Wang Qishan did not name the United States at the World Peace Forum of Tsinghua University yesterday.(Reuters)

China Vice President Wang Qishan reiterated China's commitment to maintaining economic globalization and multilateralism.He said: China's development is inseparable from the world, and the development of the world is inseparable from China. At the same time, it is emphasized that no matter how China develops, China will never dominate, never expand, and never seek the scope of power.

China Vice President Wang Qishan said that the existing international system is not perfect and must be reformed, but it cannot be pushed down.He does not name the fact that the United States is protecting the truth in the name of national security, indicating that China will unwaverly promote economic globalization.

Wang Qishan delivered a keynote speech at the World Peace Forum of Tsinghua University yesterday and made the above statement to people from the United States and other countries in the United States and other countries.

When he explained China's peaceful development concept, China said that through its own development to maintain world peace, it mainly relies on reform and innovation to achieve development, and at the same time insists on expanding opening up.He believes that economic globalization is the general trend, and there will be twists and turns on the road. China must adhere to the conviction of peaceful development, unwavering to promote economic globalization, and build a more fair, reasonable, stable, and orderly international order.

Wang Qishan did not name it to criticize the United States: Although the existing international system is not perfect, it also needs to be reformed, but it cannot be pushed down. This is the consensus of most countries the consensus;Name, the fact of protectionism.The United States has vigorously restricted Chinese telecommunications giants in the United States for a period of time on the grounds of maintaining national security.

Wang Qishan reiterated China's commitment to maintaining economic globalization and multilateralism.He said: China's development is inseparable from the world, and the development of the world is inseparable from China. At the same time, it is emphasized that no matter how China develops, China will never dominate, never expand, and never seek the scope of power.

China Deputy Foreign Minister: The consequences of tariffs in the country are dangerous

Le Yucheng, deputy minister of China Foreign Ministry, reiterated in another sub -forum that the current international order cannot be overthrown, and do what they do, and do whatever they want.Taking the current Sino -US game as an example, he warned that tariffs, trade wars, and even financial wars, and scientific and technological wars between the country were a historical reversing, and the consequences were extremely dangerous.

When the Sino -US trade negotiation team resumed phone negotiations this week, Le Yucheng reiterated that China demanded and bottom line.He said that the negotiations should be equal, and the results should be balanced and mutually beneficial. China will never accept a humiliation agreement that restricts its own development and blocks the revival of the Chinese nation.

Le Yucheng said that treating China as an enemy is very stupid, and it means that the two historical processes of US President Trump's two historical processes of the United States and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation can be parallel. China and the United States can achieve each other and be great.

During the Q & A session, Le Yucheng was asked when Chinese students and scholars who went to the United States have been blocked or canceled recently; he described the recent abnormal phenomenon of cultural exchanges between China and the United States, and criticized the US authorities: Our young students are talents who are talents.In a teenage doll, we sent them to the United States. They are not afraid of being brainwashed by the United States. Instead, the Americans are afraid that they will engage in cultural infiltration and treat them as spies. The United States is too confident!

However, Le Yucheng still expressed optimism about the long -term direction of Sino -US relations.He said that Sino -US relations cannot be explained with the trap of Xiu Xidider more than 2000 years ago. After all, the relationship between major powers today is much more complicated than at that time. It is difficult to imagine what kind of disaster would two major powers bring to the world if the outbreak war broke out.He believes that China and the United States have enough wisdom to cross the trap of Xunxione, and avoid the hegemony or war of the rising power and the great power of the big power.