict accountability.In order to investigate the incomplete investigation in the epidemic prevention and control, the report is not timely, and the input of input epidemic is not in place.Due to the inadequate prevention and control of Shandong Province, the epidemic situation of a large range of inadequate prevention and control, the party committee secretary of the Provincial Department of Justice, the secretary of the party committee of the prison bureau, the first political commissar, the deputy secretary of the party committee of the Provincial Prison Administration, a member of the Party Committee of the Provincial Prison Bureau, and a member of the Provincial Prison BureauDeputy Director, the eight leading cadres including the chief of the prison prison, the political commissar, the deputy prisoner, and the deputy prisoner were removed.Hubei Province Wuhan Women's Prison was removed from office for a large -scale epidemic situation.A police officer of Hubei Hanyang Prison, Hubei, was given a serious warning punishment within the party because he did not report the life trajectory.Shili Feng Prison, Zhejiang Province, was removed from office due to an epidemic and a political commissar.The public security organs were investigated by police officers involved in the case of suspected prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

According to the above -mentioned notification, a total of 11 people across the country were removed from office, one was severely warned by the party, and 1 was filed for investigation.

Wuhan Women's Prison was diagnosed with 230 cases, and the prison chief was dismissed

On February 21, the Hubei Provincial Prison Administration told the media that there were 271 confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia in Hubei Province, of which 230 were diagnosed in Wuhan Women's Prison in Hubei Province, and 41 cases were confirmed by Shayang Hanjin Prison in Hubei Province, all inputs, all of which were input.Type case.

After the epidemic of new crown pneumonia, the Hubei Provincial Prison System strictly implemented the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council's joint defense and control mechanism. Under the unified leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, it was fully investigated and observed.All consultation and treatment are sent to ensure that all of them are treated in a timely manner.

At present, there is no prison in the province in the death of criminals infected with new crown pneumonia.

After the new crown epidemic of the two prisons, the Ministry of Justice, the Provincial Department of Justice, and the Provincial Prison Bureau have sent a working group to supervise the prevention and control of the prison epidemic.

Wuhan Women's Prison in Hubei Province was dismissed due to poor prevention and control work; a police officer of Shayang Hanjin Prison in Hubei Province was severely warned to punish the party in the party because he did not report his life trajectory.

At present, the Hubei Provincial Prison Board will implement more stringent fully closed management of the prison, resolutely block the loopholes, and prevent the spread of the epidemic from spreading.

According to local media reports in Hubei, the party secretary of the Wuhan Women's Prison and the prison chief is Zhou Yukun.On January 14 this year, Wuhan Women's Prison organized a visiting activity, and the relevant leaders of the Hubei Provincial Prison Administration and Zhou Yukun participated.

On January 17, Wuhan Women's Prison held the Spring Festival Gala in 2020.According to reports, all members of the prison party committee, police employees, and some retired police officers and family members watched the performance together, and Zhou Yukun delivered a speech.

34 criminals in a prison in Zhejiang confirmed, and the political commissar prisons were exempted from their duties

On February 21, according to Zhejiang released, 28 cases of new new crown pneumonia were added yesterday, 27 of which were criminals of Shili Feng Prison in the province. In addition, 7 cases of confirmed cases were previously announced.34 cases, input cases.

After the new crown pneumonia in Zhejiang Province Shili Feng Prison, the provincial prison system strictly implemented the requirements of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council. Under the unified leadership of the local party committee and the government, it was completely and thorough.Patients are sent to the diagnosis and treatment to ensure that all of them are treated in a timely manner.There is no incident of prison infected with criminals infected with new crown pneumonia.

At present: The Zhejiang Provincial Department of Justice has sent the supervision team to settle in the site of Shili Feng Prison in the province.Resolutely block the vulnerability to prevent the spread of the epidemic.

On the afternoon of February 21, Zhejiang Province held a press conference on the prevention and control of a new type of coronary virus pneumonia. Xu Xiaobo, deputy director of the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Justice, introduced that a policeman went to Wuhan from January 14th to 19th, but deliberately concealed concealmentContinue to work. It was discovered late on January 25th. On January 29, it was diagnosed with new crown pneumonia pneumonia. The case was announced on January 30.A policeman was found to be confirmed on January 31, and it was announced on February 1. Although under the guidance of experts, the work of eliminating killing and isolation was launched.The serious consequences of being diagnosed with new crown pneumonia.

