June 23 this year is the 110th anniversary of Comrade Li Xiannian's birthday.Li Xiannian was born on June 23, 1909.In June 1983, Li Xiannian was elected as the President of the State, and in April 1988, he was elected chairman of the 7th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.On June 21, 1992, Comrade Li Xiannian died of illness at the age of 83.

Data Map (Source China Government Network)

On June 23, the People's Daily Newspaper published a long -term struggle of the people's public servant written by the Central Party History and Literature Research Institute to commemorate the 110th anniversary of Comrade Li Xiannian's birthday.The following is the full text:

The people who struggle for a lifetime

mdash; mdash; commemorate the 110th anniversary of Comrade Li Xiannian's birthday

Central Party History and Literature Research Institute

June 23 this year is the 110th anniversary of Comrade Li Xiannian's birthday.Comrade Li Xiannian is a great proletarian revolutionary, politician, military strategist, a firm Marxist, and an excellent leader of the party and the country.During the revolutionary career of more than 60 years, Comrade Li Xiannian worked with the worries of the world, thinking of the joy of the world, and aspiring to explore the struggle for faith, to make indelible for national independence, people's liberation and national prosperity, the happiness of the people, the happiness of the people, and the happiness of the people.The contribution won the respect and love of the people of all ethnic groups of the whole party and the whole country.

Outstanding General of the People's Army

On June 23, 1909, Comrade Li Xiannian was born in a poor peasant family in Huang'an (now Hong'an), Hubei.When he was born, China had gone through the road of semi -colonial and semi -feudal society for more than half a century.In the early years, the poverty life made Comrade Li Xiannian unforgettable.He once recalled: When I was a kid, I always had bran for half a year of food at home, and I used dried pots. Sometimes I dipped it in oil with a piece of cloth and wiped it in the pot to improve my life.Forced by the livelihood, Comrade Li Xiannian, Shao Xiaoli, went to Hankou to study woodworking.From the countryside to the city, he witnessed the brutal reality of imperialist powers and the warlord melee, and the people of the people who did not talk about the people. Under the influence of the Grand Revolution of the Kuomintang and Communist Party, he vowed to make coffins for the old society.Take the revolutionary road to save the country and the people.

Comrade Li Xiannian was craving for truth, loved learning, exposed to Marxism in the process of engaging in workers and peasants, and gradually established his belief in life under the call of truth.Facing the white horror after the failure of the Great Revolution, Comrade Li Xiannian led his hometown farmers to participate in the famous Huang (An) Ma (city) uprising, and joined the Communist Party of China in December 1927.After joining the party, he worked in revolutionary work in the Red Army and localities.In October 1931, he led more than 300 young people to join the Red Army, and served as a political member of the 33rd Regiment of the Eleventh Division of the Red Army.In the struggle between the establishment of the Hubei and Anhui Revolutionary Base and the Sichuan -Shaanxi Revolutionary Base, Comrade Li Xiannian participated in the organizational and command of a series of major battles, achieved brilliant records, and gradually grew into a senior general.In July 1933, Comrade Li Xiannian, who was only 24 years old, served as a political member of the 30th Army and became the youngest military and political commissar of the Red Fourth Army.During the Long March, Comrade Li Xiannian led his department to welcome the Party Central Committee and the Red Army.He reported to Comrade Mao Zedong in detail the situation in the northwestern Sichuan and the situation of the Red Four Army, which provided an important basis for the Party Central Committee to determine the strategic policy of the north.In August, participating in the battles battle and opening the passage of the Red Army north.

