Xu Hong, who took the new Ambassador to the Netherlands in May, has also served as a representative of chemical weapons organizations in accordance with usual practice.

On June 24, the official website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security released a list of national staff members of the State Council, and appointed Xu Hong as the representative of chemical weapons organizations in the resident.

The Netherlands is the location of international judicial institutions such as the International Court of Courts and the Organization of Martial Arts.After the prohibition of the chemical weapon convention is effective, the Chinese government officially established a resident delegation in May 1997 to prohibit chemical weapons delegations.Contact and negotiation.

In May 2019, Xu Hong, the director of the Treaty of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was a new ambassador to the Netherlands, and was also resident representatives of chemical weapons organizations.Xu Hong arrived on May 9th and submitted a full certificate to the Director -General of the Forbidden Martial Arts Organization on the 16th.

Xu Hong is now 55 years old (born in November 1963), a native of Lishui, Hubei, a doctor of law; he was the three secrets and two secrets of the Chinese representative office of the Sino -British Joint Liaison Group.In terms of experience in abroad, Xu Hong has successively been in Asia, North America, and Europe.

After half a month of Xu Hong, Vice President Wang Qishan visited the lotus.From May 28th to 30th local time, Wang Qishan invited the Dutch Prime Minister Lutal to visit the Netherlands to meet with the King of William Alexander and Prime Minister Luther.

On June 17, Xu Hong was held at the reception and published a speech entitled by Fengzheng Yiyan, and then opened a new voyage.He quoted the poem by Dutch Poet Perid Dike that the past contains the present, and the present foreshadowing in the future, in the face of various risks and challenges in the new situation, both China and the Netherlands should adhere to the equal dialogue and communication and coordinationMultilateralism and free trade adhere to the fairness of international affairs, extend justice, work together to deal with global challenges, and promote the peace, security and common prosperity of the international community.

Xu Hong had worked in the Chinese Representative Office in the Sino -British United Liaison Group in the 1990s for nearly four years, and specifically handled the issue of international rights and obligations and treatments involved in regression.In July 2017, when the 20th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong, Xu Hong attended the International Law Seminar in Hong Kong.He said that one country, two systems have contributed to multiple levels of international law, including solving the problem of historical leftover through friendly negotiations.In the past 20 years, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has dealt with more than 200 multilateral international conventions, amendments, and protocols and other documents in Hong Kong.

The former ambassador to the Netherlands Wu Cheng has been transferred to the Chinese ambassador to Germany in March.In November 2018, in the general debate of the fourth review conference of the ban on chemical weapons, Wu Sheng said that Japan's abandonment process in China has repeatedly lagged behind, and the Chinese side focused on this.The Japanese invasion of China has ended for 73 years and the convention has taken effect for 21 years, but a large number of Japanese heritage martial arts continues to endanger the safety of the Chinese people's lives, property and ecological environment.

Attachment: Xu Hong Resume:

Male, born in November 1963, a native of Lishui, Hubei, a doctor of law.

1985-1992 The Treaty of the People's Republic of China The Treaty of the Treaty of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the accompanying, the three secrets

1992-1996 Sino-British United Liaison Group China Representative Office Three Secrets and Second Secrets

1996-1997 Second Secrets and Deputy Director of the Treaty of the Treaty of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1997-2000 Director of the Treaty of the Treaty of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2000-2001 Assistant Mayor of Mianyang City, Sichuan Province

2001-2004 Counselor of the Embassy in Thailand

Counselor and Deputy Director of the Treaty of the Treaty of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


2011-2013 Ambassador to Barbadoster's Destiny

2013-2019 Director of the Treaty of the Treaty of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2019-Ambassador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands and representatives of chemical weapons organizations for banning chemical weapons

Married, there is a woman.(Resume source: official website of the Chinese Embassy in the Netherlands)