
On May 28, Guilin, Guangxi, Wang Quan was captured by the police.Picture source: Xiaoxiang Morning News

On May 28, Xiangtan City chased the news: Wang Quan, former deputy secretary and editor -in -chief of Xiangtan Daily, was arrested and brought to justice in Guilin, Guangxi.So far, all 10 domestic and overseas fighters who have been registered in the provincial chase and escaped all persuaded returning or arrested.

On June 5, Xiangtan City Detention Center.

At the end of the corridor of more than 100 meters, three small points were slowly moved over.Wang Quan, the editor -in -chief of the Xiangtan Daily, who was detained for more than a week, was in front of the front, followed by two disciplinary policemen.

On the feet of Wang Quan, a pair of smaller blue plastic slippers, with a small one outside the palm of his feet.The upper body is a blue vest such as Xiangtan's detention, and the buttons are not buckled.He didn't wear high myopia glasses wearing that was arrested. Therefore, when he approached, he squinted his eyes and looked at us carefully, as if there was a row of sun standing opposite.

Can't find people

The earliest appearance of Wang Quan's case in the public field was in November 2009.According to the reports of Xiaoxiang Morning News and other media, on November 10th, the Yuhu District Court of Xiangtan City opened the court to hear the case of Wang Quan, deputy secretary and editor of Xiangtan Daily News Agency.The prosecutor's prosecutor's Yuhu District Procuratorate accused that the defendant Wang Quan served as the deputy president, deputy secretary of the party group, and editor -in -chief of the Xiangtan Daily from 2003 to March 2009, and used the facilities in charge of infrastructure and advertising business to accept bribes by others.For personal consumption or buying and selling stocks, the amount is particularly huge and should be held criminally responsible for bribery.In January 2010, Wang Quan was sentenced to ten years and six months in prison by the Court of Yuhu District of Xiangtan City, deprived of political rights for one year, and confiscated 100,000 yuan in property.

Wang Quan said that he suffered from pathological sinus knot syndrome.In Wang Quan's view, this hereditary stubbornness from his mother was a medicine attraction that caused him to wander fate for eight years.

I am deserture, not to escape.The deserture is completely because I want to cure.However, a document from the Yuhu District Comprehensive Management Office of Yuhu District, Xiangtan City is September 24, 2012. In this regard, there is another description: On January 5, 2010, the Yuhu District Court was in the rain.The primary priority of the Fa Penalty No. 2 Criminal Judgment was sentenced to ten years and six months in prison for the criminal Wang Quan.On March 8th, October, the criminal Wang Quan was syndrome due to a pathogenic sinus.Performance of Yuhuhu Road Police Station.

On February 27, 2012, Yuhu Road Police Station said that Wang Quan has not seen him since December 2011, and the phone number cannot be contacted.On March 13, 2012, the Yuhu Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Xiangtan City issued a recommendation letter to the Yuhu District Court on the execution of the criminal Wang Quan.On April 6, 2012, the Yuhu Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Xiangtan City received a decision to execute the prisoner Wang Quan's execution of the criminal Wang Quan.During this period, the public security department has not been able to find Wang Quan.

Keep yourself by selling paintings

To describe Wang Quan's fleeing life, cure for the disease may not be worth a lot.In fact, at that time, almost all the body and mind of Wang Quan were in one thing mdash; mdash; painting.

In Guangzhou, Wang Quan, who had a calligraphy, learned to paint with others. Two months later, his painting level made a rapid progress.Wang Quan was very proud of mdash; mdash; I copied Qi Baishi's paintings.He said that flowers and birds were particularly painted, and they were mighty, mantis, and cicadas.

Wang Quan said: There is no source of life outside, and support himself by selling paintings.His paintings are mostly sold in galleries introduced by friends, with a reserve price of 800 yuan, and sometimes one can sell for 10,000 yuan.

With painting, he made more friends, and the people in the circle called him Qi.Wang Quan said that friends often go to all parts of the country to sketch together. Anhui, Yunnan, Guizhou, etc. Because Wang Quan knows that his fugitive identity dares not to use his ID card, everyone never takes public transport and drives themselves.

Wang Quan was born in the intellectual family of Xiangtan County. He has received higher education and has certain artistic cultivation.On the day, painting saved Wang Quan on the one hand, but at the same time, it also became an important clue for police.

Around 2012, in the rental house in Guangzhou, Wang Quan saw all the news of all foreign protection personnel's prison on TV, and he was tangled.I make choices every day, is it connected with Xiangtan, or choose to escape?Wang Quan said.

He said: The Buddhism talks about compassion, compassion is to make people happy, sadness is compassion. I can neither let my family happy nor make them compassion. I can't go back.

I always wear a backpack on the back of a peaked cap

It was 2013 in 2013 when Wang Quan made a choice and set foot on Guilin, Guangxi.

In this tourist city in this landscape, Wang Quan is still like fish.He wanted to make money and earn 10 million.There is a kind of stone called chicken blood stones, and Wang Quan found the way to get rich.

