In Hulan District, Harbin, the slogan of scanning and eliminating evil on the square of Xiao Hong's former residence.Photography/Reporter Zhou Qunfeng

Hulan Black Fengyun, 2019.8.12 Total Issue 911 China News Weekly

Hulan District is affiliated with Harbin, Heilongjiang Province.This place is located in the north bank of Songhua River and a population of 600,000. It was known for his female writer Xiao Hong.Nowadays, many major officials have been investigated for several major officials in the context of sweeping evil.

On June 5, the Central Government Sweeping the 14th Supervision Group entered Heilongjiang.Since then, a series of shocks occurred in the officialdom of Hulan District.

From June 10th to July 2nd, 14 officials of Hulan District were investigated for suspected of serving as a protective umbrella for the underworld group (or or underworld organization).Among them, three leaders of the four sets of district committees (party committees, people's congresses, government, government, and CPPCC) are the first leaders of the district party committee secretary Zhu Hui.In addition, the officials of the investigators have served in the country's land, environmental protection, taxation, urban management, housing construction, and sub -district office in Hulan District.Many of them have intersects, and some have been subordinates.

Among the black gangs in Hulan District, the four major families represented by Wen Bo and Yang Guang are the most typical.Some of them were public officials, some were outstanding young entrepreneurs in Heilongjiang Province, and some were representatives of the National People's Congress.These gangs have been in Hulan for many years, and their relationships are complex.They had fiercely fired due to conflict of interests, and they were raped for common interests.In the former Hulan, as large as transportation, real estate development, small to vegetable markets, funeral and funeral industry, they were almost monopolized.The corrosive officials have closely related to them and even have attachment to them.

Today, the elder brothers of Hulan Rivers and Lakes and their protective umbrellas fell down.

Umbrella officials fall

On June 5th, the Central Government Sweeping the 14th Supervision Group officially settled in Heilongjiang and carried out a monthly supervision work.

Yao Zengke is currently the chairman of the Jiangxi Provincial Political Consultative Conference, and was former member of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and Deputy Minister of Supervision.Zhang Sujun was the deputy minister of the Ministry of Justice, and is currently the deputy chairman of the National People's Congress Supervision and Judiciary Committee.

On the day of the supervision team, the meeting was held in Harbin.At the meeting, Yao Zengke emphasized that the relevant units and personnel who are still inaccurate after the supervision team are not available, and we must seriously accountability; adhere to the side supervision and change, that is, the rectification is to help the relevant provincial responsible departmentsThe clue of the umbrella problem, dare to touch hard, find out at the end.

On June 10, the supervision team went to Harbin to carry out work.On the same day, the news that 4 officials were investigated were Liu Dong, deputy head of the Hulan District, Hu Shuhe, deputy secretary of the district Yaobao Street Industry Committee and director of the office, Wang Hongjun, deputy director of the Hulan District Land and Resources Bureau, and Housan Housing in Hulan DistrictZhu Tao, an investigator of the Urban and Rural Construction Bureau.

On June 11, the first group of the supervision team sank to Hulan District to carry out work.

On June 13, Sun Shaowen, the former chairman of the Hulan District CPPCC, was investigated.

Sun Shaowen was the deputy head of the Hulan District Government, the member of the Standing Committee of the Hulan District Party Committee, and the executive deputy director of the management committee of Limin Economic and Technological Development Zone.

On June 16, six officials from Hulan were investigated, namely Hou Lijun, the head of the Executive Division of the Second Inspection Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation, Hou Lijun (former Chief of the Inspection Section of the Hulan District Taxation Bureau), and the former District Land and Resources BureauHou Yu, director, Zhang Shuhua, former director of the District Environmental Protection Bureau, Wu Hongguang, deputy director of the District Ecological and Environment Bureau, Wang Mingjie, former Party Secretary and Director of the District Construction Administration Bureau, and Fan Dadong, former director of the Harbin Environmental Protection Bureau Hulan Branch.

