According to the report of the Yunnan Province Sweeping Office on July 26, since the progress of the case of Sun Xiaoguo's case on May 28, relevant departments and localities have carried out intense investigation and verification work.A large number of cases, insiders, and related personnel have made new important progress in investigation and handling of cases.The Yunnan Provincial Higher People's Court recently made a decision to launch a retrial of Sun Xiaoguo rape, forcibly insulting women, intentional injuries, and provocation.

Sun Xiaoguo was sentenced to 12 years and 05 months after the death sentence

The re -audit decision of the Yunnan Provincial Higher People's Court showed that in 1998, the Kunming Intermediate People's Court sentenced Sun Xiaoguo to the death penalty of rape, forced insults women, intentional injuries, and provocation.It was implemented in two years; in 2007, the Yunnan Provincial Higher People's Court was re -judged that Sun Xiaoguo was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Yunnan Provincial Higher People's Court believes that (2006) Yun Gao Criminal Criminal Remunction No. 12 criminal judgment (that is, the original retrial judgment) made by the court on September 27, 2007 (that is, the original retrial judgment) was determined that the facts and applicable laws were indeed wrong.During the retrial process, the first criminal judgment (that is, the second instance judgment), which was made (1998) on March 9, 1999 (1998).

The reporter learned from the Cleaning Office of Yunnan Province that the case handling organ found that Sun Xiaoguo (once used named Chen Guo, Li Linyu), male, Han nationality, born in Kunming, Yunnan Province, born on October 27, 1977In October, the new training brigade of the Armed Police Yunnan Border Defense Corps, the Kunming City Detachment, and the Armed Police Kunming Border School were served (because of the failure to reach the age of enlistment, his stepfather Li Qiaoyong used the position of the deputy director of the police officer of the Command of the Yunnan Border Defense Corps of the Armed Police.Change its birth date to October 27, 1975). During the service, Sun Xiaoguo was sentenced to three years in prison for the first instance of the Panlong District People's Court of Kunming in December 1995 for the crime of rape.Executive supervision is performed without medical treatment). From April to November 1997, Sun Xiaoguo crimes repeatedly during the medical treatment.The Kunming Intermediate People's Court sentenced him to death in February 1998 with rape, forced insults to women, intentional injuries, and provocation.The Yunnan Higher People's Court was sentenced to death in March 1999, and it was executed in two years. In September 2007, it was sentenced to 20 years in prison. On April 11, 2010, Sun Xiaoguo was released after repeated sentences, and the actual sentence was 12 years and five months.After being released from prison, Sun Xiaoguo successively served as shareholders or actual controllers such as Yunnan Mi Rabbit Investment Management Co., Ltd., Yunnan Yinhe Investment Co., Ltd., Kunming Xiji Trading Co., Ltd., as well as the former Kunming Kundu M2 bar and other bars. Sun Xiaoguo was suspected of criminal crimes after he was released from prison The case handling agency found that on the evening of July 21, 2018, Sun Xiaoguo was invited by Li Mou, and seven people including Yang Mouguang and Feng Mouyi rushed to Windsor Winds KTV, Jinzusu Road, Guandu District, Kunming City to conduct Wang Motao and others.He beaten, causing Wang Moutao to be seriously injured, and others were injured to varying degrees. After the incident, the Kunming Public Security Bureau Guandu Branch filed a case for investigation on July 30, 2018, and on August 30th, he received the bail pending trial.After the case was transferred to the People's Court of Guandu District on January 3, 2019, the case handling department found that Sun Xiaoguo was sentenced to death in 1998, and the Kunming Municipal Party Committee reported to the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee in a timely manner.The Provincial Party Committee attaches great importance to it and requires a thorough investigation of the case and handling it in accordance with the law.The People's Court of Guandu District decided to arrest it on March 18, 2019. The public security organs conducted a comprehensive investigation after the release of Sun Xiaoguo in April 2010 after being released in April 2010.Opening a casino, provocative trouble, illegal detention and other illegal crimes, suspected criminal crimes, public security organs have filed a case for investigation.In April 2019, after the Central Government Sweeping the Evil 20 Supervision Team settled in Yunnan, the case was supervised as a key case; in May, the National Crossing Office listed the case as a list of supervision, and sent a large -scale case supervision team.Go to Yunnan to guide and urge the case to handle the case. The number of public officials and important relations involved in the investigation of the case increased to 20 The Yunnan Provincial Discipline Inspection and Supervision Organs had previously conducted a review and investigation of 11 people including Liang Zi'an, the former full -time member of the Judgment Committee of the Higher People's Court of Yunnan Province, and took the levitization measures. RecentlyMember Luo Zhengyun, the former full -time member of the Judgment Committee of the Higher People's Court of Yunnan Province, Tian Bo, and Yang Jinsong, former deputy chief of the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department, conducted investigations and surveyed.At the same time, the Yunnan Provincial Procuratorate has arrested the two prison policemen who suspected their fraud at the suspected fraud of private fragmentation on the basis of investigating and taking arrest measures.At this point, Sun Xiaoguo's case has been investigated to 20 public officials and important relations. The specific situation is: investigation by the case handling organ found that during the retrial of the Sun Xiaoguo case in 2007, he was asked by his mother -in -law, the stepfather, Li Qiazhong, and the former full -time members of the Judgment Committee of the High People's Court of Yunnan Province Liang Zi'an and Tian Bo suspected of private law and bribery serious disciplinary violations.Illegal.Liang Zi'an and Tian Bo were taken in May and June 2019. At the same time, Yang Jinsong, the former deputy chief of the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department, was taken in June 2019 and was taken in June 2019. The survey found that during the sentence of Sun Xiaoguo, Sun Heyu and Li Qiaozhong asked Luo Zhengyun, the former inspector of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Justice, Zhu Xu, former deputy director of the Yunnan Prison Administration, Liu Siyuan, former deputy inspector, and the second court of criminal trial of the Kunming Intermediate People's Court.Chen Chao, the former deputy chief, was approved for Sun Xiaoguo's illegal assessment, selected activists for labor transformation, and utilization of the practical new patent identification of a practical new patent in invention, and helped him to reduce his sentence.A few days ago, the above -mentioned four people were taken to take crowds and violate the laws and disciplinary violations of the law, and they were taken to take control measures.