Comrade Li Xiannian recognizes the importance of maintaining the unity of the party.During the south of the Red Fourth Army to Sichuan Kangbian, he resolutely supported Zhu De, Liu Bocheng, and Xu Xianqian to fight with Zhang Guozhang's divisionism.After the three main divisions of the Red Army in October 1936, the Central Military Commission ordered the Red Fourth Army to cross the Yellow River to perform the Ningxia Battle Plan.On November 11, the Party Central Committee and the Military Commission decided to cross the river for forming the West Army.Comrade Li Xiannian commanded the Red Thirty Army to fight continuously under extremely difficult conditions, hit the enemy forces, and played an important role in cooperating with the strategic operations of the Red Army of Hedong and promoting the peacefulness of the Xi'an Incident.After the failure of the Western Army in March 1937, Comrade Li Xiannian was ordered to be a member of the Western Army Working Committee on the occasion of crisis.Arrived in Xinjiang, and preserved a group of backbone forces for the party and the Red Army.In this regard, Comrade Mao Zedong highly commented: Li Xiannian was a general who was not dismissed.At the end of 1937, Comrade Li Xiannian arrived in Yan'an and studied at the Military and Political University of the Anti -Japanese Military and Political University and the CPC Central Malaysian Academy.

During the National Anti -Japanese War, Comrade Li Xiannian insisted on the War of Resistance Against the War after the enemy of the Central Plains. He was the main founder of the Anti -Japanese Base in the E -Yu Border Area and the main leader of the Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army.After the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth CPC Central Committee of the Party in 1938, Comrade Li Xiannian was entrusted by the Party Central Committee and went to the Central Plains region with a very important strategic position and began to create an Anti -Japanese Base in the E -Yu Border Area.He resolutely implemented the principles of independence and autonomy in the Anti -Japanese National United Front, clearly set the banner of the New Fourth Army, unified and reorganized fragmented armed forces, and successively established the New Fourth Army Hunan and Hubei Independence Guerrilla Detachment, Hunan Hubei Entrusted Team and the Fifth Division to vigorously carry out the back of the enemy guerrilla war.The Central China Bureau Zeng Jia Awards the fifth division of the fifth division of the first division, and fights first independently.From the beginning of 1939 to the victory of the Anti -Japanese War in 1945. Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee and Comrade Mao Zedong, Comrade Li Xiannian relied on the collective leadership of the border area and the Wu Division Party Committee to widely launch and rely on the people.The anti -Japanese base area of more than 10,000 people has established the armed forces with more than 50,000 regular troops and more than 300,000 militia. It strategically cooperates with the battlefield of North China and East China Liberation Zone, supports the battle in the front of the Central Plains.The glorious chapter.At the seven of the party in 1945, Comrade Li Xiannian was elected as a central member.

After the victory of the Anti -Japanese War, Comrade Li Xiannian served as commander of the Central Plains Military Region.The Central Plains Military Region he led has become the primary goal of the Kuomintang army to launch a comprehensive attack.Comrade Li Xiannian resolutely implemented the strategic deployment of the Party Central Committee and directed the 60,000 troops of the Central Plains Military Region in the Central Plains Liberation Zone for 10 months. It contained more than 300,000 Kuomintang army and completed the strategic restraint task.On June 26, 1946, the Kuomintang army attacked the Central Plains Liberation Zone and broke out in a comprehensive civil war.According to the central instructions, Comrade Li Xiannian commanded the Central Plains Military Region forces to break through the Kuomintang army's siege and opened the prelude to the National Liberation War.He led the Better Base forces in the North Road to fight thousands of miles, and founded the base area of the Hubei -Hubei Shaanxi area in a strategic transfer.The breakout campaign in the Central Plains fully showed the high global concept and fearless heroic spirit of Comrade Li Xiannian and the Central Plains Military Region.Comrade Mao Zedong once commented that the entire breakout battle was victory, and the relationship was great.Since then, Comrade Li Xiannian participated in the leadership of the Central Plains Bureau, the Jinji and Luye Field Army, and the Central Plains Military Region, and participated in the reconstruction of the Dabie Mountains after the Division of Liu Deng's Army, and participated in the leadership of the Huaihai Campaign.Comrade Li Xiannian established an indelible merit for the victory of the Chinese Revolutionary War and the establishment of the People's Republic of China.