Two days later, Gao Yan, a inspector of the Natural Resources and Planning Bureau of Harbin, was investigated.Gao Yan used to be the deputy chief of Harbin Hulan District.

On June 30 and July 2, Zhu Hui, secretary of the Hulan District Party Committee, and the original district were investigated by Chuanyong.

At this point, there are 14 officials who are suspected of being investigated as a protective umbrella for Hulan Black Social Group.

China News Weekly noticed that in December 2017, Zhu Hui, then Secretary of the District Party Committee of Hulan District, and Yu Chuanyong, the then district chief, were removed from office.Since then, only the resumes of the two have only written the cadres at the Harbin Holan District, and there are no specific positions.At the age of 55, Zhu Hui and 45 -year -old Yu Chuanyong began to be in a state of no official position.

A person from the Hulan District Committee revealed that Zhu Hui and Yu Chuanyong had been punished for fake poverty alleviation materials.

In May last year, the Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection reported that from July to September 2017, Hulan District determined that there were 3,185 households who did not get rid of poverty alleviation, and then reported to 4,036 households and 8,800 people who did not get rid of poverty.The fluctuation rate reaches 177 %, causing the poor people to report data from accurate problems.

The report stated that Yu Chuanyong and Zhu Hui were severely warned within the party because of their responsibility for important leadership.

Public resumes show that the 14 officials of the above -mentioned investigators were all Harbin, and none of them left Harbin.Among them, the resumes of the eight people were marked as the Hulan, and 4 of them (Zhang Shuhua, Wang Mingjie, Sun Shaowen, Hou Yu) were retired.In addition, some units were investigated: 3 of the environmental protection departments (Zhang Shuhua, Fan Dayong, Wu Hongguang), 2 of the land departments (Hou Yu, Wang Hong), and two urban management departments (Liu Dong and Hu Shuhe).In addition, there are people from finance, construction, planning and other departments.

There are many ways to intersect, and some are upper and lower relationships.For example, when Liu Dong served as the director of the Urban Management Bureau of Hulan District, Hu Shuhe was the deputy director of the bureau; when Hou Yu served as the director of the Land and Resources Bureau of Holand District, Wang Hongjun served as the deputy director of the bureau.

On July 4, the Central Government Sweeping the 14th Supervision Group left Heilongjiang.Five days later, a major official of Harbin was announced by Ren Ruichen, a member of the Standing Committee of the Harbin Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.

Public opinion believes that many officials in Hulan have been dismissed densely. Ren Ruichen, as the leader of the superior political and legal system, has an unshirkable responsibility.At the end of last year, Hegang City broke a criminal gang headed by Xiao Weizhong (nicknamed Baowen).The resume shows that Ren Ruchen is a native of Hegang. He has worked in the post of the director of the Public Security Bureau of Hegang for more than 13 years.

A set of data provided by the relevant departments of Hulan District to China News Weekly showed that since the launch of the special campaign in blackflakes, as of August 2, Hulan District investigated and dealt with 11 cases of protective umbrella cases, involving 51 people and 25 sanctions.One public office was expelled from the party, 2 people were expelled from the party to cancel the retirement benefits. The party membership proposed one of the party membership was to relieve 1 labor contract.

Four big families rampant Hulan

Recently, the relevant notification issued by Hulan District stated that the district Sweet Office publicly solicited the clues of the four major families involving black and evil, and urged the criminals involving the criminals involving the criminals to recognize the situation, proactively surrendered, and strive to deal with it.

In Hulan, the four family women and children are well known.However, which four are the four families, there are divergent opinions.In the local official report, only two of the two were led by Wen Bo and Yang Guang.

A person in charge of the Hulan District Party Committee told China News Weekly that the four major families of Hulan were just a symbol.Many people are curious about which are, but they are not clearly expressed.Generally, it can be called a family -style (underworld organization), which must have the characteristics of many brothers and resources.If you think about it, not only Hulan, but this family in many places.

On June 10, 16 people led by Wen Bo were criminals for organizing, leadership, and participation in underworld organizations, and the People's Procuratorate of Jianhua District of Qiqihar City filed a public prosecution.

