The surging news reported on September 17 that the double -opening notification issued by Gansu Discipline Inspection and Supervision Network showed that the former inspector of the Gansu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Niu Xiangdong, to the west, hidden personal calculations.

According to news that Gansu Discipline Inspection and Supervision Network said that a few days ago, the former inspector of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology approved by the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, Niu Xiangdong's serious violation of disciplinary violations, and the Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has been reviewed and investigated.

The Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has found that Niu Xiangdong is the director of the Lanzhou SASAC, the director of the management committee of the Lanzhou High -tech Industrial Development Zone, the deputy mayor of the Lanzhou Municipal Government, the deputy director of the Lanzhou New District Management Committee, and the provincial industry and the provincial industry and the provincial industryDuring the post of inspectors of the Informatization Department, violating political discipline, different tables, engaged in two factions, two -sided persons, fighting for organizational review and investigation; violating the spiritual and integrity discipline of the eight central regulations, accepting banquets that may affect fair execution of official duties; illegal violationsOrganize discipline, run officials, and make profit for others in violation of the regulations in the recruitment of employees; violate the discipline of integrity, accept gifts and consumer cards that may affect fair execution of official duties, invest in non -listed companies;Others have improper sexual relationships.Suspected of bribery crimes, asking for huge bribes; suspected illegal holding of gun crimes.

Niu Xiangdong Data Map

Niu Xiangdong, male, Han nationality, born in August 1964, was born in Longxian, Shaanxi, joined the Communist Party of China in May 1985, joined the work in July 1986. He graduated from the Department of Health of the Inner Mongolia Baotou Medical College.

He used to study the cadres and economic divisions of the First Machinery Manufacturing Factory Department of Inner Mongolia of China Weapon Industry Corporation, and then entered the School of Political Economics, a doctoral student in the School of Economics of Peking University.The Secretary of the Office Secretary 2 Secretary 2 Secretary (Deputy Division).

In 2002, Niu Xiangdong was a postdoctoral researcher for post -doctoral workstation of the Institute of Finance of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (during this period: 2003.05mdash; 2004.05 to engage in postdoctoral research at the University of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania).class).

In the double -opening notice announced on September 17, Niu Xiangdong was accused of being a leading cadre of party members.From the impure political motivation, work on calculations and planning for fame and fortune, and will serve as a platform and shortcut for the establishment of official ladders and rapid promotion.Lost political position, right and wrong, be keen to read books and periodicals with serious political issues. Personal political purposes at the end of the time to seize economic interests for compensation; the political character is low, and the hunting of the illegal businessman is driven.The above talks about loyalty to officials and cleanliness, but in fact, it is aggressive with the party, and bribery and bribery; the spirit is empty, the interest is vulgar, and the life is degenerate.And after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China or even the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he still did not converge, does not stop, and did not know.

Surging news noticed that after serving as the assistant mayor of Lanzhou City, Niu Xiangdong successively served as the director of the Lanzhou State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and the director of the Management Committee of Lanzhou High -tech Development Zone. In 2010, he served as the deputy mayor of Lanzhou.In 2015, Niu Xiangdong also served as a member of the Party Working Committee of the Lanzhou New District and deputy director of the management committee. Later, he stepped down as deputy mayor of Lanzhou City in November 2016. He was full of deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of the Lanzhou New District.In April 2018, the 54 -year -old Niu Xiangdong was transferred to the inspector of the Gansu Provincial Industry and Information Commission.Essence

On September 17, the Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection said that in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Civil Service Regulations of the Communist Party of China Disciplinary Disciplinary Regulations, the Gansu Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission Standing Committee meeting and the Provincial Supervision Commission Committee meeting were considered and reported to the Gansu Provincial Party Committee for approval.Give cows to be expelled from the east, and the disciplinary income of disciplinary violations is collected; the procuratorial organs suspected of crime issues are transferred to the procuratorial organs to review and prosecute in accordance with the law.