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Huang Qifan is currently the vice chairman of the China International Economic Exchange Center.(File photo)

The former mayor of Chongqing Huang Qifan wrote a criticism of the US trade representative Leitchizer's Chinese entry into the WTO, the United States suffered losses and other views.He believes that the current United States lacks reflection, vision and understanding of today's world, and passs his own problems to others, and it is not possible to use the status and currency credit as a strong country and currency credit.

The former mayor of Chongqing Huang Qifan recently joined the Sino -US trade public opinion war again. Written an article criticized the American trade representative Littichizer, who criticized its China to enter the WTO, the United States of suffering, and other views.The suspicion of the revenge will be revenge.

Huang Qifan, 67, is currently the vice chairman of the China International Economic Exchange Center.He published in the Chinese Economic Weekly on Friday that the US policy maker has made six wrong signature posts, accusing Littich at the meeting of the US -China Economic Security Review Committee in the U.S. and China Economic Security Review Committee in 2010.The speeches of more than WTO) The theoretical support and ideological cornerstone of the U.S. and the field of the United States and the Chinese war in the United States are inciting.

Leitzizer was the key figure of the China -US trade negotiations at the beginning of last month.At that time, he accused China of regretting and withdrawn from the law in the negotiations, arguing that China tried to re -negotiate and prompted U.S. President Trump to raise tariffs on Chinese commodities in China.

Lytechizer claimed that China had entered the world in 2001, which led to almost four times that of the US trade deficit in China in the past 10 years.Huang Qifan refuted that after the Chinese and American countries joined the WTO, China and the United States actually gave each other the most beneficial benefits and were important trading partners.The problem of US trade deficit cannot only look at the total amount of trade in goods, and one -sidedly judging that Sino -US economic and trade has a relationship.

It is the magic weapon of China to do it well.

Huang Qifan also criticized the current American lack of reflection, vision, and understanding of the world today. It is not possible to pass on his own problems to others and use the status of strong country and currency credit to do whatever you want.

Huang Qifan believes that China must make the worst plans to prepare for the arduousness and long -term nature of trade frictions, and take precautions, and propose effective measures for equal.He predicts that the light trade friction will affect China's total economic aggregate by 1%to 2%, and the heavy will affect 5%to 10%, which will affect imports and exports, employment and investment.

However, Huang Qifan still cautiously and optimistic that China has enough room for rotation, toughness, and fixed force to deal with trade frictions. It is the magic weapon for China to do its own affairs.

Pu Yongjian, a professor of economics at the School of Economics and Industry Administration of Chongqing University, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that although Huang Qifan's article made a systematic expression of the trade war, there was not much new idea, and it was more complaining.

Scholars: You can learn from Japan to third -country investment experience

Pu Yongjian believes that China can actually learn from Japan's experience in fighting against the United States in the 1980s.China ’s general cognition was 20 years after Japan’ s losses in the trade, which was lost by the United States after losing a trade war.However, Japan's economic model is actually upgraded from Japan to investing in Japan; Japanese enterprises have been changed to investment in third countries, and they are exported to the United States in the name of the third country manufacturing and a circle.At present, the investment value of overseas Japan is about twice the domestic.

Pu Yongjian said: Take the road of Japan to avoid direct conflict with the United States. At the same time, it can also ensure that the Chinese economy continues to grow. The economy that goes out of China can gradually be internationalized.Let the United States always feel that their countries (appeared) products are made by China, and they think that they have lost their jobs.

Huang Qifan, who is good at dealing with financial and economic affairs, has previously made public speeches on the trade war twice.After the sudden change of Sino -US trade negotiations earlier last month, China's official acquiescence in the country's public opinion to the US artillery was opened.The second to the WTO has attracted the attention of Chinese public opinion, and even was joked that he was talking about the central government.

Huang Qifan is known as a tumbler in Chinese politics. Since 2001, he has served as the deputy mayor of Chongqing since 2001, promoted to the mayor in 2009, and stepped down as the mayor of Chongqing at the end of 2016.During the period of more than 10 years in Chongqing, Huang Qifan has experienced six secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, and has survived the official shocks and cleared operations caused by Bo Xilai and Sun Zhengcai.In February 2017, he was transferred to the Deputy Chairman of the Finance and Economic Committee of the National People's Congress of China, and in March last year, he stepped down.