Some interviewees told China News Weekly that Yu Wenbo was 49 years old, also known as Yu Dabo.The status of his rivers and lakes originated from Zhao Chun, the boss of Hulan.Yu Wenbo was Zhao Chun's brother -in -law and Zhao's Ma Zi.

Zhao Chun, nicknamed Zhao Si'er, was a brother of the Hulan underworld in the 1980s and 1990s. He started his bus transportation and collecting various protection fees.

The above -mentioned insiders said that Hulan's large and small sand fields and restaurants must pay Zhao Chun's protection fee.As large as some private enterprises and small merchants and hawkers, they are all in his protection.

Zhao Chun also has a way to gather money to gamble, and the object is some private enterprise owners with economic strength.During the gambling, he was clearly winning money. It is said that he used to win a millions of imported cars.For his invitation, if you dareIf he refuses, he will find someone to lsquo; pick up rsquo; your wife is going to get off work, and the child goes to school.

The rumors of rivers and lakes are not in harmony with Wen Bo and Zhao Chun.According to the prosecution of the Wenbo case, China News Weekly saw that in September 1996, Yu Wenbo and others premedled to discount Zhao Chun's legs with a shotgun.

One of the widespread circulation in Hulan is that in a triad fire, Zhao Chun was hired by another underworld head Lian Bowei.

A judgment of the High Court of Heilongjiang Province showed that since 1993, Lian Bowei and Zhao Chun were fighting each other in the Hulan District to compete for operations and forces.In August 2000, Lian provided firearms and bullets to others and killed Zhao.

In 2005, Lian Bowei was sentenced to death for intentional homicide and organizing underworld organizations. He was sentenced to death and was executed at the end of 2006.

Lian Bowei's case is also related to Yu Wenbo.The Life Daily reported that in August 2003, Yu Wenbo submitted the criminal reporting materials for the underworld gang of Lian Bowei to the Heilongjiang Provincial Public Security Department.

After Zhao Chun and Lian Bowei thanked the scene, Yu Wenbo became a brother of Hulan's underworld.

In the prosecution of Yu Wenbo's case, in November 1996, Yu Wenbo operated a passenger business in Hulan to fight for the source of passenger.Two years after absconding, he took the initiative to vote and was taken for a bail pending trial.In August 2000, Yu Wenbo was sentenced to three years in prison and implemented for three years.

In 2004, Yu Wenbo served as chairman of Holan Yixing Real Estate Company.He has successively established or actually controlled at least 10 companies, and the industry covers the heating, sanitation, vegetable markets, and even funeral industries.

When the business layout expanded, he also obtained some glorious labels, serving as a representative of the Harbin Municipal People's Congress, and was awarded the honorary title of Outstanding Young Entrepreneurs in Heilongjiang Province by the Communist Youth League Heilongjiang Committee and Heilongjiang Youth Chamber of Commerce.

The insider said that Yu Wenbo was irritable.After Hulan obtained the plot, when he encountered resistance during demolition, he took oil splashing houses, stopping the water and power -off, the room beating, smashing the glass, and using tools to force the homeowner who refused to move.

In the prosecution of Wenbo's case, he also mentioned the content of his private house in many places.Yu's residence is located in the Power Garden Community in Hulan District. There is a room in the community. He was transformed into a private place in a private hall.

In October 2007, due to suspecting that the two employees took the salary, they brought the two to the beating and corporal punishment here, and other employees were watching it on the spot.After Wen Bo found him, he brought it here to beat him.

The indictment also showed that in December 2009, Yu Wenbo suspected that Wang Mingjie, the then director of the Hulan District Construction Bureau, spoke bad things behind him, and insulted and beat him with others.

It is worth noting that Wang Mingjie is also one of the 14 Hulan officials who was checked this time.

In May 2018, more than 40 members of Yu Wenbo and his gang were arrested.

In Hulan, the Yang family represented by Yang Guang also ranked one of the four families.

