On November 21, the website of the National Commission for Discipline Inspection published some typical violations of some leading cadres before and after retirement: some believe that there is the right to do not have to expire, people have not retired, and their hearts are out of their hearts; some think not to be vain or not., Use retirement to cover and cover up option corruption; some because the boat arrives at the pier to the station, relaxes and goes astray, he wants to go further before retirement.The former member of the former member of the Honghe Prefecture Committee of Yunnan Province, the former secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Jianjian were investigated.According to the China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Journal, from October 2017 to May 2018, and Jianye was dissatisfied with some leading cadres of Honghe Prefecture, so he used other people's identity information to purchase two mobile phone cards, sent dozens of anonymous text messages, and in leading cadres in leading cadresManufacturing, spreading, and spreading political rumors.

He and Jian Jinjian encouraged the former president of a middle school to write a report letter to report the false information to the central leaders and the leaders of the provincial party committee; the main leaders of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government, the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee and the HongheSome of the leading cadres of the state sent an open letter to the main leadership of the Honghe State Committee signed by himself, and uploaded it to the national online reporting platform.All this stems from one thing: in May 2015, He Jian reached out to the organization, asking for the resolution of the main hall -level treatment before retirement.

According to reports, and after being the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Honghe Prefecture Party Committee, he had a special power, prestige, and domineering and publicity.When you go to the grass -roots, you need to open the police car and place flowers. If the main leaders of the local area do not accompany the investigation and dining, it will be furious.It is also common for time, place, and occasion to curse if you are unhappy.In Honghe Prefecture, there are many people who have been scolded by He and Jian to a county to ordinary staff.Once, he went to Shiping County for a business trip. The county's political and legal committee secretary was late for one or two minutes when the exit of the high -speed road was greeted.

In January of this year, He Jian was expelled from the party and canceled retirement.After investigation, and Jianjian violated political discipline and political rules, manufactured, spread, and spread political rumors; signed a public letter and published unknown remarks, which caused serious adverse effects in politics;Inside the group guy, pull gangs, and exchange interests.Violation of organizational discipline, it is better to explain the problem in the organization letter; use the convenience of the position to fight revenge on others.In violation of the discipline of integrity, the acceptance of gifts that may affect fair execution of official duties, and occupy public property for a long time.Violation of work discipline, intervention and intervening in judicial activities.Violation of life discipline.Utilizing the convenience of his position, seek benefits and receive property for others, and suspected bribery crimes.

In front of the station, Zhou Lianke, the former party secretary and director of the Liaoning Provincial Department of Cultural Department, knew that he was about to arrive at the station, and hurried the last time.Four times without authorization, he presided over the party group meeting of the party group to study cadres, and assumedly adjusted 25 cadres.After the incident, it was verified by the Organization Department of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee, and the appointment and removal of cadres who were adjusted in violation of regulations was invalid.In March 2017, Zhou Lianke was doubled, and reported that he had violated the discipline of organizational discipline and the selection and appointment of cadres in violation of regulations.

In February last year, Zhou Lianke was sentenced to 17 years in the first trial of bribery and corruption.Before walking in tea, paved the way to build an enterprise in 2003. The 50 -year -old deputy mayor of Zhejiang Province, the deputy mayor of Zhejiang Province, was built.CPPCC's job.He thought that the official way was not smooth, and he began to use his power to pave the way.Before retiring, he co -organized a real estate company with the local affected businessman Sun Moumou.Using his power in his hand, he phone to help the company to achieve the qualifications of architectural qualifications, and since then, he has made interests for the company in project migration and other matters.Soon, Chen Construction officially submitted an application for retirement to the organization in advance. Before the approval was approved, he couldn't wait to run a business.Before retiring, he received huge bribes by laughing for compensation and discounts on the sea.

According to the charges of the Procuratorate, the construction of Chen's year before retirement began to collect money, and it was 6.25 million yuan in bribes in just over a year.In February 2019, the construction of Chen, who retired for 15 years, took the initiative to invest in the case; in September of the same year, Chen Construction was sentenced to 4 years in prison and fined 600,000 yuan. Its illegal income was recovered.The greed expands when it is retired, and hurry up and finally fish for May 2018. Feng Yue, secretary of the Chongqing Energy Group Party Committee and Chairman of Chongqing Energy Group, was left over.Feng Yue said frankly in the confession: After serving as the secretary of the party committee and chairman of the Energy Group, I thought this must be the last leading cadre of me.No need to use it for nothing, once retirement is abolished; so my wife and I have more urgent and greedyly to realize the power through agents: on the one hand, I use the power of serving as the leadership of the energy group to help relevant individuals and units to obtain benefits; anotherThe boss was the spokesperson for the boss and my wife, and was responsible for establishing a seemingly legal business contract relationship with the other party to obtain benefits and charged benefits.As everyone knows, the last battle of the luck is in exchange for a fatal blow to the happy old age.

