< /p> Ma Yun, the founder of Alibaba Group, delivered a speech at the African Entrepreneur Competition the day before yesterday.On the same day, 10 entrepreneurs stood out from more than 10,000 contestants and received a $ 1 million bonus provided by the Ma Yun African Entrepreneurship Fund.(Xinhua News Agency)

(New York/Akilla Comprehensive News) Alibaba founder Ma Yun called on China and the United States to deal with trade issues carefully last week, otherwise the relationship between the two countries may face 20 years of turmoil.

In an interview with Bloomberg in Dorge, Western Africa, Ma Yun said that China and the United States must solve problems in trade, rather than creating more problems.

Jack Ma believes that although the Sino -US comprehensive trade war may not continue for a long time, the relationship between the two countries may become uneven in 20 years, and emphasizes the importance of cooperation and sharing technology between the two countries.

The Sino -US trade dispute has continued for more than a year and a half, which involves more than 70 % of bilateral commodity trade.If the two countries cannot resolve some differences in the next few weeks, the White House will impose 15%punitive tariffs on US $ 160 billion (S $ 217.6 billion) in China on the 15th of next month.

Nevertheless, Alibaba, listed in New York in 2014, is expected to survive the increasing online consumption in China, the world's second largest economy in China, and is expected to have a better difficulty than other companies. The stock price has risen by more than 35%this year.The company announced on Friday that its first public offering in Hong Kong was launched, and it is expected to raise nearly $ 12 billion.The South China Morning Post controlled by Alibaba has disclosed that Alibaba is expected to be officially listed in Hong Kong in the end of this month.

In addition, anonymous insiders revealed that due to the intensified protests in Hong Kong, Alibaba canceled the first public -fundraising investor meeting in the form of lunch in the form of lunch, and changed to the phone.

Jack Ma went to Togo to start Africa last week and met in the capital Lommei President Nissinbe.

Jack Ma believes that as Africa is a preparation for the start of the African continental free trade agreement, local entrepreneurs will find countless business opportunities in the field of e -commerce, logistics and electronic payment.

The overall market size of the African mainland is close to China. Ma Yun hopes that African entrepreneurs will be known as a hero and support the support of the local government.

Jack Ma went to Togo to start Africa last week and met in the capital Lommei President Nissinbe.Jack Ma believes that as Africa is a preparation for the start of the African continental free trade agreement, local entrepreneurs will find countless business opportunities in the field of e -commerce, logistics and electronic payment.