Yang Guang is a Shanxi native and was the representative of the National People's Congress.In 1999, he established Heilongjiang Mingyue Construction Engineering Company; in 2005, he established Mingyue Real Estate Development Group; in addition, he was involved in international trade and heating industries.

In 2012, in a report of a free life called Jinshang Yang Guang, the four generations of Yang Guang family were businessmen.His great -grandfather opened a carpenter shop in Taiyuan Prefecture, but his business was not good, and he caught up with the drought, and went to Harbin to Harbin.

This article describes the luxury of Yang Guang's personal manor: walk a little back, it is an independent villa that is reflected in the lotus pond. Yang Guang will live here for two or three days a week.There are two garages next to the villa, one in which there are two V8 off -road vehicles used for him to go to the countryside. One is filled with Moutai, which is his favorite wine.I now take about 10 million yuan to buy wine every year. These wines are specially provided. Generally, it can not be bought on the market. Hellip; hellip;

Some familiar with the matter told China News Weekly that in Hulan Yang Guang liked to be called Secretary Yang, and once monopolized Hulan's underworld market, Shoushu and burned paper were supplied by him. The price was naturally high, but no one dared to goGrab his business.He raised his hometown, and everyone hated it without dare to speak.

Some government officials of Hulan even formed an interdependent relationship with the evil forces.

Southern weekend quoted a cadre who worked in Hulan for a long time, saying that the leaders of the previous district and Yu and Yang were both buddies and often became their guests., Yang family, in this case, the number of umbrellas will inevitably increase.

The report also quoted a cadre of Hulan District as an example that the situation of Hulan could not collect heating in the past, and the district even asked cadres in all units to draw heating fees.However, since the heating industry has been monopolized by the evil gangs, it is no longer on the heating fee. It is also the case when the real estate project is developed and demolished. They did provide help to the relevant work in the district.

Some insiders told China News Weekly that the tips for increasing the success rate of the Yang family to increase the heating and the heating fee were violent means: they specialized to recruit gangsters, small hunteries, and personnel released by punishment to collect them from house to house.They attitude is quite horizontal. Those who do not pay in time will abuse and intimidate. If no one at home meets, they will nail the door.

On June 29, the Harbin Municipal Public Security Bureau issued a notice saying that 22 members of the suspected criminal gangs, headed by Yang Guang and Yang Rong (sister Yang Guang), arrested Yang Guang and Yang Rong (sister Yang Guang).

On August 6, a main person in charge of the Hulland District Sweeping Office told China News Weekly that the two cases of Yang were currently in the process of handling the superior department.Up to now, the Hulland District Sweeping Office has received a total of 5 clues and 17 family clues.All have been transferred to the public security organs.We are deeply reflection.After the case is announced, we will conduct in -depth analysis.

The government pays insurance for underworld employees

The elder brothers on various ways were rampant in Hulan, and they were inseparable from the escort of local officials.When the Black Boss had a dispute, the Hulan government even contributed to reconcile.

The Yang family once formed a monopoly in the heating industry of Hulan Old Town.On August 18, 2008, the Yang family founded Shuanglai thermal Company (the predecessor of Xinma Group), and signed the co -construction agreement with the Harbin Third Power Plant for the centralized heating heat network main line, which stipulated that the power plantThe exclusive sale method only heated the Shuanglai thermal company. If other companies want to merge the heating pipeline network, they must buy the thermal source from the Shuanglai thermal company at the market price.

Yu Wenbo proposed at the time that his heating company was incorporated into the heating pipe network at the sale price and was rejected by the Yang family.

Data show that the sale price is more than a certain number of starting points to buy and sell the price of commodities.Similar to the wholesale price is lower than the market price.

After being rejected, in October 2008, Yu Wenbo stopped heating on the grounds of a boiler failure, and he had stopped heating to nearly 6,000 residents in three communities three times, causing residents to continue to petition.

In the end, the Hulan government agreed with Yu Wenbo's request.

According to the prosecution of Yu Wenbo's case, in October 2009, Yu Wenbo's company was incorporated into the pipe network of Shuanglai Company with the price of the company.After that, the two consecutive district governments have continued this approach.From 2009 to 2015, the district government paid a total of more than 28.59 million yuan.