A criminal confirmed case was found on January 30, and the society was announced on January 31.

6 criminals were found on February 10, and announced to the society on February 11.

On February 20, according to the results of the nuclear acid test of the criminals, 27 cases of criminals were found to be confirmed and announced on February 21.

There were 34 cases of criminals confirmed, of which 1 case was in severe cases, and there were no death cases.

There are 200 cases in Rencheng Prison in Shandong, and 8 people including the Department of Justice of Shandong Province were removed from time to time

On February 21, the Shandong Provincial Government Information Office held a press conference to invite the responsible comrades of the Provincial Health and Journalism Commission and the Provincial Department of Justice to introduce the latest situations and measures related to prevention and control of the Shandong Province.

At the press conference, on February 20, Shandong Province reported 202 newly confirmed cases, including 200 cases of urban prison.

Aimed at Rencheng Prison's new crown pneumonia.As of February 20, the nucleic acid test of 2077 people in the prison had been fully completed. There were 207 cases confirmed. Among them, 7 police officers, 200 prisoners, and 7 cases of police officers were previously released in Jining cases.All diagnosis personnel have taken effective treatment measures.Organizational epidemiological experts do their best to investigate and trace the source.

Wu Lei, deputy secretary of the party committee of the Shandong Provincial Department of Justice, secretary of the Party Committee and director of the Provincial Prison Administration, introduced that the epidemic occurred in the city prison, showing that our measures for preventing and controlling work were not effective and deeply blamed.

After investigation, on the afternoon of February 12, the police officer of Rencheng Prison was wasolated and treated in the hospital for a cough.At 22:00 on the 3rd, the diagnosis was diagnosed as a confirmed case of new crown pneumonia after dual reagent testing; at 18 pm on the same day, the prison was diagnosed with a diagnosis of diagnosis after nucleic acid testing.

According to the unified deployment of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee, the following measures were mainly adopted: First, a comprehensive screening and isolation was launched immediately on Rencheng Prison.On February 14th, the close contact with Rencheng Prison conducted a network investigation and fully transferred to the police staff to isolate to the designated hotel for isolation.Disinfection and disinfection at the prison site.Starting on February 15th, the prisoner of the prison was transferred, and all single interval was implemented.On February 16th, a nucleic acid testing was conducted on all the policemen, prisoners and relevant personnel of Rencheng Prison; the second round of comprehensive testing was launched on the 21st to ensure that one person would not be leaked and resolutely block the spread channels.

In order to treat patients, with the strong support of the Provincial Health and Health Commission, Housing and Construction Department, and Jining City, a designated hospital is built at the fastest speed. After the hospital is put into use, we will fully cooperate with the medical staff to treat the patients to provide good services to the medical staff.Assure.

The second is to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the province's prison system.In the early morning of February 14th, 15 special inspection teams were sent to supervise prevention and control measures and responsibilities in prisons throughout the province.Every day, all police officers, employees, and prisoners are measured three times. Those who find abnormal temperatures and find abnormal body temperature will be isolated and observed immediately.All 2,2387 people and other personnel were investigated. No other suspected or confirmed cases were found outside the prison outside the prison.The province's cities in the province have incorporated prisons into the large market for prevention and control of local party committee and government epidemic.All prisons in the province have formulated an emergency plan for the prevention and control of the epidemic, prepare for the isolation room, prepare protective supplies, and ensure that once the epidemic occurs, the emergency plan will be launched immediately, and the investigation, isolation, and treatment will be made to prevent the expansion of the epidemic.

The third is to implement closed management of the prison system in the province.Beginning on January 27th, a closed management of prisons in the province has been implemented. Police officers on duty in prison have worked for 26 consecutive days. This part of the duty police officer is not over and no police rotation is performed.Internal life materials are carried out without contact, cutting off the source of infection.Consolidated management of the office area outside the prison is also implemented.Improve the living standards of prisoners, increase nutrition, and enhance immunity.

