Author: Yu Pinhai

Some Hong Kong people don't know Chinese very much. When I talk about structural reforms, they are expressionless, and then I need to say: Structural Reform, they will mdash; mdash; oh!The same situation has also occurred many times on discussions on deep -level structure contradictions. Everyone seems to understand it.Take the amendment of the regulations on the fugitive as an example. The government (referred to as the Hong Kong Government) does not consider the citizens' distrust of the judicial system of the Mainland (Mainland).Do not easily deduce the association or reference value between the two things, and think that similar results will be obtained.

This is not a misunderstanding, but lacks sufficient space between the two cultures and ideology. If only linear understanding is performed, no structural analysis is made, and various unimaginable conflicts may occur at any time.This is not who is right and who is wrong, but because experience and understanding are different, there will be differences in judgment of things. One country and two systems are responding and management of this difference.Similarly, if the government and the central government do not master deep -level contradictions that affect public opinion, and think that some sugar -passing measures can solve the problem.

Just look at how linear changes are out of the structure dilemma

The five major demands are also the same nature. If you can't have an accurate understanding of the current conflict between Hong Kong, how can you look forward to the mdash; mdash; whether it is the Hong Kong government or the central government mdash; MDASH; accept these political requirements?Without consensus, reform cannot be started at all; without the essence of the contradiction between deep structural structure, any reform will not be structural, nor can it solve the real problem.Even if the government agreed to the five major demands, will the cause of the citizens be resolved?Obviously not.

It seems that after the occupation, the 8.31 plan was rejected as expected, and then?Director of the Financial Secretary used to relieve the suffering of the people, and sent a few years of sugar, and recently sent another 19 billion (Hong Kong dollars, the same as S $ 3.3 billion), and then?When Lin Zhengyue came to power, it increased 3.6 billion education expenses. The education community seemed to feel good. Then?Lin Zheng went to the Democratic Party's party celebration. Of course, it was to resolve the predicament of the previous communication. What about it?The government proposes to amend the fugitive regulations, citizens protest, the government stops repair, and then?If Lin Zheng stepped down, just like Liang Zhenying no longer runs for election, what would he do?

It's as if Taiwan wants to eliminate the authoritarian rule of the two Chiang period and open the universal election, including the presidential election for more than 20 years, and then?The DPP believes that if it is not fully governed, it will not be able to realize its administration concept. In 2016, it was done. In addition to the President of the DPP, even the Legislative Yuan also had more than half of the seats. What about it?White people in the United States believed that social is injustice, and the right -wing populist looked up and chose a political madman Trump. What about it?The British believe that the European Union occupies the British cheap and makes the British economy be unable to cheer up. It is estimated that it can be done this year. What about it?The Italians were dissatisfied with all the previous political parties and the new political parties won the election to form the government. As a result, the government was quickly disintegrated. To reorganize the government, then?The Spring of Arabia, which is admired by the United States, swept the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and many regions fell into chaos and even civil wars. Then?

These so -called changes are actually only linear changes and some functions, but they are not enough to completely change the structural dilemma, let alone a complete structural reform.

In fact, the Chinese of Hong Kong people are not so bad, but even though they fully understand the intention of structural reforms, they rarely think about it with their meaning, so suddenly this word may not be grasped.The English word of Structural Reform is easier to master some people or it may be encountered in daily work.However, if you search for Wikipedia, you will find that it does not even have the word reform, whether it is Chinese or English.Searching in Google and Baidu, all the reference information of the Mainland got, that is, only the mainland uses this concept.

This reflects that the habit of thinking about Hong Kong people thinks about the western tradition, and the structural reform of the large social transformation and challenges is not popular in the West, or even no. Therefore, it is often found that it is still clumsy when solving major social issues.In recent years, China has often used structural reforms to describe its development strategy. The more familiar supply -side reforms of Hong Kong people belong to the result of such structural thinking.Foreign media less use this discussion, even if there is, that is, it is superficially referring to the structural reform of the autocratic regime. It refers to democratic elections and the separation of three powers.In knowledge, reform is ideological guidance, not a problem -oriented.This reflects their meaning not to understand the structure of the structure.At that time, Mao Zedong's rural surrounding cities, compared to the instructions made by the Soviet Union's request for the Chinese revolution to rely on the working class, reflected two different thinking.The Sino -US trade war is also a conflict of this background, and it is also a concrete manifestation of structural contradictions between the two countries.

Another perspective is that Hong Kong's decision makers rarely think about how to use structural reforms to solve problems. Everyone is more accustomed to discussing things, that is, check the problems and solve problems from the perspective of policy, rather than completely eliminate the crisis from the environment of the problem or from the source of the conflict.The possibility happened again.Taking the political opinion of the Hong Kong Pan -Democratic School as an example, they believe that all the solutions for all political conflicts are in the end, or they have to resign from a certain official.Of course, the true election is a very reasonable requirement, but it cannot deny that it cannot solve all problems. Of course, it is appropriate to account for accountability to resign, but not all officials can use the same method to solve it.However, the traditional understanding of civil servants in Hong Kong is the case. It is the so -called based on the this propaganda department. According to the SOP (standard program), it will be closer than the book.

Thinking of thinking if you can't go back to the golden years

How to explain the lack of structural thinking in Hong Kong society?Maybe you can look at the two recent articles.

