According to the Fuzhou Court Network, on the morning of November 27, the Intermediate People's Court of Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, publicly pronounced publicly in the first instance of Yixi Huang Chen Huimin, Chen Huifa and others.

The defendant Chen Huimin committed the crime of organizing and leading the underworld organization, and the crime of intentional homicide. He was sentenced to death and was sentenced to death.In 20 crimes, including the crime of gathering public fights, and punishment, were sentenced to 22 years in prison, deprived of political rights for four years, and confiscated all personal property;After 11 charges, counting and penalties were sentenced to 20 years in prison, deprived of political rights for four years, and confiscated all personal property.

The remaining nine people were sentenced to imprisonment of not waiting for 20 to thirteen years, and confiscated personal property or fines.The court heard that since 1991, Chen Huimin has been criminally punished for criminal and administrative penalties for illegal crimes.

In February 2003, after the expiration of Chen Huimin's labor camp, a group of social idlers collected in society.In October 2004, Chen Huimin had contradictions with local migrant workers, gathered many people to hold crickets, kill migrant workers, and injured 5 people. It caused a bad influence in the local area.

The organization has a clear organizer and leader, and the backbone members are basically fixed. Among them, Chen Huimin is the organizer and leader, Chen Huifa and Wang Caijin are leaders, and Tan Boqiang and other 7 people have backbone members.

The organization has successively implemented 97 crimes such as intentional homicide, intentional injury, gathering public fights, opening a casino, intentional destroying property, and 16 illegal activities, causing serious consequences such as death, 3 serious injuries, and 17 people.

The organization takes violence or threatened by violence to obtain huge economic benefits by implementing illegal and criminal activities such as extortion, forced transactions, bidding, and opening casinos or other means to maintain the organization's survival and development.

The court trial believes that the organizational structure is stable, the level is clear, the division of labor is clear, and the discipline is strict. Through the implementation of illegal and criminal activities, we can obtain economic interests, to do evil, oppress the people, severely damage the local economic and social order, and have the organizational characteristics of the triad organization's tissue characteristics, Economic characteristics, behavioral characteristics and harmful characteristics.

The court made the above judgment in accordance with the law according to the facts, nature, plot, and the degree of harm of society.

Chen Huimin and Chen Huifa were tried to hear a total of 104 people involved in the black series. In addition to the trial and judgment in the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court.The Changxian People's Court and the Nancheng County People's Court were tried and sentenced to prison for eighteen years to one year, and fined fines were sentenced to eighteen years to one year.

Chen Huimin had only triggered attention for three and a half years due to gun killing on the street.

Chen Huimin.Figure/Information Office of Fuzhou Municipal Government

The incident was around 10 pm on July 7, 2005. On the roadside near the old forestry team of Beiguan Road, Chen Huimin quarreled with his business partner Xishong.When Shi Shirong took someone else's motorcycle to leave, Chen Huimin pulled out the shot from the pocket on the right side of the pants, driving a shot at his back to death.

Soon, Chen Huimin fled to Fujian, and the police set up a 7middot; 7 shot project team, but failed to catch Chen Huimin.

According to the family of Xun Shirong: Otherwise, they would say that there were no clues, otherwise we asked us if there were clues, and we were not investigators. How could we find clues?In September 2009, Chen Huimin came to the Yellow County Public Security Bureau to invest in the case.

Before the investigation, Chen Huimin's trustee found Kong Wenyi, the deputy director of the Yellow County Public Security Bureau and the captain of the Criminal Investigation, gave him 60,000 yuan and 4 soft Chinese smokes, saying that Chen Huimin explained the criminal facts.There are two more witnesses to testify. They remember how they say, and don't embarrass them.

Since then, Kong Wenyi has transferred the above false confession and perjury materials to the procuratorate.On January 5, 2010, the Procuratorate returned the case back to the investigation of the Yellow County Public Security Bureau with insufficient evidence and insufficient evidence.

During the re -investigation, Chen Huifa found many people to permit it and gave it to the then president of the Criminal Trial Tribunal of the Yellow County Court, Chang Qing, Chang Qing.