On February 14, the Shandong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection sent an investigation team to investigate the prevention and control of the city prison epidemic, and launched the accountability procedure of relevant responsible persons according to the investigation.At present, after research by the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee, the party committee secretary and director of the Provincial Department of Justice, the secretary of the party committee of the Provincial Prison Administration, the First Political Commission Xie Weijun, the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Provincial Prison Administration, Jiang Yunhua, the Provincial Prison Administration Party CommitteeMember and deputy director Wang Wenjie, served as the party committee secretary of the city prison, Liu Yanshan, chief of the prison, Liu Yonggang, deputy secretary of the party committee of the city prison, Chen Weining, member of the party committee of the city prison, Chen Weining, deputy supervisor, as member of the party committee of the city prison, deputy prisoner (probation period)Deng Sports He was served as a member of the Party Committee of the City Prison and the deputy supervisory chief of prisoner (trial period) of Fang Defeng.The above -mentioned relevant personnel and other responsible persons shall investigate the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs in accordance with the procedures, and deal with it in accordance with regulations and discipline and law.

The Shandong Provincial Party Committee decided that Wang Yujun served as the party committee secretary of the Provincial Department of Justice and the first political commissar of the Provincial Prison Administration.

Wang Yujun was born in October 1962 and was previously the secretary of the Linyi Municipal Party Committee of Shandong Province.

Wang Yujun graduated from Qufu Teachers College in 1985 and worked at the Propaganda Department of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee.In 2001, Wang Yujun was transferred to the deputy mayor of Dongying City. Two years later, he served as the member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Minister of the Organization Department.

In 2009, Wang Yujun transferred to the state -owned enterprise and was transferred to the general manager of Shandong Expressway Group Co., Ltd.. Four years later, in 2013, he served as the director and secretary of the party committee of the Shandong Provincial Geological Mineral Explanation and Development Bureau in 2013.

In 2016, Wang Yujun was transferred to the director of the Shandong Provincial Department of Transport. One year later, in 2017, he was transferred to the secretary of the Linyi Municipal Party Committee.

This time, Xie Weijun, was born in January 1962. He worked in Zibo City in the early days. He served as Deputy Secretary -General of the Zibo Municipal Party Committee, Director of the Municipal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, the head of Linzi District, and the secretary of the Linzi District Party Committee.

In 2006, Xie Weijun was transferred to the Standing Committee of the Weifang Municipal Party Committee, and he also served as secretary of the Political and Legal Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission.In 2011, Xie Weijun was transferred to the deputy secretary of the Heze Municipal Party Committee. Four years later, he served as the mayor of Heze City in 2015.

In 2018, Xie Weijun was transferred to the director of the Shandong Provincial Department of Justice, the party secretary of the party committee, the party committee secretary of the Provincial Prison Administration, and the first political commissar.Today, this conference is also the first time that the new party committee of the Shandong Provincial Department of Justice and the party committee secretary and director of the Provincial Prison Administration Wu Lei unveiled.

Compared with the live video, Wu Lei had previously been deputy mayor of Weifang City, Shandong Province, and the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau and Secretary of the Party Committee.In August last year, he was publicly announced that he was proposed to serve as deputy deputy deputy departments at the provincial department (unit) deputy department level.

According to public resumes, Wu Lei was born in December 1966. He was born in Zaozhuang, Shandong. He had previously worked in Zaozhuang and Weifang, Shandong Province.

Wu Lei had previously worked in Zaozhuang City, Zaozhuang, and was a member of the Standing Committee of the Taierzhuang District Party Committee and Deputy District Chief, the head of Xuecheng District, and secretary of the Xuecheng District Committee.

In January 2017, he was transferred to Weifang. He served as Deputy Mayor of Weifang and a member of the party group.In October last year, he resigned from Weifang Deputy Mayor's position and was removed from the post of public security director in November.

The official website of the Shandong Provincial Department of Justice and the official website of the Shandong Provincial Prison Administration found that there was no related news that Wu Lei had worked in the two units before.

The former director of the Shandong Provincial Prison Administration was Wang Lijun.Wang Lijun had previously served as Deputy Director of the Shandong Provincial Department of Justice and director of the Shandong Provincial Prison Administration. In December last year, he was publicized by the leadership position of the provincial department (unit) at the level.