Recently, Mr. Zheng Jinghan wrote an eulsion of Hong Kong's golden years in the South China Morning Post.In the article, he pointed out that in the past, large companies in Hong Kong did not need to consider politics, as long as they did things according to the interests of the enterprise, but now because of a large number of armed police stationed in Shenzhen, the real estate chamber of commerce and major financial institutions must publish advertisements in newspapers in newspapers.Candid in the violent act of demonstrators.He predicts that even if conflict is calm, Hong Kong will not continue to be a free market economy (Freewheeling Free-Market Economy).In the conclusion of the article, he lamented that the rule of law and economy in Hong Kong was completely damaged because of the arrogance of Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e. If the current trend continues, Hong Kong will not be able to return to its golden years.

Hong Kong's current situation can be described as different groups in parallel space and space without knowing it. Zheng Jinghan is the elite of Hong Kong, but he may live in the past time and space.The golden years in the middle or or in are far from the difference.He sighed from the free market economy that we want, which is derived from the intervention of the central government, rather than the current conflict of society, because he knows that social conflicts or the Hong Kong government will not change this free market economy.Only the intervention of the central government can cause this change to occur, and even the battle is over.

Zheng Jinghan's evaluation is very willing, so it is true.

Why can't social conflicts and the Hong Kong government change the dilemma of Hong Kong?Because there is no consensus on Hong Kong's deep -level issues in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong government is the owner and protective umbrella of the vested interest structure, which will not break its golden rice bowl, let alone promote structural reform.In this case, why do groups who fully believe and enjoy the benefits of free letting the economy be worried that Hong Kong will change their existing pattern by themselves?Of course, everyone did not imagine that this anti -revision conflict will stimulate the intervention of the central government. In the process, it will be so polite to large enterprises.EssenceIn fact, if the central government realizes that the deep -level structure of Hong Kong is so serious, it will introduce a more radical policy, and Hong Kong's vested interest structure will be the first.It's a pity that these large companies are deep in Hong KongThe time of the challenge has always turned a blind eye, only to make money by themselves, the Hong Kong government is also light, and they are unwilling to see or consider the interests of other stakeholders, so that the situation will develop to such a point.

The vested interest structure in Hong Kong is the object of reform mdash; mdash; To achieve this consensus, first of all, the society must have the dilemma of Hong Kong's deep -level structure.In order to maintain the demonstration of demonstrations, the demonstrators put their focus on the police, and even the issues such as parallel goods, wisdom lamps, no understanding of employment, sexual harassment, police dog rights, and expired tear gas.The rotation of the upper turn is aversion to the deep -seated structure and the vested interest pattern, and even unwilling to blame the freedom of the economy.Such demands are linear. There is no structural question at all, nor can it be extended to solve the core issue.

In fact, the intervention of the central government so far is just a light crushing of vested interest groups. At most, it is not very good for big merchants.When more Hong Kong people cannot accept the as much as a large enterprise, social conflicts are no longer just facing the government, but also including these large enterprises. Sooner or later, this kind of citizen's anti -bulls will completely change the corporate environment of Hong Kong.Will the elite tend to accept the light crushing of the central government?Today, the action of the central government reflects it without any scruples, so that the big consortia can not do whatever they want. At the same time, it also explains that the citizens still have some scruples so far, and they are not used to using class appeals to explain the problem.

When the people's war points to the vested interests

On the same day, Mr. Lian Yizheng published an article in the New York Times that the people's war was mentioned, and the law was brilliant, but his understanding may only flow in the appearance and even the wrong object.Suddenly, Hong Kong's current social conflict seems to be aimed at the central government and the Hong Kong government, because everyone puts the focus on the revised fugitive regulations.If this is the case, it will be relatively simple, but it cannot explain why the Hong Kong government has terminated the amendment. The central government also agrees with its approach. The demonstrators have achieved their goals, but the riots continue?

Most people agree to the intention of the demonstrators, because the deeper contradictions have not resolved, the resentment and anger have not disappeared, so social turmoil will be endless.Whether it is peaceful occupation, or the fish egg revolution and anti -repair, it is just an excuse. The key is that if the environment that generates resentment and then converts into anger does not change, the riots will not stop.When everyone realizes the spearhead of the people's war, it will start facing deep contradictions. The challenges will be the vested interest groups and structures. At that time, it will advocate experts and scholars who are free to let go of the economy, including Lian Yi and Zheng Jinghan. I don’t know if they have imagined it.Who will the object of the people's war?

Water can carry boats or cover the boat.The angry people may be impulsive for a while, but they will not make mistakes for a long time. It is the so -called injustice and debt owner. Why does the Hong Kong government lose the trust of the citizens?It supports economic development and does not realize that the economy is to serve the well -being of the citizens. If the business community does not benefit the citizens after gaining support, it must reform.It turns out that support for the business community only creates social conflicts, and does not even meet the long -term interests of the business community, let alone serve the citizens.

In the past, the central government believed that one country and two systems were well -water water. The Hong Kong government and business community could ensure the overall development of Hong Kong and the fairness and justice of society. As a result, the government and business were encouraged.The excellent economic environment consolidates the vested interest structure from the colonial period, and allows Hong Kong society to be trapped in a serious deep -seated structure contradiction.However, the central government is an institution that is used to reform. When it realizes the problem, it can even be blained inward and self -revolution. The reform and opening up 40 years ago is the best case. The strong anti -corruption after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is a typical self.revolution.

Can the business community in Hong Kong be so self -revolutionary?Can Hong Kong officials revolutionary?When the social contradictions worsen, but the political person does not think of reform, the golden years of some people will become the purgatory purgatory of other people. The object of the people's war may be facing the deep structure of collusion with officials and merchants.Only when the structure reform is implemented in a timely manner, facing the vested interest pattern, and a deep -seated contradiction, will Hong Kong problems really have the opportunity to truly solve it.