Wang Qishan wore a new Chinese -style clothing and attended a collective banquet held by Emperor Deren, Japan.(Xinhua News Agency)

(Beijing Comprehensive News) Wang Qishan, Vice President of China, recently attended the ascending ceremony of Emperor Deren, Japan. The new Chinese costumes that were worn for the first time became the focus of the media.

Chinese President ... Special Envoy and Vice President Wang Qishan, when attending Emperor Deren in Tokyo on the 22nd of this month, we wore a Chinese -style Chinese -style clothing when he attended the name of Emperor Deren and celebrated the banquet.Later, when Wang Qishan met with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, he changed his suit.

The WeChat public account of Beijing Youth Daily noticed that the design of this dress is quite similar to the traditional Chinese stand -up collar pairing shirt, but it is not a common pairing buckle design. There is only a plate buckle in the front side.

The Zhengzhi Circle pointed out that although Chinese leaders have also worn in Zhongshan and Chinese clothing on formal occasions, Wang Qishan's clothes are obviously different from the Chinese clothing that appeared before.

This set of clothing has also appeared for the first time during Wang Qishan's vice president of the country.

The Zhengzhi Circle quoted Hua Liming, former Chinese ambassador to Iran, the UAE, and the Netherlands, pointed out that at the national banquet and submitting diplomatic occasions such as the national banquet, the Chinese heads of state or the envoy generally did not wear a dirt tail, and the ladies were wore cheongsam.In recent years, it is different from the traditional Chinese -style clothing, which has also frequently appeared in formal diplomatic occasions.