On February 13, Hubei Province held a meeting of leading cadres in the province.The central government decided: Comrade Wang Zhonglin served as a member of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee, the Standing Committee and Secretary of the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee.The next day, Wang Zhonglin held an epidemic prevention and control video meeting and the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee to deploy the epidemic prevention and control work.

Wang Zhonglin presided over the Wuhan epidemic prevention and control video meeting

Seriously investigate and deal with inaction as a problem; pay attention to the first line of the epidemic prevention and control to examine and identify cadres

On February 14th, Wang Zhonglin, member of the Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee, presided over a video conference on the prevention and control headquarters of the city's new crown pneumonia.Wang Zhonglin emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the important speech and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the prevention and control of the epidemic.Tongxin, group defense and group governance, resolutely fight the Wuhan defense war, and make Wuhan contributions to the overall situation of the national war.

At present, the Wuhan epidemic prevention and control situation is still very severe.Wang Zhonglin said that the half -ninety -ninety -ninety -mile of the epidemic prevention and control has reached the most vigorous key stage.He emphasized that all levels and departments should strengthen their ideological awareness, strengthen four consciousnesses, strengthen four self -confidences, resolutely achieve two maintenance, and focus on key links such as treatment, prevention and control, and material guarantee.The people's war, overall war, and hindrance war to win the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Wang Zhonglin requested that the treatment of patients should be strengthened as the top priority, continuing to build a new square hospital, everywhere to increase the bed, match with medical staff and medical supplies, scientifically optimize the treatment process, improve the services of the Chinese medical team, and strive to improve the improvement of the Han medical team, and strive to improveTreatment rate and cure rate, strive to achieve bed and others; strengthen the prevention and control of the epidemic, carry out an epidemiological survey in a timely manner, and strive to achieve 100 % of the patients with diagnosis, 100 % of the patients suspected of patients, percentage of patients with fever, tested, close contact with close contact, close contactThe 100 % isolation of the people, the 100 % closed management of the village of the community, has been implemented with a 24 -hour closed management, and resolutely curb the spread of the epidemic.

Wang Zhonglin emphasized that it is necessary to strengthen material guarantees, while actively strive for superiors to support, give full play to the advantages of Wuhan's industry, grasp the production and foreign procurement of medical supplies, and establish and improve the precise distribution system and information network.It is necessary to strengthen public opinion guidance, increase positive publicity, strengthen information release, timely respond to the concerns of public opinion, actively do a good job of serving the Han media service, and unite the strong combination of thousands of people and the common war.It is necessary to strengthen social stability, strengthen social management and control, severely crack down on various types of criminal acts, do a good job of work safety, severely punish the behavior of prices, maintain the personal safety of medical staff, strengthen the humanistic care and thoughts of the people, patients, and the general publicDrutter.

Wang Zhonglin demanded that the main persons in charge of the party and government at all levels must strictly fulfill the responsibility of the first responsible person, strengthen the unified leadership, improve the command mechanism of rapid discovery to solve problems, strengthen a game of chess in the city, focus on informationization methods, and scientifically prevent and control.Party members and cadres at all levels must change their style, take forward command, go deep into the line, be strong, fast, practical, and fine, and to implement various decision -making deployment and provincial and municipal work requirements.It is necessary to strictly supervise and inspect, adopt not notifications, say hello, do not listen to reports, do not accompany the reception, go straight to the grassroots, and insert the scene.We must care about the front -line staff, arranges the rotation of the rest reasonably, and make every effort to ensure other treatment of medical and epidemic prevention personnel; pay attention to inspecting cadres on the front line of the epidemic prevention and control.

Zhou Xianwang, Hu Shuguang, Hu Lishan and others attended the meeting.

Wang Zhonglin presided over the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee

Major leading cadres at all levels must change their style and enhance combat effectiveness

On February 14, Wang Zhonglin, member of the Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee, presided over a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee to convey the prevention and control of General Secretary Xi Jinping in Beijing on February 10th.The spirit of important speeches at the Standing Committee of the Politburo and the spirit of the leading group meeting of the Central Government's response to the new crown pneumonia on February 13, and study the implementation of our city.The meeting emphasized that we must conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, always put the lives of the people's lives and health first, stimulate the heroic spirit of the city, and resolutely win the epidemic prevention and control.

The meeting emphasized that since the epidemic occurred, the Party Central Committee attached great importance to it. General Secretary Xi Jinping hosted the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Central Political Bureau three times to study and strengthen the prevention and control of the epidemic.The important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping fully reflects the care and care of Wuhan, Hubei, and pointed out the direction for us to do a good job of the next step.We must conscientiously study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions of the people's lives and health in the first place, firmly establish the people -centered work orientation, and do a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic prevention and control, and to build a good job of preventing and controlling the people.Start with a safe wall.

The meeting requested that the spiritual essence of the people's war, overall war, and blocking war that resolutely win the prevention and control of the epidemic, effectively enhance the sense of mission, responsibility, and urgency, improve political standing, strengthen responsibility, and resolutely win the prevention and control of the epidemic.Blind war.It is necessary to deeply understand the expectations and encouragement of General Secretary Xi Jinping's city of Wuhan as a hero, to further strengthen the determination and confidence of victory, full of fighting spirit, stimulate and show the heroic spirit of Wuhan, Wuhan, and fight against the epidemic.

The meeting emphasized that the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping's requirements on increasing the treatment rate and cure rate, reducing the infection rate and the disease rate of the disease, and the two rates of the community and villages are based on increasing the two rates and reducing the two rates.It should be accepted and governed, should be treated; strengthen propaganda guidance, popularize scientific knowledge, improve citizens' awareness of protection, cut off the path transmission of diseases, and resolutely curb the spread of epidemic spread.It is necessary to deeply understand the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's supply guarantee and ensuring the normal operation of the city's normal operation on strengthening medical supplies, and minimize the impact of the prevention and control of the epidemic on the production and life of the masses.Strengthen material guarantee to ensure the normal production and life of citizens.

The meeting requested that the most critical issue of General Secretary Xi Jinping's most important issue is the important requirements for grasping, carefulness, and having the ground to ensure the effectiveness of work with the style of war.Major leading cadres at all levels should change their style and enhance their combat effectiveness, and work hard to promote the prevention and control of the epidemic and achieve results.