According to Yunnan Daily, on December 12, the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Supervision Committee held an unreasonable report to clarify the feedback meeting.

In a face -to -face manner, the meeting referred to the results of the report of the party committee and chairman of the reported Yunxi Holdings Company, and the results of the investigation and verification of the investigation and verification of the report were publicly clarified.

Data diagram

It is reported that in recent years, the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has received 6 clues to report Zhang Tao 6 times, and a total of 12 problems.After receiving the report, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Supervision Commission attached great importance to it. According to the instructions, the second inspection and supervisory room passed a comprehensive investigation and verification of Zhang Tao's problems through letters and talks and squat investigation.The feedback results show that, except for the criticism of Zhang Tao, of the 12 reports, the remaining 11 issues have been investigated and have no factual basis.

At the meeting, Zhang Tao said that in the face of false reports, I used to carry a burden on my back, and there were a lot of confusion and helplessness.Today, the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission and the Provincial Supervision Commission for me to clarify the facts and eliminate my concerns. This is not only the spur and encouragement of my personal care, protection, and support, but also the courage to take responsibility and bold officers and cadres of Yunxi.

He said that in the future work, the responsibilities of the first responsible person in charge of the party governing the party will continue to grasp the responsibilities of the party's first responsible person on their hands and shoulders.; It will fully promote the deepening of reform, fully promote scientific and technological innovation, fully promote risk prevention and control, fully reconstruct the corporate culture, and give full play to the leading and promoting role of Yunxi Group in promoting change and inspiring innovation.

The heads of the relevant departments of the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Supervision Commission pointed out that petition reporting is an important way to supervise party members and cadres, which is conducive to promoting national democratic politics construction, supervising the work of party committees and governments, and improving the work style of civil servants at all levels.However, we must also see that a large number of malicious reports and false reports cause the consequences very seriously. For repeated problems, we must not be used to it, let alone numbness.Party members and leading cadres must take the supervision correctly, get used to and adapt to work and live under supervision; the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs must adhere to the principles of strict management and love, and the banner is clearly supported by the person as an officer;A good atmosphere.

Zhang Tao was born in August 1962 and joined the work in December 1980. He has a postgraduate degree and has been working in Honghe Prefecture for a long time.Municipal Party Secretary and other positions.

In June 2014, he served as the party committee secretary of Yunnan Xiye Group (Holdings) Co., Ltd., and has been the chairman of the chairman in June 2015.

Political affairs noticed that this was not a clarifying feedback meeting of the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.Prior to Zhang Tao, the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection had clarified the false reports for several cadres, and the feedback meeting was opened in the position of the cadres reported.

In January of this year, the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Supervision Committee held an unreasonable report to clarify the feedback meeting in Montzi City, Honghehani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture.Name, eliminate concerns, and help.

Yao Guohua was reported by the Standing Committee of the Honghe Prefecture Party Committee, the former secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the State Committee and the report.

It is reported that in 2018, the public letter of the Standing Committee of the State Party Committee was released, and the letter of the letter of Honghe Prefecture's established decision -making deployment and the mass incidents that had occurred were forcibly attributed to the main leadership of the Honghe State Committee.He Jian also used other people's identity information to purchase two mobile phone cards, send dozens of anonymous text messages to create, spread, and spread political rumors between leading cadres.Express and encourage others to write a report letter to the central leaders and the leaders of the provincial party committee to reflect the false information.

In October 2018, after receiving the report letter, the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Supervisory Commission investigated the open letter that the Standing Committee of the State Committee of the State Committee of the State Committee, which severely damaged the reputation of leading cadres, and seriously affected the stability of the reform and development of Honghe Prefecture.Deliberately distort all the facts of the facts. All the questions about Comrade Yao Guohua belong to the far -fetched and malicious injuries. It is not credible.His behavior seriously damaged the party's unity, seriously disrupting the work order of the Honghe State Party Committee and the state government, seriously damaging the reputation of leading cadres, and seriously affecting the overall situation of reform and development of Honghe Prefecture.

In October of that year, He Jian was investigated.

On November 29 this year, the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Provincial Supervision Committee clarified the facts and eliminate the impact of Li Hong for the Standing Committee of the Wenshan State Party Committee and Secretary of the Laoshan County Party Committee.

Since 2014, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has received eight clues to report Li Hong, which reflects 29 problems.After investigation and verification, four of the 29 issues reflected were repeated reports. Except for 1 (involved 2 issues), there was no factual basis for the remaining 23 issues and the remaining 23 issues.