According to the Yangtze River Daily: On February 17, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection notified four typical issues of discipline of violations of epidemic prevention and control.

Among them, Si Hong, secretary of the party group and director of the Hongshan District Civil Affairs Bureau, was held accountable.

The report stated that Si Hong did not understand the prevention and control of the units and industry management units affiliated to the District Civil Affairs Bureau and inadequate management and control measures. The implementation of the superior deployment was not resolute and timely.The internal warnings and administrative records were greatly punished, and other responsible persons were punished by party discipline and government affairs.

The other three typical cases are:

The implementation of the seal management measures in the implementation of the community in Xima Street in Jiang'an District was seriously negligent. Chen Qiuhua, the secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Street Party, did not seriously study and deploy it. It did not go to the closed management site of the community to view and schedule.Do not master, do not understand the implementation of the closed management of the 73 communities under the jurisdiction; Tan Shuhan, deputy director of the street, and Xiong Lin, a fourth -level investigator Xiong Lin, coordinated the actual problem of the connection between the opposite community.Body temperature, residents enter and exit issues at will; it is not true to rectification of the above problems pointed out by the city inspection team.Chen Qiuhua, Tan Shuhan and Xiong Lin were reviewed by the party discipline.

Wang Bingfa, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of Yuantian Village, Sandian Street, Xinzhou District, fulfills poor main responsibility, work perfunctory responsibilities, does not have discipline during the implementation of the war.At the same time, the problems of the prevention and control of cadres in the village were not discovered and corrected in time, and they were punished by warning within the party.

Li Qi, the cadre of the Land and Resources and Planning Bureau of the East Lake High -tech Zone, arranged others to replace the duty without reporting to the organization. Due to the unfamiliar emergency platform and related workflow of the representatives, the relevant work requirements of the municipal epidemic prevention and control headquarters were implemented.If not in place, he was punished by a warning within the party.

The report pointed out that at present, the Wuhan epidemic prevention and control is at a critical moment when the epidemic prevention and control is in the three -day concentrated investigation and implementing five percent of the 100 % work goals. We must fulfill this battle of this backwater without retreating.Party organizations and leading cadres at all levels in the city must learn from the above cases, enhance the concept of overall situation, strictly observe the discipline during war, strengthen responsibilities and responsibilities, and take the prevention and control of the epidemic.The detailed style grasps the implementation, stabilizes the situation and reverses the situation as soon as possible.Party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, must unify their minds and actions into the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, adhere to the people's supremacy, life supremacy, and categorize the time.The clearing, situation, and measures are on the road, and go all out to win the prevention and control of the epidemic.Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels should pay close attention to the implementation of the responsibilities of the epidemic prevention and control, the key work and key links to strengthen political supervision, seriously investigate and deal with outstanding issues such as disapproval of scheduling command, slow implementation of prevention and control measures, and poor implementation of prevention and control work.Provide strong discipline guarantees to win the full victory of the Wuhan Defense War as soon as possible.