In September 2018, Feng Yue was doubled, notifying that he could do his great power monetization and crazy money, and opened the right money transaction lsquo; home shop rsquo;, and lsquo; hunter rsquo; colluded inside and outside to build lsquo; co -rot rod rsquo;The disciplinary income was collected, and its suspected criminal issues and the funds involved were transferred to the judicial organs to deal with it in accordance with the law.When working, he did a job for people. In August 2019, after retirement, Bai Guanghua, the original director of the Minzhou Civil Defense Office of Hunan Province, was publicly public.Reservation and retirement and bribery are particularly prominent in Bai Guanghua.Whenever the trustee wants to thank him, a word he always says is: After I retire, let's talk about it.

According to the case handler, Bai Guanghua used the convenience of serving as the party secretary and director of the Luzhou People's Defense Office, and provided convenience and help to others in terms of engineering contracting. After his retirement, he received the entrustment property, with an amount of more than 3.27 million yuan.Money Tu, part -time paid for illegal jobs after retirement, and business -oriented enterprise in November 2019. Ye Haojun, former party group and deputy director of the Guangzhou Urban Renewal Bureau, who retired for more than 3 years, was publicly notified for part -time remuneration of illegal part -time jobs.Ye Haojun retired in September 2016. In November of the same year, without the approval of the organization, he went to a private real estate enterprise in the original jurisdiction and business scope as a consultant to provide consulting services for planning, architectural design, urban renewal and other aspects.A consultant -employment agreement with an investment company in Zhuhai and a building design company under the company and a building design company in Zhuhai, avoiding organizational supervision, and receiving part -time compensation in violation of regulations, and resigned from the consultant position in July 2018.In February 2019, Ye Haojun was severely warned by the party and was collected by disciplinary violations.

In addition, Yu Rumin, former party committee secretary and chairman of Tianjin Port (Group) Co., Ltd., who was expelled from the party in May 2017, also had problems such as illegal part -time rewards and business -oriented enterprises after retirement.The Civil Service Law of the People's Republic of China on the Civil Service Law of the People's Republic of China on regulating the behavior of civil servants after resigning from public office, and explicitly banned leading cadres from engaging in profit -related activities directly related to the original jurisdiction of the job within 3 years.Leading cadres must strictly adhere to the law and regulations, and do not have the idea of money after retirement, so as not to compensate the wife and fold the soldiers.Based on the industry association to extend the shelf life of power and re -lead the leader to engage in corruption in December 2011, Yang Xianjing, a inspector at the main department of the Land and Resources Department of the Anhui Provincial Department of Land and Resources, formally handled the retirement procedures.However, he is still reluctant to be in power, and he is still the president of the Provincial Mining Evaluation Association.The association is director of the Provincial Department of Land and Resources.The approval right, but Yang Xianjing, who said before retirement, had already handed over some matters of the mineral approval approval to the association.The small land hall was the other name of the association during the period of Yang Xianjing.The retirement of the post and the power of power have not retired, and Yang Xianjing used the title of the president of the Provincial Mining Evaluation Association to collect money.In addition, he still has other serious violations of discipline and law.

In May 2014, Yang Xianjing was expelled from the party after three years of retirement. Since then, he was sentenced to life imprisonment and confiscated all his personal property.The discipline was relaxed. After retirement, the leading cadres who violated the spirit of the eight central regulations relaxed their self -requirements after retirement, or were lucky, and made mistakes on the four winds and fell.For example, Bai Dejin, the former party secretary and director of the Quality Supervision Bureau of Wuhan City, did not pay it to the official refueling card of its custody when retirement. After retirement, the card used the card to refuel 49 times for private cars, totaling 11179.88 yuan.In June 2019, Bai Dekin was severely warned by the party.The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection commented: As the so -called people walk lsquo; check RSquo; not cool, people will retire, party discipline and state law will never retire.What's more, although the temperature of power is hot, the cost of greed is heavier.For leading cadres, instead of being reluctant to power with power, and being a porter of names and profit, they have mistakenly entered astray and are not guaranteed in the evening.

Source: website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (Han Yadong) China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News