Because of acting as an umbrella in the evil forces, 16 cadres in Hulan District, Harbin City brushed off the horse, and were called the Hulan storm by the media.

This morning, the CCTV News Channel broadcast a 10 -minute video, which disclosed how to unveil this shady step by step after the Central Sweeping Director Sweeping Group entered Heilongjiang.

Chang'an Street has noticed a detail. Niu Jimin, the director of the administrative law enforcement bureau of the district, faced the supervision team twice, and both adopted a confrontation attitude. If you ask three, I don't care about this. Don't tell me.The fact is that his own signature has his own signature on the white paper.In the end, Director Niu, who was unfaithful to the people.

3 brothers and sisters of Yang, monopolized Hulanto Industry

On August 5th, the Central Government Sweeping the 14th Supervision Team reported the feedback of the supervision to Heilongjiang Province.It is quite rare that the team leader Yao Zengke ordered the name of 5 people on the spot mdash; mdash;

Ren Ruichen, member of the Standing Committee of the Harbin Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Liu Jie, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission and Member of the Supervisory Committee, Zhu Hui, the former secretary of the Hulan District District Committee, and the original area of Hulan District is longer than Chuanyong.Major cases involved in black and evil.

As we all know, in this blackened storm, in addition to Zhu Hui and Yu Chuanyong, there are also deputy district chief Liu Dong, Hu Shuhe, deputy director of the District Urban Management Bureau, and Wang Hongjun, deputy director of the District Land and Resources Bureau, involved urban construction, environmental protection, environmental protection and environmental protection.16 party members and cadres such as land, taxation, housing construction, and urban management were taken in accordance with the law.

Chang'an Street was informed that their disappearances were related to a local thermal company, and the company's chairman Yang Hong was the brother of the black boss Yang Guang mentioned above.

Yang Guang, 56 years old, is a real estate owner, once a representative of the National People's Congress.On June 29 this year, the local police issued a notice saying that a total of 22 members of the crowd involved were arrested, including Yang Guang and his sister Yang Rong.

As for Yang Hong, the chairman of the Xinma Group has been in Hulan District for many years, many industries have been monopolized, involving transportation, real estate development, thermal gas industries, and even waste recycling, funeral supplies, etc.It can be described as angry and dare not speak.

In all of this situation, as the central government's special supervision team was settled in Heilongjiang, it finally ushered in a complete change. Yang Hong, who had been fled, was arrested by the Harbin police on June 29 on June 29.

The masses reflected the problem and were applied by the door

Generally speaking, the period of the scanning team is usually one month.Unusual is that during the Heilongjiang, the supervision and group special personnel sent special personnel to stare at Harbin and their Holand District for 28 days.

It turned out that as soon as the supervision team arrived, many people reported that because there were exclusive monopoly agreements and powerful umbrellas behind it, a heating enterprise named Xinma thermal power in Hulan District had no fear.Hot companies love to answer the absurd situation.

The task force composed of the Harbin Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Municipal Public Security Bureau found in the previous investigation that the heating of Hulan was provided by a state -owned enterprise before, and has been recognized by the public for decades.But since Xinma thermal power replaced the state -owned company a few years ago, the heating temperature at home has turned sharply.

Some citizens say: Every winter, we wear more clothes, just like we are wearing cotton jackets and cotton pants in this room in winter, just like clothes wearing outdoors.

Police arrest the criminal gang molecules

It is not necessary to put the existing state -owned thermal companies. Why must Hulan District re -approve a private thermal company?It turned out that the major mistakes decided to be approved by the then district party secretary Zhu Hui, the district head Yu Chuanyong and the deputy district chief Liu Dong, and the relevant departments were approved by the relevant departments.The heating of the macro monopoly of the Hulan District provides protection.

The heating is not good, and the people naturally have to go to the government to report it.After learning about it, Xinma's heat power not only did not improve, but instead blocked the door, but even more to interfere with the people's normal commuting, return home, and wiped the door on the door for a strike revenge.

Faced with the supervision team, Director Niu asked three of them

As described above, in the Hulan storm, there are not only the black and evil organizations led by Yang Guang, Yang Hong, and Yang Rong, but also 16 leading cadres headed by Zhu Hui and Yu Chuanyong.In fact, there are Niu Jimin, director of the Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau of Hulan District, and his situation is a bit special.

Some people report that the Holan District Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau illegally allocated more than 3 million yuan of government funds to Xinma Group.In this regard, the Central Supervisory Team talked with Niu Jimin: I hope you will be loyal to the party and truthfully reflect some of the situation you know.

Who knew that this Director Niu took a confrontation and asked three asks.I don't care about this, don't tell me, you go directly to Director Liu, because this is the past, I don't know, I don't care about this piece.

The central supervision team transferred the documents and found that Niu Jimin had hosted several meetings and participated in the allocation of funds, put forward specific opinions, and signed a word.So I asked him for the second time, hoping that he could face the mistakes and problems he made correctly.

Niu Jimin still does not cherish the opportunity given by the organization: it is my name, I don't know, I don't know who forged.

In this regard, the Central Supervision Team believes that his behavior is that the political medical examination is not passed, the party is unfaithful to the party, and is unfaithful to the people, which reflects to the relevant departments of the superiors.On the day of the conversation, three people including Niu Jimin were taken by the Harbin Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Director Niu's restriction is exactly the specific embodiment of the three investigations of the crime and eliminating evil; MDASH; not only to investigate the crime of evil forces, but also the network and umbrella behind the evil forces.The responsibility of the main responsibility and the supervision and management of the relevant functional departments.

The first two investigations have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The third investigation is to investigate the main responsibility and supervise responsibility, which is easy to be ignored.In mid -July this year, Chen Yixin, Secretary -General of the Central Political and Legal Committee and director of the National Sweeping Office, pointed out that some places and departments do not seriously perform the main responsibility of the special struggle, there are problems with inaction and inaction.Can't tear your mouth.

In other words, because of the dare not control, unwilling to manage, not in charge, etc., the evil forces are in great situation, and the problems of formalism and bureaucracy that are not responsible, inaction, and inadequate implementation at work.The special struggle will also be resolutely investigated and dealt with.