Professor Feng Gang of Zhejiang University talked about the rules of the teacher on Weibo, saying that boys must have half a catty of more than 50 degrees of alcohol.(Weibo screenshot)

Feng Gang, a professor of Zhejiang University, who has been sighed for graduate students to exempt interviews, was involved in public opinion disputes due to his preferably (21st).

Feng Gang issued his personal authentication Weibo account@--Liuhe claimed that there was a candidate who had been thinking about it until today. He was sent to Zhejiang University to read the master.All written test interviews passed, and I thought it was okay.But he reported that I was a mentor, and the rules of my teacher were the amount of alcohol of more than 50 degrees of men by half a catty.Still never, I finally went to Hellip; Hellip; I always felt that I was ashamed of him, but I believe that such a man is definitely a scarce talent., Just set the pride of his life!

Feng Gang's above -mentioned remarks about the required for the master's enrollment immediately aroused heated discussion among netizens. As of 14:00 today, Feng Gang's above Weibo has been reposted more than 8,100 times and more than 3,800 messages.

In his Weibo message, the vast majority of netizens expressed oppositions, questioning the wine table culture involved in Feng Gang's remarks.

In response to netizens, Feng Gang responded at 10 am this morning saying that the countryside was barren, and the charm was the sage!Disclaimer: Drinking is a congratulations, not lsquo; enrollment standard rsquo; (Can the instructor be determined this stuff?), Half a catty is not set by me, the boy talked about lsquo;He was going to drink it himself. Everyone thought he had been accepted before giving him lsquo; celebrating rsquo; I did not expect that there was material lsquo; reviewing rsquo;

According to information on the official website of Zhejiang University, Feng Gang, a native of Hangzhou, Zhejiang, a professor and doctoral supervisor of the school's sociology department. The main academic fields are social theory, political sociology, etc., and have in -depth research on thinkers such as Marx, Weber, Foucault.