On June 25, the collective commendation conference of civil servants and civil servants who were satisfied with the ninth national people was held in Beijing.... Seeing the commendation representatives in the Great Hall of the People, expressing warm congratulations to them, encouraging them not to forget their original intentions, keep in mind the mission, and make better results in their posts.

The collective selection and commendation activities of civil servants and civil servants who are satisfied with the ninth national people are organized by the Central Organization Department and the Central Propaganda Department.The conference commended 192 people's satisfaction with civil servants and 98 people's collective collectives.

Chen Xi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of the Central Organization Department, attended the meeting and spoke at the commendation conference.He said that civil servants are an important part of the cadre team and the backbone of the socialist cause.The majority of civil servants should learn from the commendable advanced individuals and collectives, and do it consciously ... The firm beliefs and loyal practitioners of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era will not forget their original intentions, keep in mind the mission, take the role of role, do it, and do it.In the times, the performance of the people, and worthy of history, it is satisfied with this lofty and sacred honor to satisfy the people.

Among the 192 people's satisfaction civil servants, including 8middot; 27 Kunshan Anti -Killing Case Wang Yong, a prosecutor Wang Yong involved in early involvement in prosecutors.He is currently a member of the Procuratorate of the Suzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate in Jiangsu Province and the director of the two prosecutions.

According to public reports, Wang Yong's first degree is the accounting major of Nanjing Agricultural University.He mocked himself that when I was a student, I was almost a lsquo; famous scum RSquo; grades have always been backward.After graduating from college, he was assigned to his hometown of the procuratorate as an accountant, and his work was stable and leisure.Until 2000, after 26 -year -old Wang Yong got married, he had the idea of ​​getting to get off work for a lifetime. In 2001, Wang Yong participated in the public prosecution department of the procuratorate in which he was in his post.According to reports, during that time, Wang Yong always held a thick legal book. Others shouted that he could not hear it. He kept himself in a small room after shift, recited the legal provisions and read the indictment aloud.Some people want to take the college entrance examination. In 2004, Wang Yong won the title of outstanding prosecutor in Shandong Province.In 2006, he represented Shandong Province in the third national top ten public prosecutors' business competitions and won the title of outstanding public prosecutor in the country. In 2007, Wang Yong was selected at the People's Procuratorate of Suzhou Industrial Park through the nationwide selection.According to reports, in the 4 years of working in the hospital, he pursued 10 prosecution and missed the crime, and he transferred 4 clues to his duties, and changed 29 qualitative additions. In October 2011, Wang Yong just transferred to the Suzhou Procuratorate Public Prosecution Office, and encountered He Mouzhong's fighting case that caused hot public opinion.The case was complicated and the social impact was significant. The well -known lawyers across the country spontaneously organized the Rights Protection Lawyer Group.Wang Yong led his team to re -examine the case, found a large number of new evidence, and cleared the facts more clearly.In the later period, in response to the trial and public opinion, they listed the problems that could occur in 40 categories and formulated a detailed trial plan.After more than ten days of trials, all the problems in the court did not exceed the scope of prediction. In the end, the six defendants and nine defendants of the other side of He Mou were convicted of fighting. Since then, Wang Yong has also handled 11middot; 29 series of major multinational telecommunications fraud cases, online big V Zhou Lubao extortion cases, and many other similar controversial and highly paid attention.In March 2014, he was appointed by the Supreme Procuratorate. As the only prosecutor from other provinces, he participated in the guidance of case handling of cases in Liu Han, Liu Wei and others in Sichuan.Due to the outstanding contribution of the case, in November 2014, he was remembered by the Central Political and Legal Committee.

According to reports, the Supreme Prosecutor's Public Prosecution Department has repeatedly assigned him as a representative of the procuratorial organs to give lectures at the business training course of the Black Office and the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security. On August 27, 2018, Kunshan Anti -Killing cases were discussed after the network fermentation, which caused controversy and discussion on the legitimate defense boundaries. On the night of August 27, the public security organs filed a case for the case of intentional injury in Haiming. On August 31, the public security organs found all the facts of the case.Subsequently, Wang Yong, as the prosecutor of the case, led the team to actively involve the investigation in accordance with the law. In the early days of intervention, Wang Yong put forward 16 investigative suggestions for the facts of the case, which provided help to find out the case in a timely manner.After identifying the facts, he wrote the facts and legal analysis opinions of more than 7,000 words in time, provided it to the reference of the superiors, and provided a legal basis for the final qualitative of the case. On September 1, the Kunshan City Public Security Bureau of Jiangsu Province, in accordance with the facts of the investigation and found, accused the behavior of being in Heming in accordance with the provisions of Article 20 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, belonged to the legitimate defense, and did not bear the criminal responsibility.Yu Heming deliberately hurt the case.In the meantime, in accordance with relevant regulations, the public security organs listened to the opinions of the procuratorial organs. According to media reports, whether the public security organs quickly identified the facts of the case, or Wang Yong's interpretation of the case in the Kunshan anti -killing case, it reflected the professionalism of the rule of law, the skillful legal technology, and the profound humanistic care. In the endGet the public understanding and approval.The handling of the Kunshan anti -killing case is a public class that has allowed fairness and justice to be seen by the public. In December 2018, the 12th batch of guidance cases issued the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and Kunshan's anti -killing case was selected.The significance of the guiding significance of the Supreme Procuratorate is that the criminal law provides special defense rules in order to further reflect the concept of order that the law cannot concession. At the same timeThere is no need to worry about the establishment of a crime that may be criminal.In judicial practice, if facing the violation of illegal violations of people's violations, it will still be limited to the defense of the defense. In December last year, Wang Yong won the title of CCTV's annual rule of law.The Kunshan anti -killing case was also written into the work report of the Supreme People's Procuratorate. The law of the Supreme Prosecutor Zhang Jun said in the report that the law could not be widely spread to the wrongdoing.

When talking about public prosecution, Wang Yong once said: Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law are written justice, and the prosecution work is to transform it into real justice.Only by thoroughly studying the law, with a cautious attitude, through careful demonstration and handling each case in the hands, can we maximize justice, the cases are made into boutiques, and the masses have a sense of gain.