After the SARS, Zhao Qizheng, the director of the Guoxin Office, actively advocated and organized. In September 2003, the National New Office held the first -stage government spokesman training course in Beijing.The prelude to construction has been 16 years.

Today, the press release system has been established in various regions, areas, and institutions, and spokespersons are becoming a specific profession.

The first -phase students at the time included the former spokesperson of the Ministry of Railways Wang Yongping, spokesman for the Ministry of Education Wang Xuming, and a spokesman for the Ministry of Public Security Wu Heping. Today, most of these spokesmen have retired or returned to his post.

Recently, a book publishing training was published by Zhao Qizheng's chief guidance, published and issued by Renmin University of China Press.Experience methods disclosed some past events.In addition, experts and scholars from colleges and universities such as Cheng Manli and Hu Baijing provided cutting -edge observation and analysis based on many years of professional research.

Zhao Qizheng: Leading cadres are not good at communicating with the media, and the ability to govern is incomplete

Zhao Qizheng was born in January 1940. He has served as the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, the Minister of the Organization Department, the deputy mayor and the first director of the Pudong New District Management Committee.Essence

Speaking of the release, Zhao Qizheng said that the news literacy of leading cadres is already one of the elements of governing ability. If they are not good at communicating with the media, the governing ability is not complete. We are in the information age. Information is like air. We must contact every day.It is impossible for a modern person to not pay attention to information, especially leading cadres, and have a certain time to read information, think about information, and send information every day. Then we must pay attention to the media and use the media to make bridges and relay sticks.If you can't do it, you can leave space and time for the gossip, and then go to the rumors and get more.

Zhao Qizheng believes that when you deal with the public crisis, when things happen, if you do not tell the story in time, others will tell a false story, because the fake story is bizarre and the manufacturer has no intention. It runs fast, and the true story often cannot catch up with it.The preconceived is the same in all countries. Do not speak because of the investigation clearly, and later the haircut to cover up his slowdown. This is wrong. Many factors prove that the hairckers often fail. If you know how much the situation, just say how much the situation, you can add it later. The public can accept and understand, knowing that you have done your responsibility.

The emergencies are complex. To be released quickly and accurately, you must pay attention to efficiency.Therefore, if a good emergencies are reported, we must first establish an effective responsibility system. This system must be extremely efficient.Zhao Qizheng believes that the so -called press release is not released without emergency situations and emergencies. Instead, it is necessary to establish a mechanism for the release of the agency's press release in daily life, and the public should be released at any time.

Talking about the quality of the spokesman, Zhao Qizheng summarized as three sentences: Political maturity, correct position, and courage to be responsible; Logic, reasonable and festival, treat reporters well.

Wang Yongping: Faced with doubts, you must not speak rigidly, do ruthless things, and use hard

Wang Yongping was a spokesman for the former Ministry of Railways from 2003 to 2011.Talking about this experience, Wang Yongping said that In me, the sea and mulberry fields, experienced the scenery and storm, the original heart is still there, the faith is still there, and the feelings are still there.

In the article, Wang Yongping put forward ten arguments including the responsibility of the spokesperson and the battle for the preparation.Political affairs noticed that he repeatedly talked about his own experience.

At the press conference of 7middot; 23 Wenzhou EMU accident press conference in 2011, because of whether you believe it, I believe it anyway and become the target of public opinion disputes.Talking about this experience, he recalled that the accident had a great impact, and China and foreign countries were not small.Many years of spokesperson told me that some media subconscious will treat the spokesperson as the responsible person of the accident, and the speaker's answers will be sophisticated.There are a large number of reporters this time, impatient emotions, and mixed Chinese and foreign media, which is very difficult to release. Once there is a slightest loss, it will become a target of people's anger, and may even be defeated.

At this time, in my concern, I can't get up, and face choices. If you can't choose, it is understandable; Although I know there is risks, go to face. Due to various factors, this release brought violent and long pressure and impact on me.

Wang Yongping said that when dealing with emergencies, spokespersons must respect the public and the media.Be honest with attitude, be honest, and be honest.In the face of doubts, pay attention to methods, standards, and art. Do not speak indifferently and rudely, to do ruthless things, and use hard work to prevent the treatment of improper public opinion and cause public opinion and public opinion out of control.

This sentence accompanies me through the long public opinion speculation process, and even became a kind of label. I don't want to do too much explanation, I just sincerely hope that this matter will become a lecturer in the front car of your spokesman.

Wang Yongping also disclosed that Zhao Qizheng had evaluated him at a meeting: dare to play mdash; mdash; at critical moments need to be fearless when someone stands out, the mainstay mdash; mdash; insist on the truth when the public opinion wave is flowing, tell the truth, tell the truth, tell the truth, tell the truth, and tell the truth to tell the truth.The peace of mind was silently affected to continue working when he was in public opinion.

Shortly after that press conference, when Wang Yongping's post was about to go abroad, the leader of the State Council's Journalism Office summoned him and spokesman for relevant ministries and commissions together.The lofty and arduous career, we use our hard workHe sweats, strives to promote the disclosure of government affairs, promote the progress of the country and the development of the people's cause.During the rapid development and change of society, our work will inevitably encounter challenges and setbacks, but I believe that our hardships and efforts can be understood by most people.

Wang Yongping said: The eight -year speaker career may be the most undulating and exciting life in my life. When I was going to draw a sentence for this life, I was calm because I tried my best.