< /p> Cao Xuetao is currently the president of Nankai University and deputy secretary of the party committee. He became the youngest Chinese Academy of Engineering at the time when he was 41 years old.(the Internet)

Cao Xuetao, president of Nankai University and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, was exposed to the Internet on the 15th.At present, on Pubpeer, a foreign academic exchange online platform, which was initially revealed by Cao Xuetao's thesis, it can retrieve more than 40 papers with the above -mentioned image abnormalities, and the author's signature includes Cao Xuetao's papers.

Part of the same, some suspected PS operations such as adding and deleting.

The reporter checked 35 of these more than 40 papers, of which Cao Xuetao had 29 articles as a communications author or joint communication author.Among these 40 articles, there are currently 4 correction errors. There is a dissertation published in the biochemical magazine in 2008. The impact factor of the journal in 2018 was 4.106.

Regarding these questions, Cao Xuetao said in the afternoon of the 15th that I said that I just went to the Shanghai Laboratory to check these things.I know that everyone pays attention to this matter. After checking, I will give you a reply.

Cao Xuetao was born in Jinan, Shandong Province in 1964. He studied at the Second Military Medical University at the age of 17 and graduated from the Second Military Medical University at the age of 26. He received a doctorate degree.Two years later, Cao Xuetao was promoted to the youngest medical professor in China at that time. At the age of 32, he was promoted to doctoral supervisors. At the age of 33, he served as the director of the key laboratory of immunity and gene therapy. At the age of 41, he became the youngest Chinese academician at the time.At present, he is the president of Nankai University and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee.At the same time, he is also the editor -in -chief of Chinese tumor biological therapy magazine, the editor -in -chief of cells and molecular immunology.

The publication of these suspected fake papers continued from 2003 to 2018, and most of them were published during Cao Xuetao's employment of the Second Military Medical University and Zhejiang University Institute of Immunology.Articles are more common in domestic and foreign journals such as cells and molecular immunology, immunology magazines, biochemical magazines, etc., as well as the natural-immunology published by the natural publishing group, another paper was included in scientific magazines in 2014.

It is revealed that the abnormal image of Cao Xuetao's thesis is Dr. Elisabeth Bik at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the School of Medicine of Stanford University.Elisabeth Bik told China News Weekly that since 2016, she resigned from work and investigated the abnormal problems of various thesis images and the academic misconduct that may exist.

During the interview, Elisabeth Bik repeatedly emphasized that she just marked the images and papers that may exist. As for whether this image constitutes an academic incompetePhenomenon.She also said that the copy and paste of the image and the PS are just a kind of cheating method she can observe, just the tip of the iceberg.

It is understood that Qigong heat began to sweeping China in 1989. Driven by Qian Xuesen, many researchers studied Qigong from different angles from different angles.Cao Xuetao, who was studying for a master's degree at the Second Military Medical University at that time, and Gao Yantao, at the Changhai Hospital affiliated to the Second Military Medical University, published the anti -tumor effect of qigong qigong and enhance immune functional mechanisms in natural magazines sponsored by Shanghai University.Two articles of experimental research (1 and 2), the research method is to allow the Qigong division to match the mouse that has been vaccinated with tumor cells to distribute external qi, 30 minutes each, a total of 4 times.

Experiments have proved that qigong qi has the role of anti -tumor metastasis, prevent tumor growth, extend the survival period of the liquor host, and improve the body's immune function.Now, in the question of Cao Xuetao's thesis, these two papers have also been re -mentioned.