On July 4, the Shanghai First Intermediate People's Court publicly sentenced Sun Bo, the former general manager of China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd., and the abuse of authority of state -owned company personnel., And fined RMB 800,000; sentenced state -owned company personnel were sentenced to four years in prison for abuse of authority, decided to implement a period of twelve years in prison, and fined 800,000 yuan.The property obtained by Sun Bo's bribery and their interests was recovered, and the treasury was paid.Sun Bo said in court that he obeyed the judgment and did not appeal.

In view of the fact that the criminal facts and evidence of the Sun Bo case involved state secrets, the Shanghai First Intermediate People's Court conducted a trial of the case in accordance with the law on March 28, 2019 according to law.It was found out that from 2006 to 2015, the defendant Sun Bo used the convenience of the chairman and general manager of Dalian Shipbuilding Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Daguang Group) to establish a company and the company and the company for the establishment of a company and the company for others and the Big Ship Group.Help subsequent operations and other matters.

From October 2000 to the beginning of 2016, Sun Bo directly or through his wife's illegal acceptance of the property given by others, a total of more than RMB 8.64 million.From 2009 to 2016, in order to pursue his personal performance during his tenure in the Big Ship Group, Sun Bo violated the provisions of the People's Republic of China and abused his authority, causing particularly major losses to the national interests. Shanghai First Intermediate People's Court believes that the behavior of the defendant Sun Bo constitutes the crime of bribery and the crime of abuse of power of state -owned company personnel.Given that after Sun Bo arrived, he was able to truthfully confess his crimes and actively explained the facts of the crime of bribery that the case handling agency had not yet mastered, and sincerely pleaded guilty; actively refunded the stolen goods, and all of them were seized and detained in the case.All recovery, have the legal and appropriate plot of light punishment, and punish them from lightly according to law.The court made the above judgment. According to public information, Sun Bo was born in 1961 and has been working in the ship industry. In July 2007, he obtained a PhD in engineering in the design and manufacturing of ships and marine structures in Dalian University of Technology.General manager, promoted to the general manager in 2015, and dismissed in June 2018.

In December 2018, Sun Bo was doubled. He had a doctorate degree and was informed that he had been engaged in feudal superstition for a long time. According to the report, after investigation, Sun Bo violated political discipline and political rules, deviated from the requirements of the Party Central Committee, falsified and harmed the interests of state -owned enterprises; during the inspection period, he concealed the truth and deceived the organization; the ideals and beliefs were shaken, and he had long -term feudal superstition activities.Violation of the spirit of the eight central regulations and accepting a banquet that may affect the execution of official duties.In violation of organizational discipline, when accepting organizational conversations, it is better to explain the problem to the organization and use the convenience of their positions to mobilize their families illegally.In violation of the discipline of integrity and illegally engage in business activities for relatives and friends.The abuse of power has caused particularly major losses to the national interests, suspected of being crime of abusing authority of state -owned company personnel; using the convenience of the position to seek benefits and receiving property for others, suspected bribery crimes. Sun Bo is the senior leading cadre of the party and the head of the state -owned enterprise. He is good at power and is not loyal to the party.The discipline of the party constitutes a duty violation and suspected crime, and should be dealt with seriously.

Sun Bo Resume Born in 1961, he graduated from the ship design and manufacturing of Dalian Institute of Technology in August 1982. In July 2007, he obtained a doctorate degree in engineering in the design and manufacturing of ships and marine structures in Dalian University of Technology. He has successively served as section chief and deputy director of the Dalian Shipbuilding Factory Shipbuilding Technology; Director, Deputy Chief Engineer, Deputy Factory Director of the Management Division; Director, Deputy General Manager and General Manager of Dalian New Ship Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.Director and general manager; Assistant General Manager of China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Corporation, chairman and general manager of Dalian Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd.. In December 2009, he served as a member of the Party Group of China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Corporation, and was also the general manager of China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Corporation and chairman of the Dalian Shipyard Factory Group Co., Ltd. In April 2012, he served as Deputy General Manager of China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Corporation. In March 2015, he served as a director, general manager, and deputy secretary of the party group of China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Corporation.

It was investigated in June 2018.