This article is reproduced from the West China Metropolis Daily

Two years ago, Shi Yongxu walked into Yanshi, Henan under the introduction of his brother and master Shi Yongting.

Two years later, he was arrested for suspected evil forces.

Monk Shi Yongxu

From the current information, it can be seen: Shi Yongxu, the younger brother of the Shaolin Temple Fang Fang Shi Yongxin, the chairman of the Yanshi Buddhist Association, and a member of the Yanshi CPPCC.However, when the Yanshi Police issued a notice on July 30, from the moment of the public identification site and the reporter conference in the Township of Yanshigou Town on August 1st, Shi Yongxu had fallen into the criminal vortex.

In 23 years, what did Shi Yongxu do?In the past few days, the West China Metropolis Daily and cover reporters conducted in -depth investigations in Yanshi, Dengfeng and other places.

Original Shaolin Temple Logistics Division

Shi Yongxu's residence in Daou Town was seized

Storm is coming

First, the martial arts school was arrested after being closed and involved in the evil

At 11 pm on May 13th, Shi Yongxu, who was resting at home, suddenly received a notice from the Yiyang police in Henan. He was monitored and lived in suspected extortion.

The family was very concerned about this, but Shi Yongxu gave a sentence: Nothing.

For him, this is indeed not a big deal.As early as December 2018, he was asked by the police.At that time, the police asked Shi Yongxu to explain to the past, and he insisted that he had not done anything.

For him, monitoring and living are just a police officer.

However, the situation turned sharply.

At 11 noon on June 16, Yiyang Police detained Shi Yongxu for suspected extortion.

At 16:00 on July 23, Shi Yongxu was arrested in accordance with the law by the prosecution.

Shi Yongxu's family was panicked. This happened last time, it was April this year.

At that time, Shi Yongxu's Shaolin Temple Zen Wu School was shut down by the relevant departments of Dengfeng due to insufficient relevant documents.Students in the school have to move to other martial arts schools with school qualifications.

What did Shi Yongxu do?

After many parties inquired, relatives got an accurate information: Shi Yongxu was involved in the evil.

On July 30, the Henan Yanshi Municipal Public Security Bureau issued a notification saying that the local government was planned to hold Shi Yongxu's 16 major members of the criminal gangs involving the criminals in the morning of August 1st to publicize the site and expose the report mobilization conference, but then this activity laterCancel.

For Shi Yongxu and his family, the storm is coming.

Seeking birth to leave home

Begging along the road, Shaolin shaved monk to learn martial arts

Dengzhou, Henan, is located in the southwest corner of the Central Plains. It is known as the Central Plains Tianfu and Danshui Pearl.

In 1969, Wang Yunsheng was born in Jiulong Township, Dengzhou. It was an ordinary rural family.

Half -size, eat poor Lao Tzu.

For the home, Wang Yunsheng's birth also brought a hint of haze.Because before him, there were 3 brothers in the family, the largest one, nearly 10 years older than him.

In the eyes of the elder brother Wang Yunpeng, Lao Si Yunsheng is a very mindful person. Of the four brothers, the parents' favorite is Yun Sheng.

Why did he become a monk?The family hasn't figured out that Wang Yunsheng will become a monk.

At the age of 16, he graduated from junior high school, and Wang Yunsheng did not choose to continue his studies.He begged along the road, walked from Dengzhou to Songshan all the way, and saw the abbot of Shaolin Temple at the time.

Later, Wang Yunsheng became a monk and named Shi Yongxu.

At that time, only the Shaolin Temple Fang Shi Yongxin was his brother who had been introduced in 4 years.

In Shaolin Temple, Shi Yongxu is young and is a foreigner. It is common for bullies.

In order to protect himself, he asked his brother Shi Yongting to teach himself to work hard, and scratched his head to recognize the other master.

Shi Yongting once asked why Shi Yongxu became a monk. Shi Yongxu said, because of poor.

Wang Yunpeng said that in a certain year of the New Year, he had a talk with Shi Yongxu. At that time, he also asked similar questions. Shi Yongxu said that he was to survive.

The first bucket of gold

Two brothers of the contracting method of the contract method to deliver the goods for him

In 1988, Shi Yongxu was 19 years old.

He once again exerted his clever mind and completed the second major event in his life: contracting the flow of French and objects of Shaolin Temple.

Shi Yongxu's behavior is not understood in the eyes of his family.

Wang Yunpeng said that when Shi Yongxu's contracting method was located, his family had opposed it, but Shi Yongxu was lonely.

However, three years later, Shi Yongxu's second brother Wang Yunlong began to transport the goods to Shaolin full -time.In 1995, Shi Yongxu's third brother Wang Yunlei also joined this ranks.

Around 1996, Shi Yongxu's life changed again. Due to some reasons, he no longer attended the Shaolin Temple Management Committee and no longer held a position in the temple.

He started to find another way.

Shi Yongting, a brother and master, made a suggestion to him at this time to go to Yanshi.

Shi Yongting got married in 1986 and returned to his hometown of Yanshigerkou Town.Shi Yongxu has always been in touch with him. Gifts in the New Year's Day are essential. He also often goes to Shi Yongting. Please ask the other party to continue to give guidance.

In the process, Shi Yongxu met Yuan Mingshan and others on the 16 -person list.

Yuan Mingshan, Yuan Jijun, Yuan Zhanjing, Yuan Yingbao, Yuan Wenfeng, and Yuan Lintong all came from Yuanzhai Village, Dakou Town, Yanshi. Among them, Yuan Mingshan was the classmates of Shi Yongting and the village director of Yuanzhai Village.