A news report in December 2016 stated that in 2016, the Hulan District Government took out more than 15 million pipelines for more than 15 million Yixing Company in Wenbo.The report quoted a government staff as saying: The cost is the money of the fiscal, the emergency, and no project procedures.At that time, some people disagreed and said that this situation was not enough to be emergency, but the district government leaders said they should start construction at all costs.

In this report, Yang Hong (brother of Yang Guang) showed reporters a agreement signed by the 2012 and Hulan District Government to reporters.In a big concession, he agreed to heating for Yixing Company after the agreement was signed.The loser of the agreement is the time of the Hulan DistrictChang Zhuhui.

Yu Wenbo's indictment shows that through the implementation of illegal and criminal activities, the organization led by Wen Bo uses the condemnation of the national staff and dominates one side.From 2005 to 2016, the bidding crimes were implemented, 16 construction projects were obtained illegally, and relevant staff of the Hulan District Construction Bureau with regulatory duties were liable.Under the care of the relevant leaders of the development zone management committee, land bureau, demolition office, and real estate bureaus, the organization adopted the cost of avoiding recruitment or shooting or using virtual high demolition costs in the bidding hanging.Under the care of relevant leaders such as bureaus, financial bureaus, and construction bureaus, they obtained municipal projects such as cleaning, ice and snow in Hulan District without bidding illegal regulations, and fiscal subsidies for illegally without paying land transfer funds and obtaining fiscal subsidies in violation of regulations.

Multiple cases are listed in the indictment:

Without the bidding, the Hulan District Urban Management Bureau handed over the cleaning work of the old city to Yixing Cleaning Company under Wenbo.In December 2007, with the approval of the relevant leaders of Hulan District, 10 snow -clearing vehicles were used to use fiscal funds to lend it to Yixing Company for free.

In December 2006, Yixing Real Estate Corporation became the largest creditors of the first hundred stores in Hulan District.During the restructuring process of Hailan, Yu Wenbo obtained 1-2 floors of the business building, and the relevant leaders of the Hulan District Finance Bureau issued a false certificate for them.The land transfer fee is 1211,199 yuan.

From 2005 to 2016, Wen Bo implemented a bidding for bidding, and 16 construction projects that won the bid illegally, with a total amount of more than 1 billion yuan.In order to calm down the financial account, he also invoiced and deducted taxes. As of December 2018, eight companies including Yixing Company have not paid more than 100 million yuan.

Around 2012, the Harbin Municipal Government will pay for work injury insurance for public institutions to pay work injury insurance to improve the wages of sanitation workers, which will not benefit the market -oriented company.The Hulan District Urban Management Bureau submitted an application to the superiors that the district finance paid insurance in Wenbo's employees and applied funds to increase their employee wages. The district finance has spent about 1.5 million yuan for this.

The indictment shows that during the operation of Wenbo, a total of more than 2.34 million yuan was given to the state staff and the shopping card.As of December 31, 2018, eight companies actually controlled by Wenbo have not been paid by more than 129 million yuan.

Director of the Director of Heihe Town

Feng Wenli's name has attracted much attention from the Hulan involved in the black gang of this time.

On June 25, a notification from the Heilongjiang Provincial Public Security Department showed that recently, the province's police officed a criminal gang headed by Feng Weili, and 11 members of the gang were arrested.At present, the leaders of the gang, Feng Wenli and Cui Xiaoyi, have been approved by the procuratorate, and nine other people involved were taken criminal measures by the public security organs.

A close insider who was close to Feng Wenli told China News Weekly that Feng Wenli was nicknamed Feng Siya, 46 years old, and became a police officer.In 1995, in a operation, the death was shot, and the prosecution determined that it was a legitimate defense and was exempt from prosecution.Since then, the family members of the deceased kept posting that Feng Weili fired and killed when he helped his buddies at the time, because Feng Wenli had a lot of money at home and bought the case personnel.