Excellent leader of New China Finance and Economics

In May 1949, Comrade Li Xiannian presided over the comprehensive work of the party, government and army in Hubei Province.He thought that people's services were in office, insisting on taking the mass line, taking problems with problems, listening to the voices of the people, and constantly exploring local governance experience.In just a few years, he led the people of Hubei to establish a series of people's regimes at all levels, carrying out a series of tasks such as bandit anti -hegemony, suppressing counter -revolutionary, land reform, anti -US aid, united intellectuals, and people from all walks of life, and achieved remarkable results.In conjunction with Hubei, he adheres to the focus of stabilizing the countryside and the development of agriculture, takes into account cities, stabilizes prices, unified financial management, steadily promotes industrial construction, and has fundamentally improved in Hubei's fiscal and economic situation.Essence

In 1954, Comrade Li Xiannian was transferred to the Central Committee and soon served as the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of the State Council to assist Zhou Enlai and Chen Yun.Construction.He was deeply responsible. He once said: I was born in a war. I was not sure about the economy. I needed someone to help.He often consulted his comrades and studied in practice, and soon became the internal entrance to leadership economic construction.Comrade Chen Yun praised: He is the general managing the economy, but he can quickly be proficient in economic work at the time, which is very rare.

During the first five -year plan, Comrade Li Xiannian advocated the increase in production saving, excavating the potential of capital, improving economic benefits, realizing the balance of fiscal, credit revenue and expenditure, and ensuring that the national key construction funds needed.He attaches great importance to the development of urban and rural trade, expands commodity circulation, protects and mobilizes farmers' production enthusiasm, while ensuring the supply of goods in urban and industrial and mining areas.He proposed to adjust the relationship between state and enterprises, central and local governments, appropriately expand local financial management authority, and mobilize enthusiasm in all aspects.

At the Eighth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 1956, Comrade Li Xiannian was elected as a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee.Around the Eighth National Congress, Comrade Li Xiannian supported the correct opinions of the opposition proposed by Zhou Enlai and Comrade Chen Yun, emphasizing that the financial, credit and supplies must be unified and balanced. It is an objective law that must follow the socialist economic construction.At the Lushan Conference in 1959, he pointed out that there was false phenomena and exaggeration in the country's economic life, and proposed specific adjustment measures.During the three years of economic difficulties, he participated in the leadership of the national economic adjustment, proposed many practical policies and measures, and was responsible for unifying the national grain cotton and oil transportation, which played an important role in reversing difficulties.

During the Cultural Revolution, Comrade Li Xiannian fought resolutely with Lin Biao and Jiang Qing Anti -Revolutionary Group.In extremely difficult circumstances, he endured the weight of humiliation, took care of the overall situation, and worked hard to assist Comrade Zhou Enlai to maintain the operation of the national economic operation, so that a large number of construction and new projects could be built or accelerated.While adhering to the self -reliance policy, he strongly supports the plan for imported equipment and stand -alone from foreign countries, and actively supports the construction of ocean fleets.He actively cooperated and assisted in a comprehensive rectification hosted by Comrade Deng Xiaoping to work hard to put a lot of effort to work hard to make the national economy.In the struggle of crushing Jiangqing's anti -revolutionary group, he, as one of the main decisionists, made a significant contribution to saving the party and saving the country from crisis.

After crushing the Gang of Four, Comrade Li Xiannian presided over the daily work of the State Council, and actively led the national economy to restore and develop.He advocates actively and boldly introduce foreign advanced technology and management experience, and instructs the construction of key projects such as Baoshan Steel Factory and the introduction of technical equipment.He resolutely supports the discussion on truth standards, advocating the ideological line of emancipating the mind and restoring the party's truth -seeking.

Comrade Li Xiannian has served as Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council for 26 years. He has been in charge of finance, finance, trade and other work for a long time. He is an outstanding leader of the party and the country's financial work.I have done a lot of effective work and devoted a lot of effort to exploring the laws of socialist economic construction.

