Zhang Wenhong, an expert in the Shanghai Medical treatment group and director of the Department of Infectious Department of Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University today (6th) that if only medical staff are struggling, this battle cannot be won. Now everyone is a soldier. You are at home. You are at home. You are at home.It's not isolation, it's fighting.

According to surging news reports, 10 patients with new crown virus infections in Shanghai were recovered this morning. Currently, a total of 25 cases of confirmed cases were discharged from hospital.

Zhang Wenhong said that from the current point of view, the patient discharged patients are basically mild patients, with an average number of hospitalization days of 7-8 days. At present, there are 254 confirmed cases in Shanghai.In the eighth case, the disease is critical, and eight cases are severe, which means that the proportion of critical illness is only 6%, and the remaining patients are mild patients.

Zhang Wenhong pointed out that it is still necessary to be vigilant. At present, the input cases are currently well controlled. The number of confirmed cases is not too high in the country, but the number of people returning to Shanghai after the festival will continue to increase, but everyone should not be afraid.In the past 10 days since I settled in (Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center), we have seen 25 cases of patients who have been hospitalized.At present, this disease is controllable and cure.

As for where the most difficult places are at present, Zhang Wenhong said that with the arrival of the tide after the Spring Festival, Shanghai will still take strict control measures, but this requires everyone's cooperation. If the medical staff are struggling, this battle is the battle is the battle.If you ca n’t win, the entire epidemic will still be maintained for a while in Shanghai.

Zhang Wenhong also said that now everyone is lsquo; warrior rsquo;, you are not isolation at home, you are fighting!Do you feel very boring?The virus is also to be diluted by lsquo; dully rsquo; lsquo; stuffy rsquo; two weeks.If the whole society mobilizes, lsquo; stuffy rsquo; residential virus is to contribute to society.