In June 2005, Feng Wenteli was promoted to the mayor from the deputy mayor of town construction.

In October 2010, the People's Court of Hulan District made a verdict that the defendant's unit of Kangjin Town People's Government was convicted of bribery and sentenced to a fine of 50,000 yuan.Essence

The public prosecution agency believes that during the town's long time, Feng Weili used the stool of his duties to ask the construction unit RMB 200,000 yuan, and to use the government to move the opportunity of the government to receive a donation of RMB 290,000 in 7 people including Yang.

The above -mentioned insider said that less than half a year of serving the sentence, Feng Wen used fake cancer to diagnose the judicial authority, buy a case -handling person at that time, and seek medical treatment.

After being released from prison, Feng Weili began to record a number of video programs on the grounds of injustice and prison.He insisted that he was sitting unjustly because he did not meet the unreasonable requirements of Wen Bo when he was the mayor's unreasonable requirement.

On June 7, 2017, Yu Wenbo filed a criminal self -prosecution to the People's Court of Chaoyang District of Beijing in the place of residence on the grounds of Feng Wenli's slander, asking for a term in prison for three years.The court was reviewed that the lack of evidence rejected Yu's request.

It is worth noting that Feng Wenli reported the objects of the Hulan District of Zhu Hui and Sun Shaowen who were investigated this time.

Some insiders revealed that the reason why Feng Wenli reported to Wen Bo was because he got the huge benefits of the Yang family he had obtained and was instructed.

On September 1, 2018, the Heilongjiang Provincial Public Security Department issued a notice saying that Wen Bo had been approved to be arrested.

At that time, when he heard the news, Feng Weili always interviewed the democracy and legal Times reporter's emotion finally waited for this day.

Unexpectedly, in less than a year, Feng Wenteli, who claimed to be a Qing official, was involved in the Black Palace.

The Hulan District Commission has told China News Weekly that it is precisely because Feng Wenli continues to report and attracted public opinion. He also pushed Hulan Black Lao Lao and a group of officials to the forefront, which increased the popularity of Hulan underworld in the country.It has also become a major factor in the outbreak of the Hulan incident.

There are villagers in Tou -Dao Village, Kangjin Town, that after being released from prison, Feng Wenli established a peasant cooperative in Tau Dao Village with a means of extorting, threatening, and intimidation.Under the name of the cooperatives set upIn most of the farmers' name, the contracted place was also set up by Feng Wenli and the village secretary. However, in uneven division, Feng Wenli designed to send the village secretary into prison.

After Feng Wenli was arrested, the official public notification showed that Feng Wenli and his brother Feng Wenhua and his wife Cui Xiaoyi were suspected of implementing multiple cases of extortion, provocation, forced transactions such as extortion, provocation, and forced transactions in Hulan District, which seriously violated the market economy order, disrupted the society of societyPublic security order, endangers the people's personal rights and property rights.

Public reports also show that in addition to the underworld gangs killed by Hulan, in addition to the Yujia, Yang family, Feng family, and Ding family.

On June 28, Harbin Police issued a notice saying that 13 people such as Ding Hao and Ding Shengquan were arrested for suspected criminal criminal gangs.After investigation, the gang was suspected of provoking trouble, extortion, forced transactions, and many other illegal crimes.

On August 6, Yu Bo, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Hulan District Political and Legal Committee and director of the Sweeping Office of the District, told China News Weekly. After the central supervision team left, in order to study the rectification of the problem, the Hulan District established the district party secretary and the district head of the district head.The rectification work leadership team, the special person settled the establishment of the rectification and implementation office.The main leaders of the district party committee and district government have chaired the 2nd District Party Committee Standing Committee, 2 District Government Executive Meeting, and 3 leadership groups (enlarged) rectification meetings.

An official of the Party Committee of the Hulan District told China News Weekly that in early July, the Central Supervision Team listed a list of problems when leaving Heilongjiang, including the project involved in Hulan, and Hulan had collected all the orders.In September, the Central Supervision Team had to look back and check the results of the rectification.At present, Hulan District is actively rectifying.