According to CCTV News, on January 3, 2020, the Intermediate People's Court of Songyuan City, Jilin Province, publicly sentenced Li Ning, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a professor of the Chinese Agricultural University, and Zhang Lei, the defendant of the same case, and the defendant Li Ning was sentenced to imprisonment for corruption.Twelve years, and fined RMB 3 million, he sentenced the defendant Zhang Lei to five years and eight months in prison for corruption, and fined 200,000 yuan.

After hearing, it was found out that from July 2008 to February 2012, the defendant Li Ning used the professor of the Chinese Agricultural University, the director of the National Key Laboratory of the Agricultural Biotechnology of the Chinese Agricultural University, and the head of the Li Ning research team of the Biological College of the Chinese University of Agricultural University.And responsible for managing a number of major national science and technology special projects for convenience, and the defendant Zhang Lei has adopted the means of invading swallowing, fictional invoices, and launching labor expenditures.Responsible for the funding for more than 20.92 million yuan.The above funds were transferred to the accounts controlled by Li Ning and Zhang Lei to Li Ning and used it to invest in multiple companies.

Songyuan Municipal Intermediate People's Court believes that the defendant Li Ning and Zhang Lei used Li Ning's convenience to swallow and deceive scientific research funds, and the amount was particularly huge. Li Ning and Zhang Lei's behavior had constituted corruption.In view of the continuous adjustment of the state's scientific research fund management system in recent years, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the latest scientific research fund management measures, combined with the principle of humility of criminal law, according to the maximum proportion of indirect fees under the name of Li Ning and Zhang Lei, the maximum proportion of indirect expenses is reduced. After the nuclear reduction is reducedMore than 3.45 million yuan will no longer make criminal evaluation, but the amount should still be identified as illegal income, so the defendants Li Ning and Zhang Lei's corruption amount is RMB 34.1 million.In the joint crime, the main criminal of Li Ning had a legal and punishment plot. Some of the stolen money in this case had been recovered, and Li Ning could be punished lightly as appropriate.The court made the above judgment.

According to the charged information of the public prosecution agency, the defendant Zhang Lei was a special associate researcher for the National Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, and a number of topics in charge of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Attachment: The reporter asked about the trial of the corruption case such as Li Ning and other corruption cases

1. Q: What is the basis for the court's sentencing of Li Ningding?

Answer: According to the relevant provisions of the interpretation of several legal issues of corruption and bribery of criminal cases of corruption and bribery, if the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China and the Supreme People's Court, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, if the amount of corruption or bribery is more than 3 million, it shall be identified as 380 criminal law.The amount of lsquo; the amount stipulated in the first paragraph of the three paragraphs is particularly huge, and the amount is particularly huge. According to law, it is sentenced to more than ten years in prison, life imprisonment or death sentence, and punishment or confiscation of property.

According to the facts found in this case, after the maximum proportion of indirect costs under the name of Li Ning and Zhang Lei, the defendants Li Ning and Zhang Lei corrupted RMB 34.1 million, which was a particularly huge amount of torture.In the joint crime, the main criminal of Li Ning's corruption has a legal and punishment plot. Some of the stolen money in this case has been recovered, and Li Ning can be given as appropriate.The court made the above judgment according to law.

2. Q: Does the trial period in this case be as long as 5 years?Why is this trial again now?

Answer: The defendant Li Ning and Zhang Lei had a corruption case. After two trials, it lasted for five years.It is mainly involved in the changes in criminal laws, the adjustment of the amount of crime in 2016 on the adjustment of the amount of crime and the reform of the scientific research fund management system.

Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and the provisions of Article 173, paragraphs of the Supreme People's Court on the application of Article 173, have clearly stipulated the extended trial period.Before the expiration of the case trial period, you can report to the court's higher court and the Supreme People's Court to approve the extension of the trial period before the expiration of the case, which fully meets the law.