After many inspections, Shi Yongxu finally chose the grandma temple located in Niu Xinshan as his new base.

Volume right and wrong

Restricted irrigation and beating villagers.

After coming to Yanshi, Shi Yongxu's career was booming, and roads, including roads, Baoshan, built houses, and opened martial arts schools.

Social status has also increased year by year. He has successively served as the vice chairman and chairman of the Buddhist Association of Yanshi City, and then became a member of the Yanshi Municipal Political Consultative Conference.In 2012, Shi Yongxu contributed more than 10,000 yuan to donate 46 sets of winter cotton clothes to the elderly in the elderly in the elderly in Dagou Township.

However, with the improvement of status and wealth, Shi Yongxu's trouble also followed.

The restricted irrigation accused by the Yishan villas and the villagers of Longkou villagers lived, and many people claimed that she had been beaten by Shi Yongxu in Hellip; HelloP; negative news.

For these things, Shi Yongxu's family has another explanation.

Wang Yunpeng said that the villa where his mother lived was not owned by Shi Yongxu, but was there when the forest farm contracted at the time. Shi Yongxu just renovated it later. At present, the villa is still leaking.

And restricting the irrigation of villagers, in Wang Yunpeng's view, is even more nonsense.He said that if the irrigation of more than 100 acres of land is really limited, why not stand up in the village to stop?

Wang Yunpeng said that beating the villagers is some people in the river. We are the society in rule of law. If they are really like they say, they are cracked and hurt people. Why does the police care about it?Why is Shi Yongxu's detention notice now extortion?

In Wang Yunpeng's view, Shi Yongxu is a very poor person.

When he renovated the Hongjiang Temple (formerly Grandma Temple) on Niu Xin Mountain in 2008, he couldn't get the money. At that time, he borrowed money with his family, and at the same time loaned from the bank to start.

Wang Yunpeng said that Shi Yongxu had loaned 3 million yuan from a bank in Yanshi at that time, and it has not yet been paid off.

For Shi Yongxu's Zen Wu School, Wang Yunpeng said that due to the remote geographical location, he did not have much income.He earned some money in the mine contracted in Jiaocun. At that time, the mine was operated for 8 months and was acquired by Yongmei Group and earned millions.

Four sins

Four main halls involved in repairing houses have been cleared

Shi Yongxu's lawyer told Wang Yunpeng that there were four cases involved in Shi Yongxu.

The first is house disputes.Shi Yongxu once rented a house of a person named Tian. At that time, the house leaked. Shi Yongxu called the landlord Xiu Xiu. The landlord ignored it. In the end, Shi Yongxu fell in capital and asked the landlord to compensate for the money. The police thought thatShi Yongxu was suspected of extortion.

The second case is related to a temple.A woman named Yang had borrowed 3 million from Shi Yongxu and did not return it. Shi Yongxu mortgaged with the temple of the woman named Yang by the loan contract.

The third case was related to Shaolin Temple, but Wang Yunpeng said that he did not know what the specific incident.

The last case was a person named Lei reported to the end of Yongxu.

However, the police did not confirm the corresponding problems.

Regarding the problem between Shaolin Temple and Shi Yongxu, according to an old monk who became a monk at Shaolin Temple for more than 25 years, it was actually the four main halls from the temple.

The monk said that after leaving Shaolin, Shi Yongxu still occupied the four halls, including the Manjushri Temple, including the Shaolin Temple.

The old monk said that Shi Yongxu once asked the temple to give him 3 million, otherwise he would never move out.The temple has never agreed, so these four halls have been controlled by Shi Yongxu.

On August 3, the reporter of the West China Metropolis Daily and cover saw that Shaolin Temple completed the cleanup of Wenshu Temple with the assistance of the Dengfeng police.

Regarding 3 million claims, Wang Yunpeng also confirmed, but the content was different.

He said that the 3 million was actually the expenditure of the purchase of goods in the palace in Shaolin Temple. Shaolin Temple was only willing to pay 1 million. Shi Yongxu wanted 3 million. The two parties could not talk about price issues.

Wang Yunpeng did not understand what the relationship between these four cases has the relationship with extortion. There are contracts and agreements. How can it be extorted?

Watch flowers in the fog

Suspects have their own crimes. Police did not give a reply

In the 16 -person crime list announced by the Yanshi Police, Shi Yongxu was accused of extortion, Wang Yunlong was accused of provoking trouble, Wang Yunlei was accused of gathered fighting, Yuan Mingshan was accused of gathered the public to disrupt the public order. Yuan Lintong was accused of illegally detained.Yuan Zhanjing and Yuan Wenfeng were accused of provoking trouble. Yuan Yinbao was accused of extorting and extorting. Wen Jianfeng was accused of provoking trouble. Others were unclear for the time being.

However, specifically how they had organized crimes under the leadership of Shi Yongxu, and the police did not give relevant answers.

Yuan Lintong's brother Yuan Lin Dao believes that his brother was accused of illegal detention, in fact, it was due to the temple fair of the Hongjiang Temple more than 10 years ago to catch a thief.

Yuan Lin Dao said that at that time, the thief broke through Yuan Lintong's wife's pocket. After grasping the thief, Yuan Lintong closed it into a room in Hongjiang Temple.Later, the thief called the police and Yuan Lin Dao was detained.

However, the police still did not confirm the matter.

The case of Black involvement in Shi Yongxu is like a black hole. It is mysterious and unpredictable.