He designed MDASH for these chicken blood stones; mdash; the police handling the case said that the same beads were worn by Wang Quan's hand and immediately became a cultural and artistic atmosphere.The income of each bead Wang Quan can take three to five dots.Until Wang Quan was arrested, the bloodstone he designed still sold red fire on Yangshuo West Street.

The Hunan side has never given up on Wang Quan's pursuit.As early as the end of 2011, Wang Quan was listed as an online fugitive.In 2015, Wang Quan was listed as the target of the provincial and municipal pursuit registered registered.

It seemed that the keen beast in the mountains, Wang Quan smelled the breath of catching thousands of miles away.At first, Wang Quan lived in a high -end community, but one day, he found that the community was full of cameras and was panicked.Once watching TV, he saw a face recognition system in many places, and he was even more disturbed.

Wang Quan moved out of a high -end community and began a small hotel where he did not need to register for ID card, or went to the rural areas to live in cheap homestay MDASH; mdash; the rent was only 480 yuan a month.

In the local area, attentive people quickly found a weird man mdash; mdash; Guilin, a hot -climate southern city, normal people are shorts and shorts, but some people always wear a peaked cap, and the brim is extremely low.No matter what this person goes out, he always carrys a backpack and is in a hurry without saying hello to others.

Ding Dinghao, the head of the Wang Quan case and Ding Dinghao, the captain of Xiangtan City Public Security Bureau Criminal Investigation, said: Both backpacks are toiletries and change clothes, so that he can escape at any time.

On October 18, 2018, the Wang Quan family had a happy event to do wine in Xiangtan.The police soldiers squatted on the scene in a few ways, but the cunning Wang Quan did not appear.In the twenty -seventh lunar month, the police squatted again near Wang Quan's parents' house, and stayed until the sixth day of the new year, and still did not wait for Wang Quan.

Capture was in trouble.

Captured by the police

After the two battles, the police became more and more frustrated with Wang Quan's arrest.

On January 30, 2019, the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Central Court and the Municipal Public Security Bureau of Xiangtan City held a meeting. The special research of the pursuit of Wang Quan was decided to select the hard work of the Municipal Public Security Bureau to investigate Wang Quan's society in depth.The relationship, the Municipal Intermediate People's Court instructed the Yuhu District Court of the original case to cooperate to arrest them as soon as possible.

In February, Yang Yanxin, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Public Security Bureau of Xiangtan City, was commanded to form a pursuit working group.Police Ding Yanhao and others divided into a few soldiers. From Wang Quan’s birth, enrollment until joining the work, re -touched one by one, from kissStarting with social relations such as classmates, every important information is not let go.

After the investigation one by one, two people entered the vision of the police officer. They were Wang Quan's university classmates. Both of them loved calligraphy and painting, one in Guangzhou and one in Guilin.

After that, the police chased the police three to Guangzhou and squatted around the land of this person.Although he did not find the trace of Wang Quan, he also received important information from the relevant person: Wang Quan was hidden in a rental house in Guangzhou from 2011 to 2012.Moreover, he has now left Guangzhou.

The police handling the case locked the target in Guilin.Xiao Wencan, a staff member of Xiangtan City, introduced: The policeman who chased the police through a large number of people who visited Wang Quan and insider obtained the information of chicken blood stones in Guilin.Since then, the police quickly rushed to Guilin to make a line on the bloodstone industry, and gradually locked Wang Quan's hiding place.

After two days and one night, the police successfully identified Wang Quan.At about 10 am on May 28, Wang Quan walked out and was arrested by the police at the door of a bun shop.

Police Ding Yanhao said: Wang Quan's expression was surprised, as if he was saying, how do you find me?

On the escorted car, the police chased the police asked Wang Quan: Why not actively invest?Wang Quan said: I would rather escape, and I didn't want to come back, because I didn't want to go to jail, I didn't want to lose freedom.

The police calculated in his heart: If Wang Quan did not escape and served the sentence in accordance with the law, then at the end of this year, he would be free.


It can be seen that he still maintains some kind of pride.As a media descendant, we are also heartbroken: those questions, he just comes, do not follow us.

However, the honey of the A, the cream of the B.The next two hours, objective speaking, it was completely unexpected two hours.We faintly felt that Wang Quan had a beast in his heart.It is not fierce, but sophisticated, cunning, and a little unwilling and angry.

The evaluation of cunning, sophistry was later confirmed at the police handling police.Wang Quan's description of his wandering career and the psychology of fleeing and belonging to the psychology can only accept the part of the part that can be proved.

The police officer said: As a fugitive of a negative case, Wang Quan, even with more excuses and reasons to explain the cause of the escape, try to use the seemingly gorgeous and wonderful words to try to cover up the inner fear, and can only use the beast to fight to express it.In case.

(The original entitled multi -faceted Wang Quan's 8 -year escape road mdash; mdash; Wang Quan, the editor -in -chief of Xiangtan Daily, fled in Guilin;