This case involves the management and use of scientific research funds, and has a strong policy.In order to better serve the national scientific and technological innovation strategy and protect the legitimate rights and interests of scientific and technological personnel to the greatest extent, the court has always focused on changes in relevant scientific research fund management and use policies during the trial.The documents were conducted carefully, and the above factors were fully considered during the judgment.

In view of the continuous adjustment of the state's scientific research funding management system in recent years, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the latest scientific research fund management measures, combined with the principle of humility and suppression of criminal law, the corruption facts accused by procuratorial organs, according to Li Ning and Zhang Lei's name under the name of indirect expenses can be disposed ofThe highest proportion of the highest proportion will be reduced, and more than 3.45 million yuan will no longer be evaluated by more than 3.45 million yuan, which fully reflects the principles of judicial principles from the old and light.

3. Q: Li Ning's special identity as a scientist in the field of animal transgenic research in my country and his scientific research contributions have affected his conviction?

Answer: Li Ning and Zhang Lei's corruption case was a special audit of the National Audit Office in a special audit to investigate and deal with the Supreme People's Procuratorate in accordance with the law. The Supreme People's Court was designated by the major, difficult, and complicated cases tried by the Matshayhara Intermediate People's Court of Jilin Province.

my country's criminal law clearly stipulates that crimes of anyone are equal in applicable laws.There is no privilege beyond the law.As an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Li Ning was deeply sorry for his criminal behavior.But no matter who violates the law, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the law.No identity can be an excuse for the law or grace outside the law.When the court decides punishment, according to the facts, nature, circumstances, and the degree of harm to society, the punishment will be comprehensively considered in accordance with the law.

4. Q: Is Li Ning's crime related to the national scientific research fund management system at that time?Do these factors consider these factors when conviction?

Answer: The national scientific research fund management system has been modified and improved in recent years.With the reform of the scientific research system, the state's management and use of scientific research funds have made some relatively loose adjustments, allowing project balance funds to be co -ordinated by the project undertaking unit for direct expenditures for scientific research activities within a certain period of time.However, the state has also been strengthening the supervision and management of scientific research funds. First, the national scientific research funding for specific scientific research projects cannot be used to change its uses for other personal projects without authorization, nor allows the use of national scientific research funds to pay for personal projects.Second, from the facts and evidence of the trial of the trial, Li Ning did not invest in self -raising funds for related scientific research projects. All the funds involved were derived from the national finance funding.Therefore, Li Ning's crime cannot be attributed to the improvement of the national scientific research fund management and use system.Third, scientific research funds have strict approval procedures and management requirements.

Li Ning's criminal behavior is not directly related to the management fund management system.As of now, the main purpose of the national scientific research fund management system is to support scientific research and encourage scientific and technological innovation. However, the unit must be coordinated by the unit in accordance with regulations, and there are strict approval procedures.Regardless of the adjustment of the scientific research funding management system, the principle of supervision is not allowed to be full of private pockets.

5. Q: During the trial, Li Ning insisted that his behavior was not corruption. The expenditure was to continue to conduct scientific research activities. Related companies were platform companies set up for scientific research activities.How does the court determine this?

Answer: The main purpose of the country's scientific research funding is to provide funding guarantee for the smooth development of scientific research activities, and then promote the progress and development of science and technology.Scientific research funds are derived from relevant national departments and belong to financial funds. They must be dedicated to special funds. After the scientific research funds are allocated to colleges and universities, their attributes are still state -owned property, not the personal property of the person in charge of the subject or the research group.The behavior of scientific research funds constitutes a crime of corruption.Therefore, the use of scientific research funds has a clear dedication, and no one is allowed to intercept, set it in any name and way, and use it to use it individually.