On May 12, 2010, the Yihuang County Court sentenced Chen Huimin to three years and six months in prison for his death. In addition, the court decided to decide by Chen Huimin's intentional injury (gathered multiple people to kill migrant workers).The second crime was punished and the execution was sentenced to four years.

In September 2012, after two years of prison, Chen Huimin was released from prison.

In 2018, the special operation of the anti -crime and elimination of evil entered Yixian County. The case of the Chen brothers became the dual supervision case of the National Sweeping Office and the Ministry of Public Security's key supervision office.

In the early morning of July 14, 2018, the task force mobilized more than 300 police forces to capture Chen Huimin, Chen Huifa and many backbone personnel.

According to the Fuzhou police, this is the largest underworld organization case in Jiangxi Province since the founding of New China.

Various guns seized by the police.Figure/Information Office of Fuzhou Municipal Government

After the Chen brothers were arrested, several officials of the local public prosecution system were dismissed.

On August 6, 2018, the former Attorney General of the Yellow County Procuratorate and the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress were at Tao Yinghua, the deputy director of the Yellow County Public Security Bureau, Kong Wenyi, the director of the Fenggang Town Police Station, Yang Huaong, and the Criminal Trial Court of the Yihuang County Court.Chang Qing was investigated.

On September 14, 2018, Yang Xin, the former dean of the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court, Yang Xin, the former Dean of the People's Court of Yihuang County, Zou Qiliang, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Jinxi County People's Congress, and former director of the Yihuang County Public Security Bureau, should beXiong Shuhua, a member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Huangxian County Public Security Bureau, was investigated.

Shortly after that, Liu Jun, former deputy county head of the people's government of Yihuang County and the former director of the County Public Security Bureau, was investigated.In other words, all the leaders of the Public Prosecutor's Law of Yixian County were their umbrellas.

Zou Qiliang was born in May 1957. He served as the director of the Yellow County Public Security Bureau from 2005 to 2010. He was transferred to Jinxi County to serve and retired in 2017.

In September 2018, Zou Qiliang was investigated. In December of the same year, he was expelled from the party and canceled his retirement treatment.

After investigation, Zou Qiliang violated organizational discipline and without collective research, individuals designated the project contractor of the Yellow County Public Security Bureau to command the building; violated the discipline of integrity, received gifts for others, and engaged in profit -making activities illegally.

In violation of national laws and regulations, use the convenience of the position to seek benefits and receive property for others, and suspected of accepting bribery crimes; when investigating Chen's case, they did not perform their duties correctly, and they decided to transfer cases of major contradictions to the prosecution and prosecution and prosecuted prosecution to cause prosecution and prosecution.Its felony judgment caused a bad social impact and was suspected of neglecting the crime of duties.

Yang Xin was born in September 1960, as the Dean of the People's Court of Yixian County from 2006 to 2011, was investigated in September 2018, and was opened in December of the same year.

After investigation, Yang Xin violated the discipline of integrity, received gifts from others, and received compensation for work injury and disability in violation of regulations; violated work discipline and performed responsibilities correctly.Essence

Violation of national laws and regulations, use the convenience of the position, seek benefits for others and receive propertySuspected of bribery crimes.

Tao Yinghua was born in June 1958. From 2006 to 2011, he served as the Attorney General of the People's Procuratorate of the Yellow County. He retired in June 2018 and was investigated in August of the same year. He was expelled from the party and canceled his retirement treatment in December.

After investigation, Tao Yinghua violated organizational discipline, and it was better to report personal matters; violating the discipline of integrity and receiving gifts for others; illegally engaged in profit -making activities; violating work discipline, incorrectly fulfilling their duties, and littering in the felony case of a felony case in the Yellow County Procuratorate of Chen.As a result, serious consequences are responsible for the main leadership; violations of national laws and regulations, use the convenience of their positions, seek benefits and receive property for others, and are suspected of accepting bribery crimes.

Writing/ Beijing News Reporter Zhao Kaidi Li Jingtong School Division Fu Chunyu