Active explorer of the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics

In the new period of reform and opening up, Comrade Li Xiannian successively served as an important leader of the CPC Central Committee, Standing Committee Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He was an important member of the second -generation central leadership collective with Comrade Deng Xiaoping as the core.He insisted on emancipating his mind and seeking truth from facts, and actively explored the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

During the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee and after it, Comrade Li Xiannian and other old comrades assisted Comrade Deng Xiaoping to lead the entire party to achieve a great historical turning point, creating a new situation in reform and opening up and socialist modernization.He actively promoted chaos anyway, rehabilitating cases, false and false cases, and implementing cadre policies.He advocated fully affirming the historical status of Comrade Mao Zedong and resolutely maintaining Mao Zedong's great banner.He did a lot of pioneering work for the implementation and promotion of reform and opening up.

Comrade Li Xiannian profoundly summarized the lessons and lessons of economic construction since the founding of the People's Republic of China, emphasizing that we must start from the actual situation of our country and step out a Chinese -style road that realizes modernization under the socialist system.He adheres to the basic route of one center and two basic points, and actively promote the reform of the economic system. He believes that the restraint of productivity and things that are not conducive to production and development must be resolutely changed and completely changed.He proposed that the market is the cold and summer watch of the national economy, and we must be good at using the power of socialist goods to fully and correctly use the power of socialist goods.He proposed to give each enterprise to the necessary independent status, emphasizing that under the premise of strengthening the comprehensive balance, it gives full play to the enthusiasm of departments, localities and enterprises.He emphasized that in reform and opening up, he must attach importance to the maintenance and development of the people of the people.

Comrade Li Xiannian is an active advocate and promoter of an open policy.He believes that in the modern international environment, closing the door to do the fundamental unreasonable construction, summarize past experience, on the one hand, we must adhere to the policy of self -reliance, and never rely on others to modernize; on the other hand, we must adhere to the open policy and decideDo not close the country.He participated in the establishment of a special economic zone decision, and guided the establishment of an industrial zone in Shekou and called it the window of hope.

Comrade Li Xiannian stared closely at the development of the international situation.In the 1980s, he presided over the work of the leading group of the Central Foreign Affairs work, participated in the formulation of foreign policies, and properly handled some major problems in the international international.He visited more than 20 countries, clarified the world's independent peace foreign policy, introduced the policy of reform and opening up and the achievements of socialist modernization, and made important contributions to the development of friendly and cooperative relations with countries around the world.

In June 1983, Comrade Li Xiannian was elected as the chairman of the People's Republic of China.He actively promoted the cause of reform and opening up and socialist modernization. He went to many provinces and cities to investigate and study, inspect factories, enterprises, ports, engineering projects, economic development zones, and rural areas.In April 1988, Comrade Li Xiannian was elected as the chairman of the 7th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.He cares for the development of various undertakings of the party and the country, and strives to maintain the social and political stability of the country.He adheres to the multi -party cooperation and political consultation system led by the Communist Party of China, supports CPPCC members and people from all walks of life to participate in politics, help the party and the government improve work, in order to promote the construction of the CPPCC's organization, consolidate and develop the patriotic united front, and promote the great cause of peace and reunification of the motherland, Made outstanding contributions.He worked hard for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and struggled to the last.On June 21, 1992, Comrade Li Xiannian died of illness at the age of 83.In accordance with his last wishes, his family sprinkled the ashes to the place where he had fought mdash; mdash; Qilian Mountain, Daba Mountain, and Dabie Mountain.

Live and Wind Fan Qi Queen

Comrade Li Xiannian is the older generation of revolutionaries with high profound and outstanding meritorious.In the changes of the times, he has always been heart -based, the future of the party, the country, the nation, and the people, and explores, practice, and struggle for life.His life is a life of glorious fighting and a life of serving the people wholeheartedly.His revolutionary spirit and lofty style inspire us to move forward in the new era and new journey.