According to the whereabouts of the involved in the trial, Li Ning adopted the use of invasion, fraud, invoicing, and labor expenditure to transfer the case to the silver controlled by his personal control.After the account, most of them are used for Li Ning's personal investment company or capital increase.Beijing Quanshijiya Technology Co., Ltd., Wuxi Kino Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and other companies involved in the case have not been engaged in any scientific research activities as of the time of the incident.Moreover, the above -mentioned companies are neither the establishment or authorization of China Agricultural University, nor the scientific research platform designated and approved by China Agricultural University. China Agricultural University does not know the establishment and investment of the above companies.

Part of the amount involved in this case is occupied by individuals.According to the testimony of the procuratorial organs in the court, it is a temporary hiring driver of the two companies of Ji Pulin and Jifu Lin. Zhang Lei once asked him to open a bank card in his personal name, which was handed over to the accountant Ou Mou for it for specially used it for it.Endless accounts.After the driver resigned, he found that the bank card had more than 600,000 yuan. Because the company had never asked about the money, it was used to buy wealth management products and personal consumption.

6. Q: What is Li Ning's main criminal fact?Is there a plot that invades the scientific research expenses of others?

Answer: According to the facts found in the court, Li Ning's corruption funds, including three parts, one is to eliminate the sale of animals and milk after the test, and the other is the balance of funding under the name of others in the name of the name, and the third is itsI have worked for the work expenses in the subject with others.Among them, in addition to the corruption of the scientific research expenses, Li Ning also used 223 invoices of invoices to obtain a large number of scientific research funds under the name of others more than 20.92 million yuan, accounting for 82%of the total amount.The procuratorial organs issued witnesses, identification opinions, and Zhang Lei's confession of the reimbursement documents such as reimbursement documents, Dai Mou and other certificates. The evidence of the above facts is conclusive.

7. Q: Li Ning refused to plead guilty during the trial, and his defender also defended innocence. What was the basis for the court's judgment?

Answer: Article 55 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that the judgment of all cases must focus on evidence, investigate and study, and do not give a light confession.Only the defendant confessed that there were no other evidence, and the defendant could not be found guilty and punished; without the defendant's confession, the evidence was indeed and sufficient, and the defendant could be guilty and punished.During the trial, although Li Ning refused to plead guilty, the procuratorial organs showed a lot of evidence. Some defendants Zhang Lei, the defendant of the same case, made a clear and stable confession.Book evidence, etc., can be confirmed between evidence, and consistent with the judicial accounting appraisal opinions.The court then made the decision in accordance with the law.In the trial, Li Ning refused to plead guilty. The court respected and guaranteed the lawsuit rights of Li Ning and his defender, and fully listened to the opinions of Li Ning and his defender.

8. Q: Who participated in the hearing during the trial?

Answer: The trial was opened in accordance with the law on December 30, 2019.During the trial, the Intermediate People's Court of Songyuan City, Jilin Province invited representatives of the three -level people's congresses of the nation, Jilin Province, and Songyuan City, and some media reporters, some academic representatives, and grassroots people.At the same time, more than 40 representatives of the defendants Li Ning and Zhang Lei and the representatives of the Chinese Agricultural University of China participated in the audit on the scene.The sentence was publicly announced on January 3, 2020.

Li Ning resume

On July 9, 1962, born in Nanchang, Jiangxi.

Graduated from Beijing Agricultural University and obtained a doctorate degree in Beijing Agricultural University

1992-1993 Postdartdated Institute of Small Animal Research

1993.12-Working of the School of Biological College of Chinese Agricultural University

2001 Yangtze Scholars Award Program of the Yangtze River Scholars

2007 elected academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

In early July 2014, it was taken away by the relevant departments. It involved the funds of 10 million yuan in the company's funding to transfer the funds of a genetically modified project that they had assumed to control.

On the morning of October 10, 2014, the official website of the Supervision Department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection issued a notification of the Party Group of the Communist Party of China on inspection and rectification, confirming that Li Ning, a professor of Chinese agricultural university, had been arrested in accordance with the law.

On January 17, 2015, after review, the Presidium of the Chinese Academy of Engineering stopped the qualifications of Li Ning, a professor of Chinese Agricultural University.