Abstract: Ren Zhengfei said that the release of Meng Wanzhou can show that Canada is a country of rule of law, and hopes that the Canadian judicial minister will make a difference.He also revealed that he plans to invest billions of dollars in Canada to build a research and development center, but the Meng Wanzhou case delayed the investment plan.

▲ Data Map: Ren Zhengfei

Release Meng Wanzhou can show that Canada is a country ruled by law.If Canada must be licensed to release Meng Wanzhou, then the image of Canada is not great enough.On June 27, Huawei's founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei accepted the Canadian Global Post in Shenzhen in Shenzhen.

This is the first time that Huawei's chief financial officer and Ren Zhengfei's daughter of Ren Zhengfei proposed to the Canadian Minister of Justice, Ren Zhengfei was first interviewed by the Canadian media for the first time.On June 29, the Ministry of Public and Government Affairs of Huawei announced the minutes of the interview.

During the interview, Ren Zhengfei said that his daughter Meng Wanzhou did not commit crimes in Canada, and the withdrawal of her extradition complied with the Canadian extradition law.He hopes that the Canadian government can independently enforce the laws of its own country, and the power given by the Edition of the Extraxties by the Canadian Minister of Justice will terminate Meng Wanzhou's extradition procedure.

It should be the best time to solve, and the two sides should unlock this suit.The solution can be discussed in many ways. The current Minister of Justice can be done.Ren Zhengfei said.

On December 1, 2018, Meng Wanzhou was detained by the Canadian police when he transferred in Vancouver, Canada.On January 28, the United States formally made a request to extradite Meng Wanzhou to Canada.On March 1, the Canadian Ministry of Justice issued an authority to proceed to formally launch the extradition process.According to the latest schedule of the Canadian court, Meng Wanzhou's extradition hearing will be opened for the first time on January 20, 2020, and it is expected to end at the end of next year.

On June 24th, Meng Wanzhou's lawyer team issued a statement saying that the Canadian Minister of Justice David Lametti had proposed a written application for the extradition procedure as soon as possible, and explained in detail the fact that the Minister of Justice should exercise his power as soon as possible,The law and foreign policy are based (for details, see that lawyers of Meng Wanzhou requests the Canadian judicial minister to revoke the extradition procedure for four reasons).

Ren Zhengfei stated in an interview that if the Canadian Minister of Justice can terminate the extradition process, it will be positive, wise and legal. I hope that the Canadian side will not entangle on the issue of Meng Wanzhou, which cont likes the relationship between China and Canada and cont likes development opportunities to develop opportunities for development opportunities.Essence

He also revealed that he had stayed in Canada for more than ten days in 2017 to inspect the investment environment in Canada.He said that Canada is now facing a major opportunity. As the United States is getting more and more closed, many scientists in the Middle East and Eastern European countries cannot get a US visa and will be willing to live in Canada.He mentioned that the three deep -learning father (Yoshua Bengio, Yann Lecun and Geoffrey Hinton) are all in Canada. If Canada can form the ability of artificial intelligence technology, it can become the leader country of this technology. Now the United States can nowChina is chasing in the field of artificial intelligence. Canada has the advantage of the first, and must seize this strategic opportunity.

Ren Zhengfei said that the 2017 inspection made Huawei prepare to invest billions of dollars in Canada, buying land in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver and other places, and put North America and even Huawei in the world's theoretical research centers in Canada to help scientists will theoretical theoretical theoryApply to industry.But the Meng Wanzhou incident last year slowed down Huawei to slow down his investment plan.

Ren Zhengfei said that before Meng Wanzhou's transfer to Canada, Huawei did not know that the United States had issued an arrest order to her because other countries she went to the United States cleverly rejected the extradition of the United States.He believes that if Canada is clever, it should not take care of this, because it is a matter of the United States and should be managed by the United States.

At present, Huawei also has many legal lawsuits in the United States. The U.S. Department of Justice has a total of 23 criminal allegations against Huawei and Meng Wanzhou, and two lawsuits are conducted in the courts in New York and Washington, USA.Huawei also sued the U.S. government in the Texas court in southern United States on March 7, saying that the FY 2019 National Defense Authorization Act violations of the US Constitution on sales restrictions on Huawei and asked the court to ban the implementation of the restrictions.In late June, the Huawei US company sued the US Department of Commerce.(For details, please refer to reports that Huawei sued the US Department of Commerce's illegal seizure equipment requirements for reasonable compensation)

Outside of the lawsuit, the United States tried to cut off the Huawei supply chain.On May 16th, the US Department of Commerce included Huawei and 68 subsidiaries on the entity list, limiting to sell or transfer American technology to it.Subsequently, many American companies stopped cooperating with Huawei.

In the interview, Ren Zhengfei admitted that Huawei's spare tire plan had loopholes and was working hard.He said that after export control, what he is most concerned about is not the chip, but there are many parts that are the most unimportant and not too much technical content. In the past, it was ignored by Huawei.All revised.He said that although these devices are simple, they have a great impact. It takes time to develop these technologies and increase production capacity. Huawei has increased the total number of employees from 188,000 to 194,000 to solve urgent issues.

Three devices are within the scope of strikes. Due to simple technology, we ignore it. Each circuit board must be used. Without all the circuit boards, the workload is very large.He said that at this stage, Huawei has solved one of the three devices, and there are two other needs to continue to attack.

On June 29, US President Trump said at a press conference after the G20 summit in Japan that it would allow US companies to continue to supply Huawei, but it must be equipment that has nothing to do with the country's emergency situation.The reporter then asked if Huawei would be removed from the entity list. Trump said that he did not want to make an evaluation now, and will be discussed later (see the reporter in Trump to answer: China and the United States can be a strategic partner).

In an interview on June 27, Ren Zhengfei estimated that the United States will not remove Huawei from the physical list in the short term, because the purpose of the United States is to eliminate Huawei.However, he said that in the field of network, Huawei's 5G, light transmission, optical exchange, access network and core networks all lead the world. Relying on their own chips and software, they can not be affected by the United States.He believes that consumer terminals such as mobile phones are greatly affected by US export control. Huawei will adjust in one or two years, and the difficulties encountered will gradually be overcome.

On June 17, Ren Zhengfei stated that it is expected that the US export control will make Huawei's sales revenue this year decreased by US $ 30 billion compared with the expected US $ 135 billion to reach about 100 billion US dollars.In an interview on June 27, he said that the situation reflected in the current financial statements is better than his forecast, and the loss may be less than 30 billion US dollars.

The first four months were high -speed growth. After the entity list came out, May and June began to have a little impact, but the impact was not great because production was inertia.We expect that there will be some impact in the second half of the year, but how much influence is, it is not sure.Ren Zhengfei said.