We commemorate Comrade Li Xiannian, to learn the lofty character of his firm ideals and adherence to faith.Comrade Li Xiannian joined the Communist Party of China without hesitation when the revolution was severely frustrated.Since then, whether during the climax of the revolution or when the party's cause was frustrated, whether he was in a high position or in adversity, he always believed in Marxism's truth power and always worked hard for his ideals and beliefs.He said: Struggling for the realization of communism is the outlook on life of our Communists.Only by firm faith can we have unlimited love and flesh -related emotions to the party, the country, the people, and the breeding of our great nation.In the new era and new journey, we must strengthen their ideals, adhere to their faith as Comrade Li Xiannian, and strengthen the four self -confidence, and strive to achieve tenacious ideals and beliefs.

We commemorate Comrade Li Xiannian to learn that he takes care of the overall situation and loyal to the party's strong party spirit.Comrade Li Xiannian is good at standing at a high level of the overall situation and courage to take responsibility for the overall situation.He said: Everything that is beneficial to the overall situation must be courageous to bear the obligations, resolutely do it, and must do well.Anything that is not good for the overall situation, even if it is partly perspective, it is necessaryIf you are favorable, you must never do it.Comrade Li Xiannian has been trapped in crisis and danger many times, but he has always been loyal to the party, consciously maintain the party's unity, abide by the party's discipline, and maintain the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee.During the Long March, he resolutely supported the struggle with Zhang Guozhang.After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he risked huge danger, resolutely implemented the party's central decision -making and deployment, and adhered to the Central Plains struggle to complete the strategic restraint.In the new era and new journey, we must take care of the overall situation and loyalty to the party like Comrade Li Xiannian, firmly establish four consciousnesses, resolutely achieve two maintenance, and take the loyalty to the party, worry about the party, and do their job as a fundamental political.

We commemorate Comrade Li Xiannian to learn the spirit of struggle for his good at learning and courage to explore.Comrade Li Xiannian has only read the party and state leaders who have grown up in the revolutionary struggle and work practice for 3 years.He said: I am a poor and two white, I have nothing, what work method, command level, and leadership art, all learned.Good at learning from books, learning from practice, learning from the masses, and all comrades who do everything internally are his distinctive features.Persist in seeking truth from facts, implementing the mass line, in -depth investigations and research, and the courage to explore in practice is the working method he has always adhered to.He emphasized that it is necessary to advocate truth -seeking and honestly, and to make a good work style, and use work performance to practice the actual work proposed by his exaggerated phenomenon.In the new era and new journey, we must be as good at learning and courageous exploration as Comrade Li Xiannian. We have a good ability to practice.

We commemorate Comrade Li Xiannian, to learn the feelings of his public servants who are dedicated to the people and integrity.Comrade Li Xiannian pursued the establishment of the party as the public and governing the people.He said: The people's perspective and the people's position are an excellent style of the party. Whether the masses are satisfied as the standard for measuring work.A few days before his death, he still discussed with people on the sick couch how to speed up the construction of the old district and allow the folks to get rid of poverty and get rich as soon as possible.He takes hard work and wholeheartedly serving the people as a motto for the people. He often said that he should compare the amount of revolutionary work with others.When working from Hubei to Beijing, in order to save expenses, he took the old furniture and cooking utensils he could use.He is in charge of economic work for a long time, but he does not allow his children to do business.For this reason, people praise him affectionately as a great public servant.In the new era and new journey, we must be as dedicated to the people and integrity as Comrade Li Xiannian, always adhere to the people -centered development ideas, and continuously enhance the consciousness and actions of refusing corruption and degeneration.Fighting for hard work and unremitting struggle.

Comrade Li Xiannian has left us for 27 years. The great cause and beautiful ideal that he struggled for him during his lifetime became a reality step by step.On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, we must learn to promote the revolutionary spirit and lofty style of the revolutionaries of the older generations such as Comrade Li Xiannian.In order to win the Chinese dream of building a well -off society in an all -round way, winning the great victory of socialist socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the Chinese dream is brave and brave!