The investigation of the case -handling organ found that during the process of handling Sun Xiaoguo on July 21, 2018, Sun Xiaoguo was invited by Sun Xiaoguo and Li Qiaozhong.Zheng Yunjin, director of the Chrysanthemum Police Station of the Guandu Public Security Bureau, was bribery. The fictional Sun Xiaoguo took the first plot and violated the bail pending trial for him.Li Jin and Zheng Yunjin, two of them were taken in April 2019 for serious violations of disciplinary violations, such as suspected private law and bribery. In addition, the procuratorial organs of Yunnan Provincial Provincial Procuratorates Wang Kaigui, Director of the Safety and Environmental Division of the Yunnan Provincial Prison Management Bureau, who suspected illegal help during his sentence of Sun Xiaoguo, Zhou Zhongping, the first prison command center of Yunnan Province, Zhou Zhongping, and the 19th Prison Nineteenth Prison District of Yunnan ProvinceChief of the Supervisory District, Shen Yan, the discipline cadre of the Second Prison Hospital of Yunnan Province, Beihu Yue, the First Prison Inspection Commissioner of Yunnan Province, and Yang Song, deputy political commissar of Guandu Prison, Yunnan Province, and other prison police officers.The investigation was filed and arrested measures were taken in May and June 2019, respectively. Earlier, five of Sun Heyu, Li Qiaozhong, Li Zhuoyu (brother of Sun Xiaoguo), Wang Debin and Sun Fengyun (important relationship between Sun Xiaoguo) were taken to take separate measures for suspected disciplinary violations in the Sun Xiaoguo case. Other important clues were also found in the survey, and the relevant departments were conducting investigations in depth according to law and discipline.

The background of Sun Xiaoguo's life is not true

Yunnan Province Sweeping Office also introduced the basic situation of family members and major social relations investigated by relevant departments:

Sun Xiaoguo's mother, Sun Heyu, was born in 1952. He was born in 1952. He is 67 years old. The former police officer of the Kunming Public Security Bureau's Guandu Branch.It was sentenced to five years in prison and released in July 2003.

Sun Xiaoguo's biological father, Chen Yue, once used as Chen Yao, born in 1940, 197In the year, he transferred from the army to the Kunming Public Security Bureau as an ordinary police officer.Divorced Sun Heyu in February 1982.In 1985, he left the Kunming Public Security Bureau to work at the Kunming Materials Bureau. In 1996, he retired after paralysis of cerebral hemorrhage and stroke. He died on August 20, 2016.

Sun Xiaoguo's stepfather Li Qiaozhong, once used as Li Qiaozhong, born in 1958, 61 years old, married Sun Heyu in 1992, transferred from the army to the Wuhua Branch of the Kunming Public Security Bureau in 1996 as the deputy director (Zhengke level). In 1998In 1994, the rape case's illegal handling of bail pending trial was inspected for two years and dismissed the party. In 2002, he served as deputy director (deputy department level) of the Wuhua District Urban Management Bureau (deputy section), and in 2004, he retired in October 2018. Grandpa Chen Yuqing, former worker of the former Kunzhong Middle School; grandma Chen Huifen, and the workers of the original Kunzhong Middle School, all of which were late. Sun Xiaoguo Gongsun Qixiang, former workers of the Chongqing Branch of the Chengdu Railway Bureau; grandmother Wu Xiulan, and workers of the former mountain cordon knitting factory, all of which were late. Li Qiaozhong's father, Li Facheng, is 81 years old, farmers in Mojiang County, Yunnan Province; Li Qiaozhong's mother, Ma Guizhi, and farmers in Mojiang County, Yunnan Province. Sun Heyu and Li Qiaozhong had been taken under investigation in April 2019 for suspected of serious disciplinary violations of laws and disciplines.No Sun Xiaoguo's father, Chen Yue, was involved in Sun Xiaoguo's case.

Previously, rumors of the background of Sun Xiaoguo's family on the Internet did not match the actual situation of Sun Xiaoguo's family in investigating the relevant departments.

National Sweeping Office: The case of Sun Xiaoguo will be resolutely found

The relevant person in charge of the National Sweeping Office stated that the National Sweeping Office has listed Sun Xiaoguo Case as a key case, implemented the supervision of the listing, and sent a large -scale case supervision team to Yunnan to guide the supervision of the case to handle the case.In the next step, the National Capital Sweeping Office will continue to urge Yunnan's political and legal organs and relevant departments to increase the case handling and related issues in accordance with the law and discipline. For the cases involved in the case involvedResolutely find out in the end, and deal with it seriously according to law and discipline.